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Everything posted by mercman

  1. He may find out this summer if he gets me in his boat.I will remember to fill you all in on the experience
  2. Someone said the 17-19 of June Has that been changed or were they just speculating.
  3. Cripes...from the back, it kinda looks like you Bob
  4. FISHINSTUFF RODS AND REELS http://www.fishingstufff.com/
  5. Ma all`ys did like y`all better dan me Skeeter.Dats why ya all`ys got the purdy knickers.
  6. Jon.......Brew some really strong coffee. Empty it in the sink, and brew another pot of the same. Before you pour the first down the sink, take the time to have one yourself The smell of the brewing coffee will hide the evidence of you mouth watering feast
  7. Wayne who !!!! Happy B day Sir !!!!!Have one on me
  8. Oh man !!! Looks fantastic. Thats a great looking pike in one of those pics Thanks for the great report and pics. Paul
  9. The operator of the ROV really knows his stuff.He did a bang up job
  10. Ya better be grounded Roy !!! Metal, rain and battery dont mix well.
  11. Happened to me also and what scare.Got rid of mine by downloading free Spybot Search and Destroy. Gets rid of these types of malware and innoculates your computer against further attacks.Get it,install it and use it occasionally to clean your system if you search the net alot.Keep it updated.its free
  12. Great story. Warms ny heart and renews my faith in my fellow man. Thanks for sharing it with me Paul
  13. Holy Crap Skeets !!! you are a while and crazy guy A little wacked too
  14. what !!!!!!No cup holders If that lawnchair falls across the battery terminal, Houston will have a real problem.
  15. thems some sexy lookin reels Banger Nanu Nanu
  16. What the hey !!! Ok....How does chewing gum work
  17. These hogs are ugly as sin.The seem to be running rampant in the souther states.Why don they just open the hunting season on them to reduce the population They are extremely agressive
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