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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. WTG
  2. WTG go Carole you must be in much better shape than Cliff because you usually get the bigger fish what a agreat way to keep the muscles toned .34lbs only in my dreams .My heaviest fish to date is only 11.5 lbs. Mike
  3. Nice mini report Jacques were you guys targetting muskie your buddy has a pretty big spinner bait on.
  4. I have no regrets finally bought the boat I always wanted I was not sure down sizing from an 18ft 6inch boat to 16 ft 3. But the beam is much wider 7ft much higher sides .Went from 73 inches wide to 84 inches. My cousin had a Lund 1660 Classic I took it for a spin and loved it so I went and bought one this spring. I took the 50hp Honda from my 18 ft Lund SSV the new boat is twice the weight a few miles per hour slower but new IPS hull technology saves me even more on fuel this hull has very little resistance. Lunds sportrac rod holder system is amazing you can move your rod holders anywhere along the gunwales without ever drilling holes in your boat. After going from a bare bones aluminium to a boat with full storage I can't believe the time saved at the launch almost everything I need is in the boat.Gone are the days loading up the big tinny. I regret not going maximum horsepower which would be 60hp instead of my current 50hp. I lose 2 to 3 miles per hour with 3 adults in the boat.I also have a short tiller handle from my old motor Honda wants $650 to change it way over priced so a 60hp Yamaha may be coming in the near future. Honda is a great motor but a little slower than the competition a 50hp has 3 cylinders where most 50hp 's have 4 cylinders. I must say the Honda is one of the most fuel eficient and quietist motors. I had a happy troller trolling plate when I got the boat on the 50hp.the plate cracked the foot and cost me $300 in repairs so I do regret that I added a 2hp Honda for trolling with a long foot this does a fine job but I do not like the fact that the muffler is above the water line which makes for a much noisier motor.Thankfully I took the stereo which drowns out the motor on those boring days of trolling.The added MP3 jack keeps my daughters out on the water longer because I let them play their choice of music. This opted for a fishfinder with built in GPS which I truly recomend for more precise trolling speed and I have to admit got me back this summer when I got lost in the fog. Like Wayne I had issues with Lund.From day one I had a bubble in one of my tires and yes I am still back order for a new tire.I picked up the boat in April.THe boat came with a third free seat and 2 free sportracs when I bought my boat.The dealer gave me the extra seat right away had I waited for Lund I would have waited until late August.The extra seat arrived in August along with the 2 extra sportracs and their crappy rod holder and useless cup holder .Dealer gave me 2 nice scotty rod holders in advance .Another stupid thing from Lund you pay thousands of dollars for a boat and it comes with one key for the lockable rod storage.I think they could have spent 50 cents more to give me an extra key. Like Others my 55lbs electric motor does a fine job but once you are in the thick slop it is useless I would go bigger next time 24 volt and over 70lbs of thrust.The option I took for the built in transducer in the motor was worth it as well as the autopilot. I am dissapointed with some of the storage as some compartments will get wet inside .Again Lund should make water proof storage. My life jackets and rain gear are now stored in giant Zip Lock bags. Another option I took for $100 is air ride suspention seats.Absolutely worth every penny.My passengers no longer feel the pounding in their back but enjoy a smoother more comfortable ride. I chose to stay with a tiller because I mostly troll for Walleye I have had a boat before with a steering wheel and just don't feel comfortable when trolling. So things I may consider in the future is an upgrade to 60hp and a roof for those hot days. Yes I have some issues with Lunds slow service but I would buy another time and time again This is my second and to me a well made machine when waves become high. This was my first Lund a good solid boat but I needed the bells and whistles. This was my first boat oh like someone said the blood on the carpet MTP
  5. No harm done I tried to sound as kind as I could but I just wanted to point out that not all lip grips are harmful.I felt it was pointed more at me. Oh don't remind me about the little bullhead I am sure it will be a classic photo for years to come on this site
  6. Roy I was not holding the fish I do use gloves for the bigger fish these days I have shyed away from the lip grip. Ryan made several attempts to hold the fish with his hands but his little hands just are not strong enough to hold a pike of this size.I would have to agree the boga grip if it is the one made by Rapala looks like it can do some damage.This Berkley lip however does not go as far down as the scar seen on the pic of the pike. The berkley lip grip is a far more gentle holding device compared to others when used properly. I think the fish should be supported horizontally when the device is used although some of us pose vertical with the device ,This does not harm a lighter fish.The lip grip pivots when a fish thrashes therefore allowing jaw movement.I have not even seen a fish bleed from its lower jaw using this device and not one fish was ever harmed from my Berkley lip grip and that I would be prepared to argue blue in