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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Good Luck hunting TJ have to admit you lost me with the bullet techno stuff.YOu scared me at first I thought you got some snow.Have a great trip
  2. WTG Rich and Sleded that pick of sleded is hard on the eyes nice whack of bass.WTG
  3. Cliff do you feed the fish before you catch em.Nice cat fish must of had some of your left over turkey MTP
  4. Ya the Lack of Wayne fish pics in your summer reports told the whole story Wayne .Good thing you do well in the BOQ
  5. Nice fish man!Nice to see JR doing so well. MTP
  6. Just saw the full story on the news.3 men in a 15 foot Jon boat and an ATV was loaded on board.One survivor told reporters that there bulky hunting clothes did not permit them to wear there PFD.Strange that one hunter was able to put his on in the water.I know for sure hunting floater jackets are sold.I know this area these guys had a short trek across the river and all they would have to do is take the PFD's off to go hunting once on shore.Common sense was not used in this situation .Correct me if I am wrong but that boat seemed overloaded to me. Unfortunately the victim's family will suffer for a lack of judgement. To all others please be safe out there hunting or fishing this time of year.With cold water temps it does not take long for some individuals to pannick once they have fallen in.Lets be safe out there . PLEASE WEAR A PFD. MTP
  7. Well another drowning tragedy right here in our own back yard at the Boucherville Islands near Montreal on the St.Lawrence. A 63 year old man drowned when the watercraft they were in capsized with 3 on board.Once again no PFD was used by the victim.The 2 other men managed to swim to shore suffering from hypothermia. When are people going to get it.Where your PFD.No more excuses there are new compact self inflatable models. 63-year-old man drowns in St. Lawrence Montreal Gazette Published: Sunday, October 07 A 63-year-old man is dead and two others are suffering from hypothermia after their small boat capsized while attempting to cross the St. Lawrence River early this morning. They were not wearing life jackets. The three men, who are thought to be from the same family, were on their way to the Iles de Boucherville, east of Montreal, for a hunting expedition . Around 5:30 this morning, a Boucherville resident called Longueuil police to say he heardcries for help coming from the St. Lawrence. When police arrived on the scene, they found two of the men clinging to the riverbank of Ile de la Commune, one of the islands that makes up the Iles de Boucherville. The body of the third man was found around 7:00 a.m. in the St. Lawrence. He was clinging onto the all terrain vehicle they had brought with them onto the boat. He was pronounced dead at hospital. The Sûreté de Québec has taken over the investigation.
  8. Anatz I would give it a try the fish are hungry right now.Despite lousy weather yesterday I managed a few fish.MTP
  9. Despite the rain I think your son enjoyed the river.He got his hair cut Good Pics.MTP
  10. Moby Dick Bass WTG what a beauty MTP
  11. Nice bucket there Bud ,same as me had a very little time frame today MTP
  12. Drove down to my boat dealer to pick up a new plastic fender for my trailer that I cracked earlier this summer $89.00 next I picked up one of those Happy Trollers for my main motor $100.00 .had enough of that .The wife is away with her friends(Stitch and B i t c h) and she was gone with our only tow vehicle(that means no boat) so I decided to take my son shore fishing on the Richelieu River in Sabrevois Quebec about 20kms from the Vermont US border. Considering the little time frame that we did have I would say we did Ok.I had some pike follows which I missed Then I hooked into a liitle 3lb snot rocket which I repeated again but Ryan could not get the 2nd pike in the net so it got away thats fishin.Next Ryan caught a Bass and I told Ryan one more cast for me and managed a little Bass myself.In all not bad for 60 minutes of relaxing fun one on one time with my boy.Here are some pics. Oh I could here GCD' s redneck voice in my head(ok his comments about fish holds) commenting about the last pike hold over and underhand.Decided to perform the 2 hand underhand hold GCD MTP
  13. Now that was an excellent report Wayne and Dano nice to know you are safe with the new camera Wayne Marc nice of you to donate this trip for a good cause Wish I had more time to explore fishing in my own backyard. See ya in the BOQ guys. MTP
  14. Thanks for the pics and report .What a face only a mother could love looks like you got hit in the crown jewels.MTP
  15. Nice pics and Happy fisherman MTP
  16. Great report man and that was great of you to release that fish.Sure going to miss your reports when you return to the UK.The morons who left the Bowfin need to be kicked in the ass Thanks for the pics.MTP
  17. I am in there right now the rest of the guys are asleep
  18. Ya no problem we could squeeze another in I am bringing 3 airmatresses.Gerritt I don't want to see you deprived of your beer bud.Sheesh I got to have a few with you.I think its all coming together what a great bunch of caring people we have here.Wayne what can I say nice of you to offer to trailer Gerritt's boat. MTP
  19. WTG Cliff 3 nights of persistance. MTP
  20. What a Helluva report man wow.You never have boring reports at all fully detailed awesome pics .What a great family you have thanks for the pics and report. MTP
  21. Very nice Darren I wish I knew that place in Montreal.The Larry is very low these days so much so I am afraid to take the boat there.I guess we won't ever see you posing with small fish MTP
  22. My deepest sympathies Joe to you and your family. Mike
  23. Camp Jiggy jiggy will never be the same
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