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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. Great report thanx.
  2. Good job i cant wait to get out and fish the soft water.
  3. I s there anything that this man cant do.He can sing catch the elusive rainbow and give skating lessons way to go ccmt
  4. Best of luck to you.


    Next saturday they have berkely lightning rods for 18.00 bucks or something like that.
  6. Gladto hear it was not anything major.Hers to a speedy return.
  7. I will be there next weekend tobuya new rod and reel.
  8. Looks like hes saying bring on the muskie in the last pic.lol
  9. When the river opens up and is fishablejust send a pm and i will see what i can do.My girlfreind and i are expecting a baby at the end of may so that time could be touchy.She would kill me if i missed the birth of the baby becuase i was fishing but before and after that it would begreat i can always use a new fishing buddy.Where about do you fish?
  10. I have a hole in brantford that at times produces a limit of walleye and occasionaly a few bows lots of bass and a few pike.The dam has been rebuilt on the city side and has a lot of snags but there are still lots of fish there.If you are ever in town send me a pm and i will see if i can get out and reintroduce you to brantford waters.As for greenwaters its been awhile since i have been there but got a few walleye the last time out. JEREMY
  11. I just checked out her on line store i think she has a fishing fetish thongs and fishing baits galore.Zib i think you shoould check her out you were asking about a woman that will fish i think she has been found.
  13. I dont use baitcasting gear and wanted advice from people who use that kind of gear.Its all been spinning gear for me.By no means i did mean it the way it came out.I do appreciate the info everybody has given thax again. JEREMY
  14. I have never owned a pflueger either but they look nice have fun with them.
  15. I have the flyer and if you look really close you can see me at the dave mercer seminar across from his elbow in the red sweater its kindof like a wheres waldo book lol .Thats the combo i am looking at but i will be looking at others aswell at the sportsman show and at bps.Thanx again for your thoughts guys.
  16. Thanx guys i thought it looked good but wanted advice from someone who actually uses baitcasting stuff.Also DANBO its ok after the baby gets here and everything is allgood i am going to see the doc so he can take the hammers power away.Then i can hammer like a rabbit and not have to worry about the plastic. Thanx again JEREMY
  17. You are a good sport nuati posting that again.I still you should apply for the urban outdoors theme song. JEREMY
  18. I was thinking of buying a new rod and reel.Only used a baitcaster a few times and was thinking of buying this one any thoughts. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...t=SearchResults JEREMY
  19. Heck for 2k i will take my clothes off and give free lap dances.
  20. I hardly keep any fish does not matter what kind.I keep one fishevery two years or so.Last year was a big year we kept one pike and one walleye.I cant wait to see richs reply.
  21. I dont know much about moose but i do know i would not be that close to a couple of ticked off moose.
  22. Lets hope it stays like that my casting arm needs streching.
  23. Looks like a great trip thanx for sharing.
  24. Will you be singing the national anthem on april 14.Dont be ashamed of having a good voice.
  25. Stuff like this is what makes OFC the best place on the net to be.God bless everyone involved.
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