the face with anyone who disagrees. This device is gentle if properly used but I would not want to see a huge fish held vertically. Another problem is trying to find some kind of gloves to fit a small kid they are just not available only the winter gloves are available in kids sizes.If I get something of larger size you can count on me using gloves . I have a different holding technique for the 5lbs and under pike after that I will put on the glove. I had a bad experience holding a pike once the proper way but the fish thrashed and I cut my fingers very badly. Ryan will grow his hands will get bigger and there will be reduction to use the lip grip.A toothy critter is still a bit frightening for a 9 year old its just a matter of time we will no longer need the lip grip.Your comment was directed at me and I rarely use this device these days.Now give a 9 year old a break.Perhaps you have a small pair of gloves that may fit Ryan MTP
  7. Thats pretty Sad.Thanks for posting Paul
  8. Beauty Bass
  9. Man you must love canada driving all that way and hours nice to hear you made it home safe. Looking forward to your report .BTW nice hat I should get me one with the way my summer is going.
  10. Wow what an outstanding report Joey you put your heart into those reports thanks for taking the long time it takes to put that together. Excellent shots of the sun. Too bad Paul forgot all those clothes guess you went shopping lol. Boy was Roy having a bad hair day or what I always enjoy your reports girl
  11. After planning this trip in July the time came to go to Swanton Vermont for some father and son fishing with good friend GlennK and our sons.The boyZ could not wait for this weekend to come. Well Glenn took the day off Friday and I wish I had done the same but with only 2 days holiday remaining I could not take the time off I had saved those 2 days for Bay of Quinte in November. I arrived late Friday afternoon and was greeted by GlennK and his son. Now here I am 100 feet away in my van and I can see Glenn's huge ear to ear smile so bright and wide he almost slit his own throat; now I knew at that moment he had a good day. Now he didn't want to show me pics he kept his days catch in the livewell well you know to show me how good of a fisherman he has become.All fish were released after the pics.Outing after outing Glenn is always catching fish. As for me well you will see NOT MUCH Friday night started off not so well I get to the launch and the Bermuda Triangle came my way a dead battery tried boosting but nothing would work so back to the cottage I charged the battery and I was good to go saturday morning so I thought.We decided to fish a river and hide from the 3 foot plus chop but the river has also become brown. So after 15 mins of fishing my bow mount electric motor dies .Now I charged the battery before I left but nope it was dead. When we returned at lunch I put the battery on charge using Glenn's charger for a second time.I think its time for a new charger. Have to tell the wife my birthday is coming next month Worst of all I did not trim up my motor high enough Saturday night so the pounding surf sent my motor banging into the sand so my once perfect foot is now missing a piece about the size of a Quarter.Yup lesson learned AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhURRRRRR Anyhoo on with the report and Pics. So here is what Glenn caught Friday not bad at all Our accomadations for the weekend. Unfortunately Saturday arrived but so did the wind got to Glenn's productive spot from Friday and OH NO water looks like chocolate milk it was choppy and rough even some of the rivers were brown. Lake Champlain can really get get nasty I can now say my New Lund handles the big water chop with eaze I was surprized how steady she is and able to plow through some big chop.I am very satisfied with this boat. My happy son the die hard fisherman. I did forget to mention I spent many summers here in Swanton Vermont when I was a kid Many memories some of my best memories fishing with my Grand parents. The pic showing the tunnel was a favorite fishing spot of mine some 30 yrs ago I once caught 2 pretty nice Chain Pikeral there. Did I mention conditions were tough Saturday despite the murky water Glenn managed another snot rocket We woke up early Sunday and the weather was nasty so we made a decision to pack it in early and drive back to Quebec to fish our favorite spots on the Richelieu River .When we arrive the sun was shining the water was crystal clear and the wind was no where close to the force of Lake Champlain. After only catching a perch in Vermont my son caught his PB Pike did not weigh or measure it but it was probably over 4lbs.That was the highlite of his weekend . BTW he wanted me to post it on OFC to show it off he is proud of his new PB Pike. This guy had quite the battle scar check out the whole in the throat(OUCH)it appeared to be healing. I almost got skunked sunday but managed this little snotty rocket . I can't explain it but this has not been a good year for me fishing. Hope that changes soon because I have been putting in alot of time. Mike the Pike
  12. Don't worry Evester you will be fine. My last boat an SSV 18 foot bare bones aluminum weighed 887lbs boat motor and trailer. At first I pulled it with a front wheel Drive 1994 Ford taurus Wagon then I pulled it with my Honda Odyssey. On a paved or cement boat ramp I have never had problems it is on the gravel launches where you tend to get a little tire spin but these days I do manage because the Honda has electronic tracktion control. go for it.
