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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Geez Rich nice to see YOU come back from hybernation.Welcome back.
  2. Easton they did mention on the show that if it falls through the ice it will float.
  3. Thanks for the pics
  4. WTG Thanks again
  5. Well that just sucks Dan .I guess you will be late for spec fishing this year.Team 4 will be wating. Joey thanks for the pics now put up a lighting rod above the garage for the nasty critters.Racoons.Then you can have a hat like this
  6. Welcome to the Zoo of friendly's and crazy's.Fishing I like it anyway I can get it ,shore,shore lunch,boat,rivers,waiders,April to December open water.
  7. Your a dam tease.Please don't send us any open water fishing pictures that would just torture us
  8. Remember that thread about what to do with your Carp when they are caught Send them to Joey just before she moves.
  9. Does anyone have the contact info for Rapala I have the same pliers which the tip broke off .I would like to have mine replaced.Mike
  10. Oh I see the times just changed on the computer your post went from 4:34am to 5:34am.
  11. Sheesh someone who gets up before Lew.I didn't know there were cows to milk on your farm in Boucherville.
  12. If thats your boat in your avatar you should consider the Double screw on rod holders from Salty#S-10.Metal not plastic,with quick release .I have 2 absolutely love them.Solid I see alot of Muskie fisherman use them . they only fit on boats with slender gunwales. http://www.down-east.com/clamp-on.htm
  13. Welcome JohnC!I am an icefisherman ice shelters have brought some wimps back out on the hard water.
  14. Thanks for the invite CC if I don't get a trout after the ice is gone I may give this trib fishing a try and drive up the 401 for some steel. Thats what I like about this board always someone willing to help others.Thanks Mike
  15. I don't target them but when I do catch one I just let one go.Last one I caught was 10lbs I was surprised how much of a battle they can turn on.
  16. Kevin yes I like Stren superbraid but I would be curious to try power pro since so many members like it.
  17. Nice report Joey thanks for sharing and nice bow and you did not get skunked .Too much ice here in Montreal to put a boat in the water. Yes I am jealous I mean envious. Where ever you go there is a fishing camera crew??????????/
  18. Got out with GlennK this morning and I would have to say I was pumped up as much as an over inflated tire after reading all the CC reports(Canadian Copper)(CCMT and Bly). I waited all week for this skunking I have to tell ya I was determined to catch some rainbows and browns since they are the only legal fish we were allowed to catch on the St.Lawrence River for now. GlennK and I walked down to the first location not far from the Circuit Gilles Villeneuves racetrack.We made our way down the steep shoreline and began to select our pools for casting.After about 15 minutes I get a snag and lose my new blue fox spoon blue and silver $2.99+tax errrrrrrr..Gone Ok Yozuri time.Nothing time to move to the next location . I am sure some of you recognize the sphere in the background form Expo 67(Man and His World). Next location.The far bridge in the background is the train bridge on the Victoria Bridge that runs into Montreal. Here is where the fun started casting and trying to dodge the huge ice chunks.After catching some small ice chunks I hook in to the Goliath of icebergs one that could almost sink the Titanic without Celine Dion on board. Anyway I hear my line just peeling away when I see what is towing my lure downstream a chunk of ice at least 4x8 feet in size 8 inches thick. Well David gets beat by Goliath and the sling shot is not going to help me now. I got spooled after purchasing that new Flurocarbon by seaguar about 50yds $8.00 and a new Xrap from rapala $7.49+tax errrrrrrrrr Ok by this time I am ticked but more determined so I go back to GlennK's truck and pick up the spare rod.Time for a new lacation. Our location Next location under the Jacques Cartier Bridge.Never realized how shallow it was here.Fish were not here they have all moved to Ontario. New location and the Canadian coast guard roars by in there speedy hovercraft .So now I have a good excuse for being skunked they scared all the fish away. Next location new bridge GlennK and no fish. I must admit fishing in these conditions were brutal lots of snags on floating ice .The noise of the ice chunks was music to anyones ears.It often sounded like someone stiring a giant drink with a swivel stick and lots of ice in the glass.Some times the ice smashed so hard it would scare the bejeezes out of me. Here is 3 foot by 1 foot ice chunk I caught it pulled like a shark .Crap!!!!!!!!!! Taking weeds off your line is easy compared to ice.The ice would fray my line and bend the hooks on the Xraps right back. Here is our new member GlennK.notice the net if there is one thing I have learned from those Chrome reports. Cliff because of you I made sure we brought the net.Some how I think it was bad luck. At this point we have not quit. This shot is for Rick (this is the Montreal Casino) A view of the fishing conditions from above. A view from the Jacques Cartier Bridge on the way home. Well sorry for the lack of fish and the boring report but I thought some of you might enjoy some pics of Montreal. Has anyone fished with this much ice flow before?Is it like this on the Tribs? Can't wait for April 28th. Mike The Pike
  19. WTG Cliff and Bly nice chrome I am just loving these steelie reports when we all have cabin fever. So at this point for overall longest fish between you and the wife this puts you 3/4 inch longer than Bly right? Keep em coming!!!!!!!! MTP
  20. WTG man nice pike .Thanks for sharing
  21. Actually TJSA we call them Dore(DOOREH) here but you guys would be lost if I wrote that .Well not Roy or Thorpie.I am sure Glenn would like to hook up and fish with you but its a long drive to the North Pole lol.
  22. Welcome aboard Glenn! Don't take Glenn in your boat he tends to outfish me when he is in my boat .Now everyone tell Glenn to hurry up with his digital camera purchase so he can post some reports with pictures.
  23. Wow awesome and to think my PB pike was only 8lbs . 22lbs one day
  24. Here you Buckster http://www.tc.gc.ca/MarineSafety/TP/Tp13414/menu.htm MTP
  25. Kevin I sold my 1980 Honda 7.5hp for $650.00 3 yrs ago it ran like new. Not to long ago you were talking about picking up a 9.9hp and now you are looking at 5hp. Spend a bit more money and find a 9.9hp. 5hp on a 12 foot tinny will go very slow. I run an 8hp on my 12 foot tinny and I would still prefer a 9.9.The Maximum horsepower allowed. Go bigger its better. MTP
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