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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Yup, we lost an hour of fishing per day over the last while, but the sunsets on the water are stunning this time of year. Great Pic Paul
  2. No RC, Ever see those fish that follow around catfish all day? Those are dog fish.....Sheesh....Gotta tell ya everything
  3. Welcome Oryx. From what i've seen, you will fit right in Sounds to me like a nice Vessel you have.Comfort when fishing is top priority, and they are a good comfortable boat to fish out of. PAUL
  4. Imagine the road rash you could get if it tipped over!! Ouch !!!
  5. Nice fishin !!! At least the wife will hold a fish with gloves.Mine wont go anywhere near them Just likes catching them.
  6. FYI I busted a prop a while back.Black Max Mercury aluminum. Cost me 198 fpr a new one and decided to send mine to be rebuilt.One of my customers recomended this guy, and i just got it back today 78 bucks and its like a new one.Balanced and he even tuned it a bit to get me better speed and motor economy. Bells Machining and Hydraulics 2021 Rogers Rd Perth Ont. Always good to have a spare
  7. Gee, i thought this faded into the archives. I'm calmer now Skeets, but now i'm after a 30in, and i will get one too,
  8. Nice Eye Simon. Congrats on the PB Paul
  9. And, she's still alive My mother-in-law had a pain beneath her left breast. Turned out to be a trick knee. The reason women don't play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public. We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up. You know you're old if your walker has an airbag
  10. You were only 15 Cripes.....where can i find some old coots i can relate to in here I bet you dont even know who Phylis Diller is Young bucks.....sheesh
  11. Birch is a very oily wood.It will probably burn alright, but will be a dirty burn.Keep your eye on your chimneyIt may leave alot of creosote on the chimney liner, which could ignite into a chimney fire
  12. Hail to the King of Rock and Roll. I can remember exactly where i was and what i was doing the day he died.People were weeping openly all around me, it was a sad day indeed.
  13. Welcome aboard. I dunno, those were some pretty sexy pics, if you ask me.
  14. You kill me !!! Besides, cats come with thier own hooks built in
  15. Doc, those aint Bass, they is 'Holy Cows.' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really nice ones too Thanks Paul
  16. Thats Cool . I wont show it to the wife though. She even gets emotional when i put a worm on her hook
  17. I woulda paid good money to see the look on his face Geoff !!!!!Musta been priceless
  18. Hey !!!Wait in line Mr. Rico, i may be able to divulge a few good walleye spots up this way for a small(sauce)Fee You are right Cliff, this is a one of a kind place to hang out The best of the Best are all members of OFC Paul
  19. Too bad they dont come i Walleye and Musky flavors. That would be a real hoot to attach that to your line, and then go and sit on a dock somewhere full of prople
  20. Mike, i just spoke with Lauzon's, the owner, and he can get them for you on order. He has contacts and suppliers that can get them that size. give him a call.514-453-5018
  21. i need a new laptop now, this one is getting way too sticky
  22. You said you wouldn't tell anyone in here that
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