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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. You could send the suiks down south for a proper disposal,southern style! Joe
  2. My goats have been eating real grass this year instead of hay for the most part..Very wierd!Going up to 72 tomorrow,thats got to be at least 27 litres Canadian!eh? Joe
  3. Some of them southern boys have more than a few skeeters and the alligators will kick a black fly's butt any day of the week.
  4. From a John Prine song..Fish and Whistle.
  5. Good job Jason,was wondering how your season went this year.Sounds like it was a winner! Joe
  6. I wanted a screamer but I got a sweater instead!!!
  7. Give Miss Bubba a big hug for me bud.Merry Christmas to you and yours. Joe
  8. Happy to ya bud!! Joe
  9. Just logged on.I have done more than a fewq prime ribs..Here is the perfect and easiest recipe ever..http://incolor.inebraska.com/catfish/primerib.html Good luck Joe
  10. Here's another version..much higher scores http://www.funny-games.biz/bloody-pingu.html Joe
  11. I'm pretty sure I do. Joe
  12. Heres a great big one from the Great White North!Take off!!
  13. there was a guy a few years ago from the Virginia beach area thta used to go to the Bahammas and work the guide boats for Marlin.He went to land a small one and wrapped the leader around his wrist to pull in the fish.The fish was still a bit green and dove.It pulled him down about 20 ft and sat there for a few seconds.It then dove again and went out of site..Scary stuff..gives me the willies to think about it! Joe
  14. I didn't think Art got that on video!!! Joe
  15. Hey Rick..Dawg and I are waiting.... Joe
  16. Take a look up in the pipe and like R2 said if it looks good it should be OK.Make sure the new funce in not a condensing furnace though. Joe
  17. I'll be there.It is tuesday after all... Joe
  18. Good deal.I was hoping that you would post the outcome of this issue. Joe
  19. Good deal bud.I'm not too familiar with the pricing on units anymore.The last two I installed were for my house so the labor was free..sort of... Joe
  20. Looks like a good solid unit with a pretty good warranty.Enjoy the new heater.Make sure the tech checks the wiring and T-stat and sets the heat anticipator for that unit. Joe
  21. Maybe a stickie will be in order.Not sure we can make it but let Art or I know if we can help! Joe
  22. My dog is jelous now.She has only caught squirrels,mice and moles...A rabbit is the holy grail for a dog.Good job,pup!! Joe
  23. Great News Pete!!I am truly exited about how this worked out for you.You should be very proud of yourself! Joe
  24. Thats way cool.Are you gonna have to sit in the cooler? Joe
  25. Make sure you bring the air mattress.Sometimes just filling the thing will warm you up! Joe
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