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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I caught my first Musky this year, and compared to some, it was small, but to me, it seemed like a huge toothy beast.I'm not sure, buy i think i used the word MONSTER in my thread. If it bothers someone to see the words Monster, behemoth, Pig, gigantic,used for so called mediocre fish, then maybe they aren"t enjoying the fishing as much as the competition.
  2. Wind blowing along the shore can increase oxygen levels in the water.Small fish will tend to feed on the plancton disturbed by the wind, therefore bringing preditor fish into shallower water. Wind waves also prevents light penetration, forcing preditor fish int shalow water to feed also.Its probably harder on the angler than the fish.It makes your boat harder to control, and makes it hard to feel your lure on the end of your line.I was out today in the wind, and noticed mud lines in the water where current was mixing wind blown sediment from shallow water into deeper waters.The mudline creates a great ambush point for fish, and i caught 2 small walleye lurking along the outside of this line.I didnt stay out very long though.I was alone in the boat, and was having a rough time controling the boat by myself.
  3. Ya mean i have to change the oil in my vehicules Dang, that answers a lot of questions
  4. Maybe Geoff will trade you his goose for it
  5. Don't sweat it Dana.Most of us have no idea of the significace of this fish Personally, never heard of it before, probably wont ever see one, either.I can't appreciate what all the fuss is about,cause i dont fish em.And i'm not alone.
  6. Yer a stronger man than me Rizzo.That woulda made me whimper like a little girl
  7. ahhh yayaaah olool People stared at me all day today, cause i was humming this bloody tune.I still here it in my brain. Thanks
  8. should work no mater where you are.Both search out available connections anywhere you are.
  9. Nice looking fish The darkness makes the big preditors bold and hungry
  10. Look up Pangasius on Google. Its becomeing the most popular freshwater fish in the world.What you see will scare the heck out of you.Compared to how they are farmed, i dont think fish from our lakes are all that bad to eat in MODERATION.
  11. What d'ya think of Glen and Mitchell?
  12. Great.......now i have to call in sick.I cant go in with this stuck in my brain
  13. Most of the toxins accumulate in the belly fat.Cut that part out, and it should be ok once in a while.
  14. What do we do fer fun Glen? Ahhh we hunt What else Glen? ahhhh we fish.. Hell ya,,,,what else do we do Glen? Uhhhh i dunno.... We gonna catch sum bait, so we can catch sum bait, so we can catch sum Gar Scarey stuff
  15. Get a load of Mitchel and Glen Shades of deliverance
  16. OMG !!! The poor little thing. I hate seeing a dog in pain.Breaks my heart Hope he will remember thatthe next time they cross paths, but probably wont. My lab has been sprayed 3 times this summer by the same skunk, and she would do it again in a heartbeat
  17. A farmer is a man, outstanding in his field.
  18. That is going to give me nightmares
  19. Great report !! Thanks for sharing.I dream about doing a trip like that. Some day.......sigh.
  20. Reminds me of the time i got all sauced up and went pigeon hunting in my my ex father in laws barn.I didnt notice the nice holes i blew through the roof with the 12ga. untill i sobered up. He always watched me like a hawk after that. Never let me in his barn again
  21. Gotta love this place !!! I have to meet you some day Art.I have heard all kinds of wonderful things about you.Good on you for your generosity
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