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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. I'm already in one Yahoo league,is it possible to join two?BTW Tony killed me also. Joe edit to read,I figgered it out so I'm in! Joe
  2. I would like to see smoke do it.I have a bad feeling it will be Kurt bush,I cant stand the guy though. Joe
  3. http://games.espn.go.com/stockcar/frontpage Search for name of group...Fans of Johnny Benson.no password needed its public group. Joe Good luck!
  4. Sometimes with harder metals than copper we use silver solder or silphos(sp).It does not require as much prep but needs more heat.It comes in a stick like brazing rods but does not require as much heat as them.good luck. Joe
  5. Good stuff Jason.Very pretty country you live in. Joe
  6. I won 10th place in my class in the Jet ski world finals in Lake Havasue Arizona in 1990..does that count? Joe
  7. Tuesday night chat is a tradition here.I'll be there in a few.. Joe
  8. Had it done in 2001.Worked like a champ!Tried every thing from actupuncture to celebrex before doing it.Glad it was done.Good luck. Joe
  9. Thats chat for you not so dyslexics..theres a couple of us there now Joe
  10. Hey Chris..Yer kind of a cute feller!!!!I have some pics somewhere of me longhair days somewhere.My daughter gets a laugh out of them.. Joe
  11. The subject Dyslexia.is it really just a form of spoonerism?round about 8:15 or so.gotta bone up on my noonerspisms!!!
  12. They dont rent water heaters here so I dont know how the economics would work out.The power vent heaters are great and will save you some money.If you are handy you can install it yourself.Make sure you read the installation instructions though.You can only have a certain length of pipe and only so many bends in it.Good luck.If you have any questions post them here or PM aplumma or myself. Joe
  13. I made the jump in 1990 I was 30 years old then.I had a wife akid and a mortgage.I had an old high school bud that wanted to start up a plumbing business with me.After 8 months I had lost my buddy and the business.We sold off the assets and I bought the truck and started over.I only had about one months worth of bills in the bank so I was highly motivated.So far so good 17 years and counting.I will say that if you are thinking that you will have more family time you may want to rethink it.The first few years are a bit nerve wracking.After that you may have some time to yourself though.I still think its all a dream and I will wake up and have to go to work for someone!At your age I would say go for it but make sure you are not underfunded.You might not get lucky like I did at the time and put your family in fiscal jeopardy.If you really think you can make a go at then do it!!What type of business are you going into.PM me if you dont want to discuss it on the board.I'm in Virginia so I dont think I will be competing with you for customers.Best of luck to you. Joe
  14. What they said above is right.Both of my guys were crate trained.As they got older I removed the crate and put a dog bed where the crate was.They still go there to get away and take a snooze during the day.Neither of them have any problem going back into the crate when I take them to visit at other peoples houses.Good luck with your new dog. Joe
  15. I must have missed the really bad stuff.No worries bud,see ya in June. Joe
  16. Finally got that windbag douG to shut up for a minute..chat is open and quite pleasant now. Joe
  17. Not real sure that Brian and Monty will make it this year.He's started a new job and may not have the time off.He has been known to show up any way though!!! Joe
  18. The rule of the fish:The big ones eat the little ones.Catch some little ones and use them for bait!CH has a handle on theat stuff.You may also check with the locals,mostly they will steer you in the right direction.Have fun! Joe
  19. This is really funny,specially if you have chickens! http://haha.nu/funny/watch-the-chicken/
  20. Welcome aboard Oldschool.The system you are talking about,either by natural convection or mechanical means is a simple install on a new constuction setting but is a little tougher in an existing structure.I suspect that hot water lines will freeze faster becuase the minerals in the hot water in the house have "settled" in the holding tank and are more pure than the cold water.I'm sure my brother (aplumma) will have the correct explanation for this.I do know that the first lines to freeze up in a house are the hot water lines from almost 30 years of plumbing work.I always like to see a lurker finally post here.Cheers! Joe
  21. Using hot water to make ice will make crystal clear cubes!In the hvac world of psychometrics we use the delta T quite often. Joe
  22. Glad it thawed out for ya without bursting.A little heat goes a long way,you dont have to warm up the pipe you just have to keep it above freezing!If you have the sink on an outside wall you may want to leave the cabinet open on real cold nights.Redirecting a heat duct down there will help but if you turn the heat way down at night and the furnace fan is off it will not heat up the space.For some reason the hot water lines almost always freeze first! Joe
  23. Forgot about Dread Zepplin..and Robbie Robertson,I must be getting old! Joe
  24. A light spinning outfit with some white jigs can provide hours of entertainment just casting around the docks.I used to live in Bermuda and it worked there. Joe
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