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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Remember...Fish IT real slow...................
  2. Cool, non clinging clothing helps keep cool too.Try to avoid the urge to go shirtless.You will be cooler in a light colored loose shirt.I usually dip my Tilley in the water from time to time.Keeps my brain from hurting
  3. Great report Cliff. Friends are great and you have many.Looking forward to meeting you someday
  4. Good advice Bro. I will be on the water here most of the day.Have my Tilley, water, and sunscreen, and polarized glasses. Good luck with the Bass.I will be hunting toothy critters over this way Looking forward to Morrisburg next weekend.
  5. Nice !!! Hope i will be that lucky tomorrow hitting Lac st.Louis.Theres some huge fish in there, and i think i now where they are
  6. Nice !!! That'll teach him to listen next time
  7. Great shots !!! They have been introduced here,in Montreal, also.I noticed some nesting boxes under the Champlain Bridge while fishing the other day.The pigeon population has really been kept at bay thanks to these beautiful birds.
  8. Always love your repports Simon.This is no exception
  9. Look below the handle.Some put a chrome slide there that can be pushed either forward or backwards.
  10. Ummmm Perch Looks like a great outing.Those smiles say it all
  11. That was you?? When i saw the Tartan Tattoo i shoulda known.......Nice bike BTW
  12. I always thought that to properly filet a fish, you needed a `filet` knife, but now i know that any good quality thinish bladed knife, sharpened properly, will do a great job.I recently forgot my Rapala knife on a fishing trip with my brother.All i had on me was a pocket sized Buck Knife with a 3 in.blade.Sharpened it up and it worked perfectly on Bass, and i used it on walleye a week later with the same results.I actually liked it better than my Rapala. Get something comfortable in your hand, and dont rule out using other types of knives to filet fish.
  13. Nope.just a big hairy dude on a harley.
  14. On my way home tonite, i was in the center lane, had signals on to move right and exit the highway.There was a big hairy dude on a Harley in the right lane doing about 90 K. I accelertated slightly, and so did he. So i slowed down a bit, and so did he Finally, i moved in behind him and signaled that i was getting off. He was yelling and screaming like a fool, and followed me off at my exit,slowing me and everyone behind me down to a crawl.At the stop sign, he pulled up beside me and began curseing at me in french useing some really good words that i had not heard in along time.Something about my mother and sister, and some mention to my dog. The wife is freaking right about now, and i rolled my window down and stared him in the eyes.He put the kick down and went to get off the bike.I said "Nice Bike man".....he froze in his tracks."Thanks" he said looking confused as to why i was not afraid of him. Then i said it......dont ask me why, i have no clue.The wife drew a gasp in so deep, i thought she was haveing an attack.I said..."Tell me, do they make them for men too?" I dont think anyone has ever talked to him like that.I felt that tight feeling you know where, when your body senses that its going to experience trauma. He just shook his head, and laffed so hard, all he could do was get back on the bike, and fly off in a cloud of dust and harley noise. The wife called me a big Dufus, and i though of this thread.
  15. Goood going Greg !!!I wanna see picks too.Good luck boys:Gonefishing:
  16. Great report JM !!! love kids and fish:clapping:
  17. Billy will leave some for the rest of us.he's good like that:clapping:
  18. great.i will keep this in mind.I have an old Abu 5000 i use as a drop shot reel.i will prably practice with that first.
  19. The 7000c3i doesnt have a thumb bar line release.I have never casted without one.Is there much of a difference in the learning curve of this reel?
  20. awesome Cant wait to see the vid
  21. So many...........so little time:w00t:
  22. 3000 smackers for breaks ??? That sounds a wee bit steep:dunno: What part of the break system could cost that much?
  23. My brother and i have a special name for those types of people. And believe me, they are absolutely everywhere you can think of too.
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