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Everything posted by mercman

  1. did ya get a picture? If not, it never happened
  2. Come on Man !!! I'm not that cruel .....sheesh, what a way to go.
  3. Free .....nope , but with your old age discount, and a wink at the cashier, who knows
  4. the rest of the time.....i let my imagination take control of me
  5. They are definately a pain in the Butt But no matter what we do, they are here to stay.I usually drive the hook through thier brain before throwing them back.
  6. I can't believe it .....Simon, Sincere condolences from Barb and I.I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. God Bless you and your familly.
  7. Aww man....These threads always tug at my heart strings.Even bring a tear to my eyes. Been there done that Chris, and i know absoluetly how you feel.Only another dog lover can understand the emptiness.Take the time to mourn, then go get another.It will help fill the void in your heart. My sympathy Chris.
  8. For the dollar store stuff, lets just say, cheap labor force.For the company where you worked,who knows.Maybe if it had been made in China instead of within our borders, it may have been tastier Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread. Fenwick still makes a decent rod, for people who have a budget to follow.I have used mine for 2 years without a complaint.Its sensitive, light, strong enough for what i use it for, and comfortable to hold all day long while fishing.I probably wouldnt use it for walleye, or bigger fish, but thats why we all have differnt rods for differnt apps.
  9. I wouldn't have put it quite like that. ya....i guess i woulda
  10. Made in China, does not always mean CHEAP.remember, they do not design the rod, they manufacture it to the specifications of the company they are making it for.
  11. Ya but they dont eat it like with a real worm.You can use it over and over.And, once you get Goby juice on it, it becomes more attractive to other fish
  12. For what you need Bob, try Nanaofil.I like its strength, but not the spool memory it seems to exhibit. Its strong like braid, but very smooth and easy to retrieve. For perching, the spool memory shouldnt affect you at all, but i dont like it for casting even though it comes off the spool effortlessly.When the line is slack, it sits there curled up on the water.Thats my experience with it.
  13. Thanks for that. Those are the heros no one hears about.I had no idea.
  14. Excellent advice Roy.Safety for both fisher and fish.
  15. OUUCHHH !!! thank god it wasnt a lion or Cheetah chasing that beast The story woulda had a different ending
  16. Excellent thread Mike, and great advice Lew. I have been glued to all these great Musky topics lately. I have learned tons of great tips that hopefully i can use in the future.
  17. Judging from his GIRTH....not near enough JK Skip
  18. Great report Dude !! Always makes me sad when thBe end of softwater season winds down.But still a few good weekends to go.
  19. Don't forget all the informative discussions on tackle and eqipment Alot of the great info from these threads is helping me to plan my future equipment purchases for next season.What i find really unique here is the mixture of sincerity, sillyness,experience and knowledge. I have yet to see its equal,anywhere else on the web. A big manly hug to all of you.
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