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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Mac'n cheese (the tomatoey kind made with tomatoe juice and lots of grated old cheddar cheese) with warm crusty baquette... It's the grand kids favorite...I prefer the creamy type but company rules I guess...
  2. A chap by the name of Dan used to fish off the cement pier at Couchiching Beach Park in downtown Orillia every spring during the Perch Festival (he won a PFD suit one year)...he too was in a powered wheelchair and owned a specially built (for him) van and the only thing he every needed from us was when he dropped his sunglasses into the drink and my bro-in-law fished them out for him... Lorne's suggestion of fishing for carp off pier 8 in Hamilton sounds good to me...a swell bunch of CAG (Carp Anglers Group) & OFC members I'm sure would take the time to help you with anything... Wish I lived closer at times...
  3. WOW !!!...WTG Carol... Never mind Cliff...a miss like that is much better than just a follow... Nice Smallie...
  4. Nice report Rene...No shots of Roy sleeping ???
  5. I'd love to go fishing smallies with you Terry.. I was saying to Big Cliff today that it would be a real hoot fishing with you and Brian... Name the day and time !
  6. Thanks for the priveledge my friend...maybe next time the big fish will be more co-operative, not that there is anything wrong with catching some WGSF and small smallies... Maybe if we coax Cliff he will post pics here of his new ride... Hell...If it was my boat I'd be bragging all over the place !!!
  7. Fished several of our usual bass spots and caught a few small ones and of course a few WGSF...kinda thinking they might still be on the beds... Came in, had a bite to eat, then my son and I drove over to Carp Point to try our hands at them...nadda bump but my son was quite surprised at the techniques we use for carp as this was his first time targetting them...maybe next time *sigh*
  8. "I'm around and I'm cranky because I can't get to Lakair this year." I'm pissed off that I couldn't make it this year either...probably why I posted what I did...Guess I'll never get used to being poor... If it offended anyone...I apologise... Roy made me do it !!!...
  9. Received this from a fellow carper in the UK...but it can apply for my country... CANADA !!! TOTALLY TOTALLY AGREE I think this really sums it all up. After hearing that many cities did not want to offend other cultures by putting up Christmas lights, so DIDN'T! After hearing that the Birmingham council changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's licence with her face covered. After hearing of a Primary School in Birmingham where a boy was told that for PE they could wear Football League shirts (Aston Villa, Birmingham, West Brom etc) but NOT an England shirt as it could offend others ! This prompted the editorial below written by a UK citizen. Published in a British tabloid newspaper. IMMIGRANTS. NOT BRITONS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on London , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Brits. However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the 'politically correct' crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others. there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of London being a multicultural centre for community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of wars, struggles, trials and victories fought by the untold masses of men and women who laid down their lives and one of the millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language! 'In God We Trust' is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. If St. George's cross offends you, or you don't like ' A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'. We didn't force you to come here. If you don't like it GO HOME!! You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
  10. Happy Birthday Chuck... I guess Simcoe will have to do this time eh?
  11. Will test the new number Saturday afternoon to make arrangements for Sunday...
  12. Nice to hear that I'm not the ony one that has those "Seniors" moments... I find myself in the "Hereafter" every once in a while...as in...what am I here after as I stare in the fridge looking for ? What time do you want to get out on the lake on Sunday? Might need some rain gear...
  13. My grandkids tagged me with "Beans" a long time ago because I used to tell them I thought they were full of beans...first it was Grampa full of beans but one little gaffer couldn't get his mouth around all that so he called me "Beans"...the rest of the family picked up on it and most call me "Beans" to this date... If you shouted "Norm" you may get a delayed answer...
  14. My wife is speaking to me again...Told me to "Shut my mouth"... Old joke but then...I'm an old guy...
  15. One way of finding out the temperature of the water on Sturgeon Lake in a hurry is : Go there with Hometownhandyman... Sorry Albert...I couldn't resist...
  16. Like you, I grabbed a pair of "Fitovers" at our local Tackle shop...$19.99 Seem to work OK !
  17. Mine was a bit older (35) but oh how she loved her dad and fishing... She would have been proud to hear her son give his valedictorian speech at the graduation ceremony last Friday...sigh...
  18. Thanks for the invite Cliff...looking forward to fishing with you and thanks for the honor of being the first...will do my best to get her all slimey...
  19. Yeh...ya gotta watch these dr. guys Cliff... I went to see one about 25 years ago and ended up with high blood pressure... I went to see another one 15 years ago and got type 2 diabetes... next it was arthritis... My new one sent me to see an urologist...gotta go into the hospital for a flexible cystocopy on Monday to check my bladder and kidneys... They're going to stick a tube/camera in my WHERE ??? Oh...No...the humility of it all...
  20. No fish in Pigeon Lake eh?...wadda ya call these?...chopped liver ??? Your catches...not mine...
  21. I don't know if this is a true indicator but these flowers (peonies) are at least 12 days later blooming than when I took pictures of them a couple of years ago
  22. Better not let Leslie catch you surfing the net for "Nipissing" porn sites or you might find yourself having shore lunches over on that rock island alone... Just kidding Kevin...
  23. Try cutting a leg off your wife's panty hose and keep your frogs in it...I used to use a nylon stocking but you only see those in Victoria Secret catalogues and speciallty shops...
  24. Ya Dawg...them 0 for reports are kinda humilitating...'specialy when others are hauling them in all around ya...
  25. No net Pete...CPH wouldn't use it if I brought it...He likes to get right in there with the fish and use his hemostats...
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