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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I know what you mean...No matter where Maribeth and I go...I'm always with the best lookin' gal in the room !!!
  2. Never mind Bass...it makes a good carp "swim"...
  3. Well dang it all...I meant to drop down to play supervisor but got tied up with getting the groceries for today's Easter dinner and then some yard work clearing brush and it completely slipped my mind As my old pal Nanook used to say..."it's me age...don't you know!")..... Last dock party at Cliff's, Jack and I couldn't do much about the docks but we managed to burn some pretty swell burgers... Damn I miss him...
  4. I'm still good with my resolutions... Haven't bet on any slow horses nor chased any fast women...(so far) Developing gout helped not getting out very much...
  5. And that is the reason most retired people do not have pets... I forget the $ amount that the vet charged us to find out that our former dog "Riley" needed to be put down then turned around and charged another $150 to do the deed !!! Heaven help Chiquita if she gets sick...maybe borrow my neighbor's gun... Must be too many rich people in Bobcaygeon...The vets (2) here wanted $150 each to neuter our 2 cats... Maureen's vet in Penetang did them both for $150 and we got to visit with her after we dropped them off...
  6. Condolences to the family Rest in peace John Say hi to our pal Jack (Nanook) if you run into him...
  7. 1 load eqals about 3 bush cords...a lot of work to cut to stove size...you get a lot of skinny pieces that can be cut-up for kindling...
  8. I thought you and the Buckster guy were going to come over to my place and play Paul Bunyan...? There is a whole Spruce tree out front that has to come down (minus the top one third that the lightning did a number on and killed the tree... I also got a few 6 foot cedar logs out back that you can have...I need help getting them in my truck (or yours)... Lemme know...
  9. 47 !!!...Cripes...you're still a PUP ! You shouldn't need viagara for at least three more years unless you forgot to pace yourself... Happy Birthday me son...
  10. Was out back with the dog when I heard the wind pick up like a tornado was coming and then it started to "SNOW" and I mean "SNOW"...didn't last long but it was coming down like it had a purpose... Glad I decided not to try for crappies yesterday and today...would have froze my off!!!
  11. And mines a 1995...too bad the recall isn't for rust...
  12. I will be down that way on Tuesday...will take a look... BTW...The Boss (TJ) sez they are called pickerel...
  13. Contact Stephen at New World Carp...I'm sure he will make things right by you...Don't know why you thought the bank sticks would be included as they are listed separately on his site...BTW...so are the holders you might want on the back bank stick...
  14. Not quite Jer...was down by Taites Bay this afternoon and still lots of ice but it is deteriorating quickly...our lagoon is ice free except at the mouth...this weekend the bay might be ice-free...lost the pics I took...will try again tomorrow...
  15. After giving it some more thought...It is your own damn fault...if you didn't catch so many carps, I wouldn't have to pull my line in as often...then you wouldn't hear me readjusting my line so much......LOL...
  16. The first time I ever used tubes they were 2 1/2 inch Phenix salted tubes (Smoke colored)...The bass thought they were candy that day...4 x 5lb and 1 x 4 lb...all smallies...I haven't had as much luck with the larger ones...Probably a confidence thing...
  17. "HEY !!! ... I resemble that remark!... Besides...I gotta do sumpin' to amuse myself seein' as how you catch all the carps... Sorry Mike...I'll try to do better in the future...
  18. I'm only guessing...forget the word "bites"...the number(#) is the mfg model number...
  19. I know how you feel... Fishing will not be the same this spring without Jack (Nanook) Condolences to you...
  20. But you got to admit Randy, there is nothing like the sound of an alarm going off during that first long run to get the old ticker pumping some adrenaline through your veins... I only paid $23 for one of my alarms and am amazed at how much cheaper some sell for now... hell. a good 9 volt battery costs about the same as that cheapest one... Being able to change the tone is a nice feature when fishing with several carpers...
  21. Terrific job on the video... We will have to call you Cecil B. De Joey from now on...
  22. I gots a friend down in Alabama that swears by Worden's Rooster Tails...his favorite is the Green Coach Dawg...
  23. Great News my friend !!!
  24. Is this the same as Corned Beef ???
  25. I like to keep it light... "Bring me Sunshine" by Willie Nelson
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