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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I went on the WFN site and informed them that by clearing your cache...you can vote as many times a day as you like and have time for... I also suggested that all the entrants names be put in a hat and the first 4 names drawn win the $250 BPS gift cerificates plus the extras...seems like the only fair way to run it now that the voting can be rigged... SHADES of voting in Florida !!! Maybe if they receive more e-mails from OFC members this will happen...
  2. The only thing legitimate and ethical to leave behind...that's easy... FOOTPRINTS !
  3. Geeeeze...us retired guys got it made eh? (if only we were rich too... )
  4. LOL !!! Now that's what you call..."RATIONALIZATION"
  5. Sweet lookin' ride guys... Can just picture you both flying across Lake Simcoe...hair blowin' in the wind...
  6. Wow !!! ... What a trip ... I wish I had your money ...
  7. Dang !!!...she has slipped back into 31 st place on the bottom of page 3... She needs more votes and/or voters...
  8. Maribeth and I are sorry to hear about Cocoa Jack as we know how much a part of your family he is... I have to agree...what you are doing is definitaly the best thing...we had to do the same for our Riley...not right to let them suffer unnecessarily... As Cliff sez..."he will always be in your heart"... Beans and Maribeth
  9. Just had a look... Heading into the back stretch she is in 35th place by a nose... See...it helps to have a big schnozz...
  10. She can be found on Page 5...just did my voting...
  11. People were saying that about Lake Scugog 60 years ago...sure took a long time to happen...I think it is just Ma Nature's way of thinning the herd... A scientist in fish biology at Trent University thinks it is a carp specific virus...Peterborough Examiner 15 July 2007
  12. Glen...you're beginning to sound like Meely... "Did you get it in the boat?...Nope?...then it's only a story"...
  13. I don't think you can return them once you've wet yourself !!!
  14. Geeze...And all along I thought you were reffering to the "Prince of Wales" horse race from Woodbine...silly me...
  15. Awe yes...Summer of '07...I remember it well...3 days of real hot weather...nothin' to do but park me arse in front of the air conditioner and watch TV...kinda wished we got the 24 hour fishing show channel...
  16. Hey Lew...seems you were posting while I was sending you a PM...LOL
  17. Hey Brian...You're a good lad ...tells your mother! Partnering your son on his first tourney must have been the greatest of thrills (well...maybe second greatest)... I sure envy you my son...
  18. Just for clarification...the south side of the causeway is all private property...several well-to-do Torontonians purchased the whole swamp for their own pleasure... Way back when a Mr Purdy built a dam and mill at Purdy Mills (200+ years ago...renamed Lindsay Ontario 150 years ago) and was allowed to flood 65,000 acres of land along the banks of the Scugog River...that became Lake Scugog... Because our farm extended out under the water, my grandpappy used to run a trap line for muskrats and mink in the winter... Don't know all the details of the land purchases but it all belongs to the private club now and they keep it well patrolled in case anyone is thinking of dropping a boat or canoe in there...
  19. What's this ?...You mean you're not going to around here next Friday so we can rib you about how old you are on your birthday...DANG !!! Have a good holiday and a Happy Birthday too, my friend...
  20. Hey Memart...Welcome to the board...your brudder will prob tell you to just ignore all my good advice... but since you asked... Bowmanville and Port Hope can get good for salmon soon...keep your eye on the board for when they start running...we hooked some as early as mid July (or was it August...) three years ago using roe bags on bottom from shore...
  21. Ya Lew... Don't they know that "work" is a four-letter word !!!
  22. Crappieprechhunter and I took a run down P'boro way this morning and for a while it looked like we were in Skunk City...Just before the storm blew thru a little after 09:00 AM I managed to lose a decent carp and then came the rains...we tried waiting it out by sitting in the car but decided to go exploring as soon as it let up enough to pack up our equipment... Cph had only fished up that way once a couple of years ago so the canoe club up at the north end was new to him as well as the point between the canal and the river...we didn't fish there as we hd no net...too high to lift... We decided to head back where we were before as we had invested a lot of corn as chum in the area and our old friend Rodpolly stopped by to see how we were doing...(Great to see you Ron)... He said that the area had been dead for the past three weeks but you couldn't tell by us...Cph landed three and lost two...all good sized...and I lost a brute by being too heavy handed on the drag but my arm was getting sore after fifteen minutes of the battle... No great numbers but after nothing for a long time it sure felt good to feel sumpin' heavy pulling on our strings...
  23. Geeeze Lew...we came this I---I close to stopping by your trailer on the way up #23 but it was getting on to three o'clock and Cph had promissed his mom a fish fry for supper (still has some crappy left from last spring)...are you in T.O. or did you get a lap top for the trailer???
  24. G'Day Mates !...No I didn't mess the bed...just waiting for Cph to show then we are off in search of carp fishing grounds...our usual "swim" has dried up it seems...3 days with nary a line bump or a line jiggle even was our first clue... Going to try down P'boro way...
  25. Dang !!!...Now you got me wonderin'...As reported earlier I caught a 2 1/2 largemouth in Pigeon Lake...(not my favorite to eat) but had it been a couple of smallmouth in that size range...I would have had a hard time deciding as I do like smallie fillets... Sure wish they would hurry up and let us know what is killing the carp and if our waters/fish are potable/eatable... Did not see any dead carp anywhere in Tait's Bay while driftfishing...
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