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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Alot of these fish were caught on a Pink rapala X-Rap. Thats the lucky lure. The Rapala I used had a Pink belly. I must say Pink is a colour that does catch fish. MTP
  2. As long as you have warm coffee you will survive anything.Send me a pic of what boat I will be looking for .we know you can't miss me in the yellow suit did you sell the tracker Don?
  3. Don if you bring one more boat home the misses will be looking for a farm to store all those toys.You have enough Don. Looking forward to seeing you in Quinte bud I will be looking for your Tracker right. MTP
  4. OK I am in hopefully I can enter from Quebec so many I can not because of Quebec laws MTP
  5. Now Brian that was very funny
  6. Well FF nice to see a report from you very nice eye yes the fishing is slow but the big ones are just starting there fall migration from Lake O. Terry loves to catch those big sheepies luckily he won't be sliming Wayne's boat with them this year
  7. WTG Mike my favorite trout shots are browns.
  8. Your best bet would be Picton Harbour launch get ther early as parking can be scarce by far the nicest launch. I think there is another launch down the road from picton Harbour called Mcfarlens its free but you will need a 4 X 4 . There is another launch take the ferry across from the Picton side and launch once you exit the ferry. Have a safe trip. MTP
  9. Thanks Wayne I do remeber when it happened to you but had no luck searching for it.
  10. Great job SP was that done with the fillet Knife lol
  11. Ok our Bird attacked the keyboard and now I see this on all posts...... tinbanger I hate this time of year Today, 04:34 PM misfish Suck it up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The rest... Today, 04:57 PM bigugli Fishing season never ends. Just get to save a lot ... Today, 05:09 PM Wild Sounds like a GTG down to the southern states is i... Today, 05:18 PM jwl I live 2 blocks from the Niagara River, and fish t... Today, 05:27 PM Mike the Pike You know you can fish the BOQ until December but a... Today, 05:36 PM bigugli I've been to Florida a few times to get some b... Today, 05:47 PM TbayBoy Oh man don't tell me that bigugli, I just bail... Today, 05:54 PM bigugli Oh man don't tell me that bigugli, I just bail... Today, 06:14 PM Governator Quick newbie question - What exactly does Soft Wat... Today, 05:55 PM tinbanger governator you will soon see all that 'soft... Today, 06:15 PM Governator governator you will soon see all that 'soft... Today, 06:16 PM TroutnMuskieHunter I tend to love this time of year!! :thumbs... Today, 06:33 PM chickenhawk Come on there is always soft water somewhere....yo... Today, 06:46 PM Rich I agree, this time of year sucks! Bring on the... Today, 07:17 PM solopaddler Every season has it own interest and excitement, (... Today, 07:24 PM Rizzo not so fast...I'm hoping there are still a mus... Today, 07:31 PM irishfield Be safe Rizzo... big winds for the next couple of ... Today, 08:03 PM misfish :lol: Today, 08:05 PM
  12. You know you can fish the BOQ until December but a boat with windshield would be the better choice of vessels that time of year.And our Honda Odysseys not so good at the ramp in December where there is a wil there is a way. What bothers me is how long it takes to get safe ice .I think we need to organize an Alabama G2G a little Nascar some fishing by the Dam ,maybe some ocean fishing hell we could even watch the Bozo's at GCD's favorite launch. MTP
  13. What a great report boyz nice fish too . Doug looks like he had one great day. Now DouG has a clean cut manly haircut and you have a pic of him peeing like a girl His daughters are having an impact on him. Doug no longer lifts the seat at home the wimmins in his house have trained him to sit down while peeing. excellent report loved every word and pic of it
  14. Darren you have to stop teasing us like that post the pics when you report and stop forgetting your camera will ya Just take your buddies card from his camera right away when you leave the boat. I want to see the pics soon
  15. Very nice Ski did you use the calcualator for your math
  16. Very nice fish and thats a fat little Pike
  17. Looking forward to November Rob too bad you don't have a pic a 7lb walleye is a nice fish. Out of 4 guys not one of you could take a picture Hope you bring your camera in November
  18. My walleye came in this weekend on a 2 yr old Rapala deep diving tail dancer you guys just want some bling bling lures
  19. Cliff I once remember you answering one of my threads saying how you don't post skunks .I wouldn't complain if I was you because many of your trips are a success.Now the muskie are not hungry they have been eating wooden ducks Better luck next time.I am still trying to catch my first ski.Came close last weekend had a little one follow right to the boat but would not bite
  20. S--t happens I would say that almost counted .Don't you use a net Mike?
  21. Just got up at 9am I was pretty tired from yesterday a long wet day almost everything I brought to Quinte was wet. Last Monday I got the invite from Percher to go searching for the big eyes in the Bay of Quinte now how could I say no I was also looking forward to fishing in his new boat.We only fish together a couple of times per year since we both have our own boats. We stayed at the Sportsmen Motel which I thought was a pretty good deal for the buck.Roomy clean and not too far from the launch in Picton. Friday night Percher callled me on my cell and said we would need rain gear since we both didn't bring our gear of course.I stopped in Napanee to pick up 2 cheapie rain suits well one pancho and a suit for Percher what a mistake you will see why later. We woke up to a soggy day we knew it was going to be a wet one.I went off to Timmies just after 6am and met up with Memart(Rob) we had a little chat I went back to the motel and well Rob told me he would be dry for the day because he had booked a charter with Lloyd in his roomy long Princecraft. We Launched just after 7 and it looked like alot of folks decided to stay home due to the soggy day.Just before we left we put on the cheapie rain wear which ripped to itty bitty pieces in seconds Dan and I had one messy episode at one point the whole boat spun around and what a mess 4 very tangled lines 2 off the riggers and 2 on the planer boards.The mess was so bad we had to go to shore and take off the line that had was wrapped aroung the prop on Perchers new kicker motor.After the biggest bird nest I had ever seen we got right back to it and headed for some new fishing grounds. Now on with the pics. After hours of trolling I finally caught this beat up old Walleye as you can clearly see she had many battle scars .I wish had done a better job holding her up folks but it was miserable out there just pouring rain all day and it never let up.I could barely see out of my glasses. I caught her flat lining it about 80 feet of water.She weighed 9 1/2 pounds. I didn't take many shots yesterday because well it was always raining. This is a shot of Lloyds boat with Memart and Terry aboard the thought did cross my mind how dry they must be. Good to see you again Terry and Nice to have met Rob,John and Lloyd.When I arrived back on shore I was soaked to the gaunchy's but the day was worth it.Oh BTW Memart caught a nice eye hopefully he can post a pic of her. Now as you can see Dan has gained some weight his Superman suit exploded trying to light that wet lighter Thats a better shot of Captain Percher. Now go figure its time to drive back to Montreal and the Sun comes out It was short lived because it poured rain all the way home. Well thanks for the Great day Dan always a pleasure fishing with you and thanks for putting me on a nice fish now if I could only catch fish in my boat. I am looking forward to November. Mike the Pike
  22. Thats Cliffs nest boat now he will catch even more fish
  23. Ya it was a soggy day but that hog was worth it .I got home at 10pm I am tired so I will post that pic in the morning.Mike
  24. OK guys who has extra room in the cottage for TMH we have room for one for if my crew says its ok so far we are 7 in a cottage for 8. If anyone has more room please let us know .Does someone have room for TMH on a boat?This is not a good thing he is on GCD's team and they don't need one of those long walleye to add to there allready too many inches Either way we will find room for you.Just looking for a cottage with more room if no one steps up looks like we will squeeze you in. Mike
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