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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. I have two little ones thanx for the heads up
  2. It is very sad.We seen all the trucks and cop cars while setting up my buck and doe saturday afternoon,we had no clue what happened until I was reading the expositor this morning.
  3. Triple dog dare ya dave mercer, with a gulp alive minnow He ate one on city tv one morning
  4. Well you did better than we did.Not one walleye three pike and a bunch of largemouth.Managed only six hours of fishing because of a rope in the prop then the fuel pump went then the carb messed up and then the fuel hose on the motor messed up and we called it weekend.Good on guys for getting a few.
  5. I wil be there we are staying at my buddies cousins place.
  6. Hey Steve bring in a box to work and i will buy one off of you.
  7. Looks like a good weekend to me.
  8. I bought three of them two are for my buck.The other one is for is for a back up rod.
  9. Cant wait for the B.O.Q touney in 3 weeks

  10. I just had the same problem.I took a dremel to them took all the paint off took out the model paint and gave them to the kids to play with.
  11. I love kijiji i bought my son a set of taylor made golf clubs for $30
  12. Thanx guys.
  13. Thats some nice company and land you got there
  14. Sorry guys i guess i should have more informative.I will be using it for bass,walleye and smaller pike and it will be used for still fishing.I have a seven footer now i am just thinking that with the more lenght i will get a better hookset and better casting distance.And yes it will be from shore.
  15. Just a quick question.I am looking at buying a new rod for live bait fishing the grand.I was thinking something in the 8.5 foot range.The rods i have been looking at are the Browning six rivers 8.5 medium action or the Fenwick HMX.Any input would be much appreciated.
  16. I was just thinking about picking some of those up for quinte in may.
  17. Good job i hope they are still around may 1st
  18. Yup i have been doing the night shift thing for about 8 years solid now.
  19. I enjoy the show ,but have not seen it on in a few weeks.
  20. Well said i was going to say the same thing.
  21. Good stuff and like others have said Walter is one of the coolest people you will ever meet.He will spend hours and hours at the arena just go down there allmost any weekend and he will be there.That man logs more hours there than the guys working.
  22. I think i know what pond you are talking about and would think that it is too close to the road to be hunting.
  23. Good on you nice looking fish there.
  24. I am not saying they are going to win the cup or go deep into the playoffs.I am just glad hockey is back. GO BUDS GO
  25. There is a magazine called smart shopper with lots of motors.We print it at where i work and we are printing it tonight i will take a look.Good luck with the hunt
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