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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Yes Mike go for it they work very well. I had a Piranha 4 it was a great unit until I flipped my 12 foot tinny and it took a bath. I tried it alond side my old 18 foot tinny it was bang on for depth the exact same reading from a friends boat right beside us. As for the suction cup it sticks very well to your Thornes tinny I would know that because I did have the same boat as you. Just put it on the wish list.
  2. I know your secret to a successful garden Bubba!!! I bet all those fish remains make great fertilizer. Keep up the good work
  3. Hey Joey when are you and Paul arriving to the BOQ?
  4. DouG,....... myself ,GlennK,Memart and Slowpoke are staying at the Sportsman Motel we decided to cancel Perfectvue as we could not fill the 8 man overpriced cottage. I guess we can just walk over to Merlands to enjoy the fire.Where is the restaurant you are going for supper at? 13 more sleeps to go. MTP
  5. Try this Rack out This engineering wonder should save your back..
  6. Wow... I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you who have commented on the pictures of my paintings that Mike posted... as well to all of you who took a moment just to take a peek, and especially to the lurker for admitting so, and commenting on top of it!! I am so very humbled by all of your praise, and admittedly overwhelmed by your response. I had pretty much almost given up on painting, as I had barely done a stroke of anything for about 15 years (raising the kids).... I have only just returned to it this past year, and I can tell you that I am so very thrilled to be painting and drawing again, and you all have provided me with a little more encouragement to continue full force. Oh, but Skud, there are no guarantees that Mike can retire so that he can fish full-time... for a few years at least!! lol Thanks again!! Lisa
  7. Another great mixed bag of a report.I enjoyed the tale of the cement swimming pool. Nice new motor what ever happened to the Honda 40HP? MTP
  8. Thanks once again for that plentiful report . Love all the modifications to the war Canoe! Enjoy your new home!!!
  9. Thats a beautiful fish sorry you are so ugly and ready for Halloween
  10. I always enjoy your yearly hunting trip report. That slab of meat made me drewl.What a meal for kings. For the first few seconds when I saw the wolf pic I thought you were petting a friendly wolf. Instead you were really friendly with the dead one lol.
  11. Nice gator was that pic from a cell phone
  12. Wow thanks for the kind comments and remarks folks .I think Lisa will come on later to say a few words. She is overwhelmed with the response from a fishing forum. Here are some more pics of paintings. This is a painting from my 14 yr old Daughter. Another from my 14 yr old daughter. MTP
  13. Nice ski
  14. Go for the Rebel Rick my wife has one.You can't go wrong with a Canon.
  15. I love the hat Simon and the grin on his face
  16. Well with all the work I have to do around the house these days and Quinte just under 3 weeks to go I thought I would show you folks what my wife Lisa loves to do with her spare time.Here are some Drawings and Paintings. Some Recent and some from many moons ago. This a sketch with Pencil of my eldest Daughter holding our 15 yr old cat. This took Lisa a few weeks to complete. A picture of my wife in her younger years. A pic of my 12 yr old Daughter. You all know this guy my son Ryan when he was wee lad and didn't out fish me. You can't shoot this one Misfish!!!! This is a sketch from my 12 yr old Daughter Robin. Both my Daughters have mom's talent as for me and my son we just like fishing. This is a painting from my 14 yr old Daughter. Another from my 14 yr old daughter. Hope you enjoyed! MTP
  17. Chicken
  18. That is why I take off 2 days during the week in November to avoid the boat traffic. See ya in November
  19. And what about you Thin blood has the thought of attending crossed your mind. Just come down we will fit you with propane heater fed with a hose into your survival suit. You won't be cold after that.Its only 19 hours drive right?
  20. Lloyd would you say they are in earlier this year.I find the it easier to catch the big ones in November. This is the first October in 4 yrs I am not going as November is better for me.
  21. You should be able to boat some but if your looking for the big Hogs its too early for them. Jigs and Minnows would be the ticket this time of year.
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