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Everything posted by mercman

  1. oh boy....this should be interesting.Fishing equipment is a personal thing and everones is the best.My advise is, if you own and like lowrance, stick with it.The 2 major companies both have good and bad points, so stick with what you know and trust.I have an x135 and although it is a good machine, and it cost me nothing,i wanted a humminbird, so i just bought a 587HD Ci with gps.From what i read and researched, i will be very happy with it. I"ll know more next season when i install it on my boat and use it. Paul
  2. ya and crabs are 40 bucks a pound.........Shake hands with a millionaire !!!!!
  3. I think its funny.He sounds like a bullied little boy shooting his mouth off, from under his momma's skirt. We as Canadians don't take offense to that kinda crap, and most people don't believe a word of it anyways. Thanks for sticking up for us Bob .i for one, appreicate you letting me know about this tiny brained wiper of other peoples bottoms.
  4. sticks and stones Bob. Whe have thick skins up here.
  5. ah yes...the BB seal of approval.ya see i listen good eh!!!
  6. well............you know how it is bob.no tax either
  7. My pleasure Skeets !!! Of course ya know, that BBQ sauce is addictive I put it on everything
  8. welcome to the board Mr. Long. Nice young gator ya got. Looking forward to future pics. Thanks for sharing.
  9. here i quebec,we been doing it for years now, and like anything else, ya get used to it.No big deal.They will give you a grace period of a couple of months.When you dial without the code, a recording will remind you to do it next time.
  10. Hey Skeets. you must be married to my wifes clone She got me a shimano Compre rod and a Curado 300E and 100 gift card from sail.Then she got all my friends and familly to get me sail cards of various amounts.Well, turns out i had enough for the humminbird 587 Ci HD sonar/GPS i was slobbering over every time i went into the store.We are lucky dudes Skeets. I tell mine that every day...do you
  11. BC,with friends like that, you ARE the richest man in the world.Great Post, you have restored my faith in humaity Thanks for sharing,and Happy New Year !!!!!!!
  12. There are Gov legislations regarding major appliances and "reasonable warranty and life span" of said appliances.If you do your homework and force this with the manufacturer, you may be surprised at the lengths they will go to avoid unwanted publicity.They exist, but are not widely publicized.Manufacturers are aware of it but if you dont push the issue, they will do nothing at all.
  13. Like Bernie said. Replace the bulb.If you are satisfied with the tv, replace the bulb. Its an easy DIY fix, and much cheaper than a new set.
  14. Now ya got me going. I used to have a Zebco spinning reel and a garcia rod.Paid alot back then.39.99 for the reel, and 29.99 for the rod.Back then all i was interested in was how it felt in my hands.Had a tackle box with some rapallas and a few arbogast poppers,a couple of daredevils and a johsons J-plug.Caught all kinds of fish on them.Abot 10 years ago, i figured i'd probably never fish again, so i threw everything away. Last year when i decided to return to fishing, i was totally shocked at what had happened since i had been gone. I had never even heard of a fish finder, and baitcasters were for the Pro's. I have 3 rod/reel combos now, carefully chosen to alow me to fish most of the species i want to, along with lures and tackle.I was given a sonar when i got the boat, but i am a technonut,so i went last week and got a new one with GPS.Its hard as heck to know when enough is enough,and i have a hard time not adding something to my tackle box every time i shop.
  15. Brian, i feel your pain and your loss. I have been there a number of times myself. But my love of dogs, and the unconditional love they show us, always makes me get another.Not to replace or fill the hole left when one departs, but to share my life with such a noble, loyal and loving creature.
  16. Hey !!!! don`t laff Roy.I think i got one of those for christmas.
  17. Keep em comin` guys.I`m learning from every post One question. Is flouro really invisible to the fish,and are they really smart enough to figure it out.
  18. Looks like you had a great season.Nice looking catch. Thanks for sharing and welcomeing 2011 with the promise of more great fishing this season. Paul
  19. Tackle Tart......too funny.My Brother is one of these.He owns at least 20 rod combos, and easally 5K in tackle, not to mention designer wet suits and PFD's. Mind you, he has the bucks, but we were taught if you don't use it in 12 months, chuck it in the garbage.You know where i will be, garbage day, i year from today
  20. hey Beans, i still use a snap swivel .I figure i caught tons a fish in my youth,using these, why not still use em. I get the same feeling when i walk into sail, as i do when i walk into Best Buy or Future shop.Drives me crazy to NEED more toys I have 2 rod reel combos, and for now thats fine. It takesalot of willpower on my part, not to spend tons of money on new taclke and lures.So like a good tackleholic i ask for sail gift cards so i'm not actually spending my own money. Justification.........sigh
  21. Happy New Year Kelvin !! give her a big hug from the Mercman. May health be restored and happiness all rond. Paul
  22. thanks B.....I got to get out more often
  23. you know me i know what it looks like, but i didnt want to go there skeets.
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