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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Oh I remeber that report now because of Cliff I try not to forget the net lol .MTP
  2. same here .I want one can you let us know where to get one.thanks for the info.MTP
  3. Mike good on you to take him out I must admit my eyes are moist from all that has happened nice to see Kareem willing to troll one more time despite his pain.God Bless thanks for sharing a touching moment. MTP
  4. WTG Brian nice fish.Wish I was fishin just finished with a plumming nightmare.I must say I have the highest respect for anyone who is a plumbmer.What a dirty job.My kitchen sink has been clogged since thursday night after working another kind of fish for 2 days I am happy to say I have conquered the infamous pipe slime and managed to get water flowing down the drain again. Your fish pic just made my day. Thanks Brian I needed to see a beauty fish like that MTP
  5. You don't need any live bait on the spoons.The only time I will add a minnow to a spoon is while i am ice fishing.The action alone from the spoon should trigger a strike.If you want to use live bait I highly recommend the Lyndy Rig. MTP
  6. Nice pics man .Would love to catch 3 fish myself on the same line. MTP
  7. Welcome to the board and remember we love fish pics. Gerritt is Bernie brain washing you or is it just that you like his boat because his 175hp E-tech Halls ass MTP
  8. Yup Tony I know how you feel it seems alot of items are all stocked out this time of year.I lost my rubber net this summer when I flipped my 12 ft tinny.I had a rubber net from Lucky strike which was deep for netting a fish .There are 2 models the R-25 which you can find at almost all outdoor stores right now is a shallow net.Then there is the R-26 which is the model I had with the 48 inch handle and is much deeper.I can net Quinte hogs with this net no problem.I can't find the R-26 anywhere.Most of the outdoor stores focus on hunting this time of year. MTP
  9. i don't use live bait as much as I do artificial lures.I must admit I am very impressed with Berkley Gulp caught some walleye with it this year.MTP
  10. Welcome to the board and remember we love fish pics MTP
  11. Cliff you have another PM.MTP
  12. Chat .cussin,fish stories, liars ,braggers ,2 stroke 4 stroke .tiller console .non bathers boat washers .whatever lets chat
  13. Like Tony says Snap weights or clip weights they work well on mono if you use braid you would have to make a wrap around as they don't hold well on braid.Some of the lures shown will dive down deep.Yozuri hydro minnows,manns 20 's and 30's,Rapala deep diving Tail Dancers and reef runners.The snap weights are in the pics. MTP
  14. Roy I know of the Lakes here in Quebec that do so.The price is $20 ,10 for the wash and 10 for parking.After 40 to 50 dollars in gas towing the boat some 300kms there and back $15 for boat fuel for the day the 20 dollars is a rip off yes they use soap but the water is cold .Oh and yes the line ups are a pain in the a s s .Not to mention they open at 6am only.I have waited as long as 45 minutes.why not leave the equipment on shore and just let us fisherman wash the boat.Cash grab if you ask me. MTP
  15. Nice fishin report Evster you always make it look too easy MTP
  16. Look at the teeth on those twins
  17. Way to go Carole beauty fish eh. MTP
  18. Well hate to hijack this thread but having owned two-2 strokes and two-4strokes I must say I prefer 4 stroke all the way.I just sold a Honda 7.5 horse power 3 yrs ago it was 26 years old when I sold it .It ran like new when I sold it .I wanted to keep it but it had a long foot and could not trim up high enough on my Newer Lund.The person who bought it loved it 29yrs old and runs like a new today.I had a glass boat with a 1989 Suzuki 55hp 2 stroke had to rebuild the motor and lets not forget how many sets of plugs one can go through in a summer.That little Honda influenced my purchase of my Lund which has a 50hp on it.my kicker is a 1999 8 hp Yamaha 2 stroke I have had some issues with the motor nothing major.To me 4 strokes are less troublesome .Quieter ,fuel efficient.smoke free and there in the shop less.4 stroke technology is not new Honda has been making them for over 40 years and they are the pioneers of 4 stroke.You can't put a 4 stroke down if you never owned one. The people who had the problems with the Yamahas probably did not maintain them.There are many owners who do not maintain their motors.There are many old 2 strokes out there running like new because they were well maintained.As for my 55hp Suzuki I did my regular maitenace but I do not know how the previous owner maintained it.If you haven't owned one then you just don't know what your missing.I have only heard one owner on this board who had a 4 stroke go back to the 2 stroke and prefer it.This person has the new Evinrude E-Tech supposed to be totally different than the old 2 stroke technology.ONE MORE POINT 2 STROKES ARE VERY LOUD!!!!!!!! Thats my 2 cents I have lived on both sides of the fence. MTP
  19. Yup always have cutters on board. MTP
  20. I always enjoy your reports Justin because I know you will always have a whack of photos to show us. You make it look so easy. MTP
  21. Nice Bass Very funny bat sex on boat should name your vessel the Batsex mobile Next time bring a bat to hit the crazy bats. I would day your bass is close to the 6lb mark. Thanks for the great pics and story.MTP
  22. Holy s........t man those are huge. MTP
  23. The addiction is growing nice to have a fishing hole 5 minutes from home.Hey man we need to see more hand held pics of the fish the hanging shots don't give a us a fish eye view. MTP
  24. Roy was that you MTP
  25. So Roy how was the fishing on the Larry? MTP
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