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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Dave you paint a Rockwell picture in my mind.....I'm warm and fuzzy now
  2. Earthquakes, storms of the century, massive fish and bird die offs......
  3. I Think the point Roy was making, is that in this world we have become aclimatized to this type of thing happening every day, and that we should remember that an idle bomb threat is still that...a threat, and therfore a terrorist act.
  4. The only tackle retailer we had this year in Montreal was LeBarons. No Sail or any of the other great shops we have locally. I think the cost of booths plus declining attendance is keepinu the bigger players away. I did notice that there was a booth where they were selling Tupperware and bed sheets Figure that one out. At least the cost was only 13 bucks for tickets.
  5. Here in Montreal too !! The ice edge is at least 400 feet closer to shore now on the river.Play safe everyone
  6. Dude !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a Beaut!Love the color on her
  7. I'm with you on this Bob. With the internet, and WFN, you can stay up to date on the innovations in the industry, right in your own living room.Plus, with all the major sporting stores syncing their sales around these shows,there is really no reason to attend them either. I saw no real bargains at the montreal show a few weeks ago, and will not be going back next year.
  8. We seem to be stuck with these unwanted fish. Is there not a way we can fish the heck out of them and use them for animal feed, or human consumption Heck, everyone says they are an excellent tasting fish, and they are easy as hell to catch !! There are needy people all over the place who would love to have these added to their weekly diets. A whole industry could evolve around these pests. This could be done while strictly controlling the harvesting of the fish, and the transportation of live fish from place to place.Unlimited quotas would soon reduce the populations to a controllable level. I may have no clue what i'm talking about here, but it seems to me that it May be a possible long term solution.Just throwing this out there.
  9. What a clasic motor !!! You are a true crafstman Bernie. I would LOVE to see a picture of that cedar strip boat its on Please
  10. I guess it wasnt their prefered cut of meat
  11. interesting sequence of photos.Ravens, a Hawk and is that what we call Turkey vultures . Funny that none of the larger preditors didnt show up. Thanks Joe
  12. copy........paste to wordpad....save file as....'Nite Bite 1'........SAVE
  13. Right click the link, and click 'Open in new tab', it works fine. WTH was that all about ??? Sounds more like a p.o.ed employee than anything Not much info given.
  14. Good for ya Dave !!!!!!!!!!! One thing i like about Dave is his sincerity.If you look, he always makes eye contact with the people he is talking to.That tells all !!!!!!!!!
  15. Nice take Dude !!!! Looks like yer gonna miss da hice !!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Quote Troy 'Smells a bit strong, but better dan smellin alligator'
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth dude
  18. Ya hes a butt head. Thats why i like Troy. He sees the value of giving a bit of control to his son, so he can leave him the bussiness some day.
  19. Now that is funny !!! I can just picture the mayhem that caused. Good story !!!
  20. file down the screw heads so he cant take it apart Geoff
  21. Hey Bud.I will be praying overtime for her from now on. in the mean time here is a song by Craig Morgan that i heard a few months ago and it made me think of Jen. Different circumstances but the song is about her none the less. Paul
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