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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. I am fishing in one this weekend a very nice boat.Stable smooth IPS hull lots of room a good bang for the buck .Too bad they didn't have them when I bought my Lund. MTP Wish I had one.
  2. So where do you keep the portable 2 sided Dam WTG
  3. No life Jacket now thats stupid.Weird the boat filming is close by.Dangerous if that fish speared the inflatable Kayak.
  4. Nice shots beauty brown trout love the colours.MTP
  5. Beauty fish Cliff nice colours and cool shot of the roe falling.Congrats on your PB. Fishing Night in Canada on CBC(CCMT,Bly,Canadian Copper) the trio has done it again.A winning fish in overtime. Mike the Pike Trib Gods
  6. Yes your motor will charge your batterie.Congrats on your new ride.I have the 50hp Honda and love it.I am also tiller. Can't wait to see the pics.MTP
  7. What a bummer all that hard work and now the prop .Get it welded its cheaper than a new prop.I am sure someone on the board can point you in the right direction for that.Nice you did an outstanding Job.Enjoy the new set up this summer.MTP
  8. Nice report Guys and 1 Gal ,I know the feeling it was nice to get out .My son and I got out for trout and were up at about the same time as you guys.My report is on page 2.We have to meet in the BOQ this weekend what is your site number in Pickeral Park. Thanks for the pics.MTP
  9. WTG Cliff and Carol you guys are starting to make this look like a routine awesome report.Nice pics
  10. Great report Brian too bad about no fish but that was nice of you to help Glen.Next report can I see some pics of the new boat in the water .Good luck next outing.MTP
  11. Nice striper report Joe they look like powerful fish but where is the female stippers you spoke about in your last post
  12. Nice fish too bad about the batteries .This is why all anglers should bring extra batteries this will provide more pics for us OFNERS.
  13. LOL Brian I know what skunk means this year.Believe me Ryan's line was in the water alot more than mine.I don't write about the snags tangles and mishaps from Ryan's line.Yes I would have liked to catch one for the team but this was his day not mine. Next weekend is my weekend with the boys in Quinte so it will be my turn to contribute to team#4. MTP
  14. Awesome Steel.MTP
  15. Good to see you guys back out and posting.Good thing the girl friends let you out to shoot the carp video See you in a few weeks
  16. Way to go Billy Boy.Nice pics
  17. Nice chunky Perch Glen.Selling that motor already I thought you just got it?
  18. Nice report you guys did well considering the shoulder to shoulder competition.
  19. WTG Grog.
  20. That was a great report and nice pics.Nothing like a 10lb carp peeling off alot of line
  21. Mike its a great place to fish.My mom lives about 15 minutes from there I have fished that Lake a few times great walleye fishing,Lakers and muskie.One of my favorites when I visit my mom.you will like this place. Mike
  22. Well Ryan and I had waited for over a month for the Opening of Trout season. We went to Lake Massawippi Quebec this was my first time here fishing.Really nice place. When we got up mother nature was in a bad mood dumping plenty of rain for our day to come. No problem we have rain gear.So we packed up ready to go. This was Ryan's test to see if he could endure a day of trolling.This winter he was a true sport lasting all day ice fishing never wanting to go home. I wasn't sure he would brave the elements Crappy weather .The rain did not seem to faze him. By the way guys and gals Ryan loves to read your fishing reports .Enough said time for the fishing report. We got up before Lew o'clock and hit the road at 4:15am. Ready to Launch 6am Ryan could not be happier Ryan's prediction for the winning lure of the day.Hurry up Dad launch the boat Ryan waiting for the fish!!!!!!! The little man breaks the ice a 22 inch Laker 3lbs 2oz. Above the slot limit which is between 35cms and 50cms. Ryan could not seem to hang on to the fish so I just passed him the lip grip. This is Ryan's PB biggest fish ever he is now out of the panfish stage.Here I am worrying if he will be able to net a fish for me and I am the net man who still has never caught a Lake trout.Boy those things are scrappy little buggers. The fish was caught suspended.we were in 66ft of water. Caught on this little Rapala XRAP Meanwhile I was using a Planer board and it seemed I was the only one on the Lake using them. Some other boat snagged my line because he didn't seem to see my board.I got spooled and I lost my only Lucky Craft lure $17.99 plus tax The morron was towing my planer board and didn't bother to stop. Thankfully they float and I went and retrieved the board. Ryan who is eight informed me that I should not use the Planers because he did not need them to catch Lakers. The tinny boat live well. This is serious Dad Ryan wanted to drive the boat with the trolling motor on. future boat owner.Hum?Tiller or Console? Time to call it a day the bite was off and the boat traffic was brutal. A crowded opener but a great day Saturday.Back to the Launch. The proud little man with his new PB catch. Yes thats me holding my son's fish.Thats what we came here for to make him happy. A view of Mont-Orford Ski resort there was plenty of snow remaining on the mountain. Ryan snapped this picture of himself cheesy Dorito face on the phone telling mom that he caught dinner. A great Day I got skunked but my little guy got his PB. Now I am going to cook that trout. Mike the Pike
  23. Thanks.Well all systems go just put my 8 yr old young man to bed he is really excited to go.The boat is pinned to the Van all I have to do is make our Lunch and try and get to sleep before our 4am departure. wooo hooo.Finally
  24. Nice looking Axe there Jed.Will you be playing some bluegrass music for us
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