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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Ya Lew show us all the hot spots on the BOQ.After all you have 50 years of experience.MTP Nice unit Lew!
  2. Thanks.I will be out with my son on Lake Massawippi,Quebec first time out with the boat.Supposed to rain like hell we will be dressed for that. Good Luck to All.MTP
  3. I will be joining Jen,Sonny and Easton on the BOQ.Looking forward to meeting them.MTP
  4. Merry Springmas CC nice juicy steel.WTG
  5. WTG Cliff and Bly
  6. Terry you are starting to worry me!I really hope you don't own a canoe and a banjo!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hey bud I will check with my dealer see if he can get one.I had a 1989 55 Suzuki on my previous boat. MTP
  8. I would never stand up in my 12 foot tinny put a platform on that and it would tip for sure.But I would not be afraid to modify my friend Glenn's Princecraft Ungava with a deep hull. I would never modify my little tinny. This 12 footer could be modified but I think I would move more toward a 14 footer. Good luck and buy something safe.MTP
  9. Great catch beats studying and working
  10. Nice size trout for your first trout ever.Good for you. MTP
  11. Very sporty looking boat.Very nice congrats.Mike
  12. Well folks I have been thinking about this for awhile now.Having our members come up with the ultimate fishing and gear list. Lets here from our members what to bring in the boat or shore fishing etc.... If our Adminastrators agree we could have this check list available from our website. I have read so many posts of how the batteries in the camera were dead or the awesome report but sorry we forgot the camera and you know how much we love pics on the OFC. We know the obvious items to bring rods tackle box etc..... I don't know if this has been done but it would be great if this list could contribute to more successful ,safe and comfortable days on the water. This fall we could make the ultimate ice fishing list with safety tips. Avoid excuses for the OFC tournament be ready. Lets all contribute.Lets here some creative ideas. Here are some of the things I like to bring. Hand Warmers.(ice out time is cold why not warm up those hands good for the wife and kids avoid the trip back to dock keep them comfy. Gloves for warmth or leather for handling the big toothy critters. Mouth spreader for pike CAMERA (this should be the first item on your list) Extra batteries.(what good will the camera do without power) Extra card for video or keep your current card pics low. Analogue CAMERA extra film Disposable camera keep one in the boat or tackle box this will keep the fish stories away. Rolaids,tylenol,cough drops no explanation required. SUN TAN LOTION NET very obvious but how many forget it!!!!!!!!! Rain suit Rain poncho you can buy them for a couple of bucks and keep them in the boat or your back pack. plastic bags ,Zip lock bags Boots Extra socks Line just in case Extra spool for rod Key for the boat.I keep an extra in the tackle box.Sometimes make it to the boat and yup forgot the key at camp so I just take the one from the tackle box. GAS this should be checked before going out. Cell phone( fully charged) Sunglasses (these can save your eyes) A cord for your glasses If you bend over too far you won't lose your glasses. Life Jackets obvious FIRST AID KIT.(I also keep a few bandaids in my tackle box and yes they do get used every year. Cooler with ice packs. Plenty of drinking water snacks Worms how many times have we forgot those(AND PLEASE PUT THEM IN THE COOLER) fish scale(no more guessing) OFNCOMMUNITY SIGN (so you won't let your team down) Tape measure keep your catch legal and ofners honest. Booster cables Duck tape(in case your fishing partner talks too much) Matches for the smokers (last thing you want is a nicotine addicted smoker wasting valuable fishing time looking for a lite disturbing other fisherman. FISHING LICENCE(how many times have we heard that this year, forgot my licence) Boat licence(in my case just to pilot a 12ft tinny) Well hopefully TJ,DanC,Roy,and Rick could post the ultimate fishing list. now lets here your ideas. Mike The Pike T
  13. Kevin I would PM Nipissing see what he says about cedar strip canoes.His family has been making them since 1920.I am sure he would know all about them.From what he told me they are pretty light canoes.MTP
  14. Roy when looking at these pictures you must look higher up
  15. Ah the good old salty rod holders Wayne.I have a joined account with the wife I give her what she needs and no radar alerts.We each have our own accounts where my pay goes into mine.When I make some sales commission she doesn't find out about the fishing gear extras because its not on the radar.You only need 6 rods for the Boq .If you have too many salty's let me know MTP
  16. Very nice Lakers .I hope its my turn this weekend never caught a Laker.MTP
  17. Thanks for the report and pics.WTG.MTP
  18. WTG CC nice catch of Browns and congrats on your first smallie which I did see before the OOS police found it.Different to see a blue background in your net. MTP
  19. WTG Alex.but next time keep the tape measure and OFC sign in your pocket.With all the time you have to fish don't worry you'll have another one for your team soon.I would have to say the carp looks close to 10lbs unless you have small feet MTP
  20. WTG Don good to see you catching them after 20yrs.No skunk for you.Nice lakers I hope to catch my first one next weekend. I can supply the Timmies for Muskie fishing MTP
  21. It takes me 1 hour to clean 15 perch .I have never caught my limit.I am still slow when cleaning fish but I am getting better. MTP
  22. Thats the one I use I always it keeps the hitch locked.I have another lock for the trailer which hooks to the latch there is no space to cut the lock. MTP
  23. Happy Birthday Brian my fellow teamate.Team #4 .Celebrate your birthday by catching a huge Trout in your new boat.
  24. Good luck guys .Remember we love pics
  25. Mike thanks for that report beauty pics .Like the shots of steam coming off the water. MTP
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