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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Actually Peter I thought you died but look who resurfaced from the underground. One day maybe just one day we may get an actual report from you . We all know Dan coudn't post pics of you in Quinte cause we would all be sick With a little effort and patients I may catch my first Muskie this year and I live in the right place for that. Hey cheapo get yourself a camera
  2. No skunking Jen a little fish for an appetizer.Quinte is coming.
  3. Wow now you would think with all the time Terry spends on Simcoe he would have some fish like that Nice Hog on Simcoe to boot
  4. Really did enjoy that Bernie was the last shot from this winter and is that where you keep your boat .Mike
  5. Just bring us back a card full of fish pics
  6. Very nice now I need to visit Dan for some beauty specs?How far a drive from my Mom's in Northbay
  7. Yup enjoyed that I am a big Eagles fan.Was hopein to see ya on the video.Bly Dancing is that true can she dance?
  8. WTG folks nice whities the sound of the wind tells how cold it truly was.
  9. Yup looking forward to it too Fred.Winter go away
  10. Very nice Grant and to think we missed out on fishin with you last November I have a spot for you in the boat if you bring that big horshoe that is stuffed .........................
  11. Thanks for the report Dave .I enjoyed your many reports this year and last fall. Hopefully I can spot that big Crestliner this spring. MTP
  12. Now that fish drinks alot of beer
  13. Its a good thing we don't have a BPS here in Montreal or I would be in trouble. The wife can't believe what my new boat costs so spending even more is not good. This is all I spent in October at BPS $120.00 We are supposed to be getting a Cabelas here in Quebec .There goes the bank account
  14. Wayne how high can a reel go?I don't mind spending the money for a good reel because I want something built to last questions is can I get something decent in the $250 range or should I spend more.
  15. I knew I wouldn't get muskie advise from you Dog because you are the Pan fish King
  16. Well folks with my new fishing machine on its way and a young son who is into fishing as much as me and sometimes out fishes me I have decided to invest more time this year for Muskie. What I need is advise for is a choice of reel good for casting and trolling.In the past I just used my Daiwa reel that I would use for planer boards. I have only been fishing for Muskie 4 times without a sniff. I have 2 broom sticks so I am ok for rods. I have about a dozen lures, a frabill cradle, the big landing net, cutters, long pliers, replacement hooks, all that stuff. My choice of line is Stren Super Braid. I have never caught a Muskie so hopefully 2008 will be the year. Marc has given me some great advise on how to catch and quickly realease without harming a fish. I need to know where to pick up those florocarbon leaders. Any additional advise would be welcome as well as additonal gear that I would need. Thanks Mike
  17. I will be there MR.P May 16th to 19th and will be staying at Mohawk Bay Campground and I think we will also be tolerating that Fishin Devil Guy .Always a great weekend looking forward to meeting Lew.I will also be in the bay on May 3rd for the big Tourney
  18. Now thanks Don you should share with us more often.
  19. WTG Don good to see your catching fish again keep it up Don.Where is the pics
  20. I am in total shock I feel like we are on a detour with a very bumpy ride ahead. I agree with Dan not sure Carey price was ready to be the number 1 goaltender in Montreal. I listened to the radio on the way home tonight here in Montreal in English and French it really is the talk of the town where hockey is like a religeon. The city is in shock the media is all over this What I don't understand we have gained nothing from a player that has done well in the past .Yes he(Huet) has been shaky lately but far to premature to trade him there is something we don't know about. Well it doesn't affect my life cause I don't earn what they do. Fishing comes first. Wait till ya hear the Bla in the media
  21. Ah I had a feeling we would get it too.We usually get what ever you get just the next day.Darn it was so nice to see the snow melting today.vroom vroom the Tecumseh
  22. I love Cliffs weather reports once again we are spared from the snow Montreal is not on the list but Cornwall is so close. Must be rough this year shovel the driveway the walk and the skating rink
  23. Me thinks catch and release percentage is going to change. Walleye is too yummy to throw back of course we don't see small walleye pics from you and Bly.
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