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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Absolutely priceless picture of your boy .First the shots of a serious determined angler and then the pic holding the fish Good on you for handing him the rod.The guts and the Glory. MTP
  2. So how was it today Papa Smurf(As Marc would say)did you get some Walleyes or Muskie. We are waiting MTP
  3. The scumbag should be used as an anchor.Low lifes; where and what kind of family breeds this crap. MTP
  4. Stuntman is your boat really rated for 1000lbs .I have a similar Lund tiller SSV 18.5 feet long and it is rated for 1100lbs or 7 occupants . Mike
  5. Just ask Brian (Slowpoke) I am sure he is overloaded this causes many trips to the Burmuda triangle his floater suit alone is rated for a 9.9hp.Brian is about 6 foot 11 and his Tim Hortons thermos is about 33lbs.We won't talk about the industrial truck scale he weighs his fish with.He often fishes alone because if he adds one more person this is equal to 4 on board since he is equal to 3 average men.BRIAN Seriously if you were overloaded most of your weight would go overboard in an accident. Unfortunately we see far too many morons with 7 people in a 4 man boat.Common sence is the way to go. MTP
  6. Hey folks well after flipping my 12 ft tinny in August I am slowly replacing lost and damaged fishing gear.First was my digi camera.Next will be a new rubber net.I need input on digital scales one you are happy with. I had a rapala 50lb scale I just found it OK.May look at other brands. input please. Mike
  7. Nice pics and surprise MTP
  8. Always enjoy your pictures 007.What a nice place love to go there I love the pic of you standing smack in the middle of all those trees. MTP
  9. Nice fish Mike. Some guys have got it when it comes to landing Salmon. Then there are guys like BITE ME 38 years of experience lose the fish tell fish stories and no fish pics to entertain the people on OFC. Thanks for the entertaining pics Mike MTP
  10. What Peter doesn't know is I was Salmon fishing for my first time in 1981 with Perchers Dad.Been there already. I fished countless hours with Percher his Dad and his brother and yes I caught salmon. By the way I love elevating your blood pressure Don't for get the ducktape Peter you'll need it for the broken rod. I know why you catch fish in Dan's boat cause he always lets the guest in his boat reel in the first fish on the rigger that goes off. Man this is alot of fun MTP
  11. Another one of those guys who has alot of fish stories and no fish pics now I truly know who owns the Barbie rod . Good Luck on the weekend your going to need it against Percher. Do it right this time bring your OFC sign for your team. Tweety Big Bird
  12. Thanks for laughs about the BOZO's Glen.At least you where not skunked man you must of held in alot laughing at the launch and let it out later. Mike
  13. Nancy just out fish the bugger looking forward to the report. Ken your such a great writer.I can't wait to see the romantic report. MTP
  14. Wow nice wack of fish love the way you tricked out that boat.Congrats on the PB Largie. Oh and nice pyjamas by the way MTP
  15. Nice wack of fish and Beaver MTP
  16. Man you make it look easy Bud you catch more fish in one day than I catch in one weekend. MTP
  17. Nice batch of Bass MTP
  18. Awesome night indeed. MTP
  19. Happy Birthday Man keep the reports coming MTP
  20. Welcome back Tom now I have you and GCD to bug my A S S.Missed ya Bud.Now surely you must have some fish pics somewhere MTP
  21. Darren you are such a tease first you tell us about your successful fishing trips and then you make us wait for the pics.Oh by the way do you ever catch anything small?Or I guess you don't post them. Is Marc being camera shy again? Nice fish really beautiful. MTP
  22. Great report man looks like one of your best outings time to buy some braided line. MTP
  23. Wow Cliff Congrats on your first ever Salmon.Ya you look tired man.But that fish was worth it.I haven't caught a salmon since 1981 when I was 16 and I caught an 11lb COHO back then on Lake O out of bronte. Carole whats this the hubby outfished you?Nice job with the net Has to happen one in awhile. MTP
  24. Jen I am obsessed with fishin I would have posted my hip waiders but they are not a boat.I got tired of stairing at the Lake when on camping trips so I got a good deal on a canoe and a 12ft tinny.Yes my wife thinks I am nuts.I am addicted to fishin.
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