  13. You will be fine with your 16 SSV I used to fish out of an 18ft SSV 73 inch beam the sides were the same height as yours. I have just downsized to a Lund 1660 Classic very deep hull 84 beam handles the rough stuff with eaze. Remember Quinte is not rough all the time you will know when to get off. Merland Park rents Lund 16 ft SSV's and I have seen folks out in them on the reach and they were fine. Just do it man go.
  14. I will be in Quinte second weekend of November Nov 13,14,15,16 .No merland park for me after paying for a a boat slip and always finding someone else in it .The place needs some organisation but no one seems to care just take the $$$$$ and your on your own. I will probably stay in a Motel and launch daily .We would need a huge place to have at least 40 members stay there. Right now I will enjoy September fishing.
  15. Congrats I am still a Muskey virgin
  16. Actually the thought of trading boats did cross my mind but Junior out fishes me all the time in my boat so its lucky for him well me Actually yesterday GlennK caught 9 fish to my 2 now I have been stuborn enough not to believe flouro carbon leaders make a difference but now I will give it a try on the next trip because well Glenn is out fishing me.So I give in.
  17. Wow PD what a nice bunch of skis .Can't wait to have a day like that MTP
  18. I was on another site in November 2006 it is a fine site but I just found it was not moving. Cousin Percher told me about this wonderful community so I lurked around for about a week and decided to join.The rest is history .I remember asking how to post pics it wasn't long after that I met some of our members in November like Roy ,Joey ,Tracker,skeeter, DouG,Biteme,Pointed,Lady Walleye and Irishfield. Not long after that I was getting out with some of our Quebec Members for some ice fishing. I check the site regularly when I am home.Through thick and thin ,sad times and good times this board is the most caring community that I know. Great topic Roy MTP
  19. Thanks for posting them Erie eyes Steve and I enjoyed watching you hall in some cats last weekend with Mr.Bowman. Oh and Sonny that is a VERY NICE avatar you have there Keep the pics coming Steve that should get me all pumped up for November Quinte Walleye
  20. WTG go Mikey boy
  21. Nice mini report Cliff .A fine beefy Birthday present. One more year of 39 then its the big 4 0 Enjoy MTP
  22. My favorite rod and reel is my Shimano Stradic 4000 with a Shimano Signature Series(Bob Izumi) medium heavy . Continues to be my all time favorite.Bought it for $228.00 2 yrs ago from a little store here in Quebec. A great bang for the buck
  23. Very nice cousin you deserve it but oh no one less tiller man Now load it up with toys and put some fish slime in it.
  24. I would have to say go for the Princecraft its the only one I haven't heard bad rants about .I have heard alot of good about the other brand but there have been some bad service to honour the warranty .Lots of fighting to get service.Never heard that about Princecraft.I own a Lund my 2nd one and that is one purchase I am very satisfied with.Good Luck with the purchase.MTP
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