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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Well said Joe sure Merlands has a few percs more but I think you covered everything I would just like to add remember how Joey and Gerritt had there reservations screwed up.I never complained about the price of Merlands just the lack of service.If one pays for a boat slip it should be available when one comes back.I heard Lakair has a great system for boat slips too bad Merlands can't come up with one.Oh by the way Carpstarter2 I have never heard any dissapointment about lakair G2G .It seems the place is well maintained and the owners go out of their way to please. I don't expect Perfectvue to be 4 star I knew that up front Joann the owner told me about all this when I booked the place so I know what to expect.Not fancy c'est la vie. Like Joe says we are there to fish so what if we have to launch elsewhere.NOW SHUT UP AND LETS GO FISH.
  2. Hi folks just a little update for the Quinte G2G in November. I have been speaking with Joann Robins at Perfect Vue things to take note of there is no Barbeques at the resort so your own portables are the only way you can BBQ your meat.Bring your own Linen sleeping bags,towels,dish clothes and towels dishsoap etc..... As for the launch she says the water levels have dropped a substantial amount and would recommend the launch down the street. For those of you with a 4 X 4 you can attempt to launch but the water is shallow there is no sudden drop off at the ramp. Joann does recommend bringing waiders or rubber boots for launching. Well thats all I can think of for now 3 more weeks to go and its going to be cold on the BOQ MTP
  3. Awesome report dude one more month and I will be there in cold November. How much did the walleye weigh Badger?
  4. Well Tinbanger I know how skunk is this year its been happening just too often my worst year to date Good to hear you got back safely .You bought the right boat I have heard too many times on this board how someone bought a boat for half the price of a Lund and it is just as good.Well that is where I have to disagree with them. When the wind picks up and mother nature gets nasty that is when a Lund performs well and gets you home safe. The Classic model is a great bang for the buck.MTP
  5. WTG bud nice fish it shows the hogs are feeding heavy
  6. Well my friend Kenny was in the T.O area so he dropped by Perfectvue on the way home took some decent pics . It looks like alot of the docs were taken out of the water due to low water levels one main doc remains. The launch is mostly sandy however there is another launch down the road that costs $2 you put your $$$ in a little box the honour system. I will see when I get there of course I have relatives and friends with 4 X 4 's Kenny did not notice any BBQ's so I will phone Joann to find out if not I guess GlennK and I will be brininging the camping BBQ's. I will also find out how much vacancy is available. Looking forward to meeting so many new members .MTP
  7. Hey Billy where did you live when you fished lake Nosbonsing.I have fished this lake many times in summer and winter. My mom lives 2 minutes down the road on HWY 531 in Bonfield.Lets not forget the Pike fishing is awesome there too. MTP
  8. Now no talking about winter Dog we are looking at a warm thanksgiving weekend high 60's now I know thats cold for you but we like those temps in October.Winter is a dirty 6 letter word you can talk about it in November but not October
  9. Nice soon to be Perch meal
  10. Only place in Ottawa I know of is Le Baron they have moved though into a nice spacious store much bigger than the Montreal store there is some Muskie stuff Wayne but not alot.Visited this summer.
  11. Welcome young man I look forward to your reports never forget the camera thanks for helping out my cousin. MTP
  12. I know some have caught chairs and a Bike
  13. Lol now that was funny
  14. Yup I am with all these boys now who is cookin and who is doing the dishes Fishin Devil well we will take it easy on ya Bud I may fetch ya a beer or 2. Ah its so far away
  15. You should start feeding the fish in that lake they are so hungry they bite from both ends You should contact Unicef these fish are don't have anything to eat
  16. Super report Wayne and a job well done by Marc eventhough conditions have been tough this year. good thing you went to Roy's for dinner the hand looked good until ya burnt it
  17. Jeez I was going to ask about the tree in the last report I commented on besides your Quebec Muskie report I hope you had more time to fish. Ok I have to look out for more reports.
  18. Now I know why your called trout guy thanks for the report bud
  19. Very well done I hope to catch somethin decent when I catch my first Musky.
  20. Ah walkin and fishin
  21. Thanks for posting Dan It looks like an exciting place .I have an opportunity to go to New Hampshire with my boy in July . I think I will have to go since I have never been to a Nascar event.
  22. I have never seen a Bass that fat.It is one well fed bass
  23. Very nice work you did on the deck and a good job well done on the floor .Now I know why you married the woman she works as hard as you do. I can imagine how tough it must of been chipping away at that old cement but I am sure you were both just dripping in sweat. I noticed the can of raid and I know the bugs were bad this year because I did camp at Rideau River Provincial Park this summer with many other campers and the zillions of mosquitoes.In all my years camping I have never seen mosquitos like that. Oh I love the shot of the garbage can secured with the ratchet strap Thanks for the sho9t of the prize table I don't think anyone else took a pic of that. Oh and one more thing I hope you had a more relaxing summer compared to last years search and rescue. thanks for the report Wayne
  24. Excellent report boys and very nice Walleye and you caught 0 Pike
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