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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. good one ccmt i was thinking the same thing.
  2. good pic thanx for sharing.
  3. I am surprized that there is any material left after slowpokes survival suit was made.
  4. Great people great cause congrates to tyler wishi could have beenthere but work work work is the only thing i have done in the last month.
  5. Sounds like a good day.Some good looking prizes aswell.
  6. Now thats a fishing story thanx and good luck on your next. JEREMY
  7. I think mariah carey and ashley judd.
  8. Way togo sounds like you had fun.Nice shirt looks like it couldbe pricey though. JEREMY
  9. Great news i know hospitals are not a fun place but if you have to be in one sick kids is where you want to be.I have spent a lot of time there with my little sister and that place has done wonders for my family the doctors are great and take the time to explain everything thing.I have even had the docs call my house as i do not live with my mom and sister and talk and expail things.anyways great to hear things are looking up.good luck to you and your family . JEREMY
  10. I have a very large dog you could borrow for a few weeks fill himfull of prune juice and let him loose.Or just pick up the dog pooh and throw it at their window with a shovel of course.I am pretty sure that if you throw pooh at the window a few times it will stop. or you could try the jerry springer show.
  11. I am not sure if words can express the thanx they deserve but thank him for us. JEREMY
  12. She is allready doing better than half of our friday night pick up guys.
  13. thanx i am not good at all with computers.
  14. right on thanx i am a turd how do i pm
  15. william lyon mckenzie
  16. Now that is what i call fishing.
  17. Great report and pics the onlythingthat would have made the report better would be a LEAFS towel in that pic.lol
  18. I was just on canadian sport fishing site just browsing and said to myself hey i have allready seen that pic on OFC its you and the wife wearing the pjs.looks like a good time had by all
  19. Thanx guys now i feel like a turd.that was simple i was readind a mag 10 minutes after i posted it and found the site.My girlfreind bought me a reel and the spool messed up so i need a new one.I guess that what i get for getting a reel from a lure maker.Thanx again JEREMY
  20. I need to get ahold of them about something i bought and cant find the home page any help would be greatly appreciated.thanx
  21. hahaha
  22. Good luck with the store guys.If i am ever that way i will stop in and say hi.
  23. Congrates on the boat.I am trying to save up for one.Lots of fishable water here in brantford.If your ever this way and need a partner let me know.lol enjoy the boat
  24. So that is what a rainbow looks like .lol I have never caught one
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