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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Rattle trap has it nuts on here.When a homeowner supplies the parts the contractor is giving away any quality control he has over the job and cannot warranty the materials.Better to have the contractor supply the parts and labor so you have some sort of recouse if it doesn't work out.The other route to go is to buy and install yourself,if you are confident that you can do it yourself buy the best quality cabinets you can and go for it...good luck, Joe BTW I have seen some of the contractors that HD uses and there is no way in he doubletoothpicks that they would get anywhere near my house.
  2. I only wish I had an excuse as to why I am doing so bad.Just want to keep it an even playing field.I would love to see 50+ entrants next year. Joe
  3. The member numbers were assigned to the person in the order that they joined the new board.Some of the low number guys were helping test the new board for a couple of days before it went online.Mostly it was the guys that dont fish much that had the time to help test the board. Joe
  4. Dont forget to make your changes to your rosters this week..Bristol,COT and no Mark Martin.Must be done by Friday. Joe
  5. Below the mullet line ..pumpkin,white with black flecks and black with purple flex. Joe
  6. That was a memorable thread..wonder how he made out. Joe
  7. I miss Canadave.I was wondering where Dip Lip went.I have seen that he is still writing and fishing.Just not posting much.I cant believe how many new members have joined of late...thats a good thing. Joe
  8. Heres my half lab buddy another shot. my other hound. the two of them after a rough day The blonde one ( I call her dude) is a labradoodle,Lab/Standard poodle mix.Very smart and intuitive,exellent mouse,mole and squirrell catcher. the hound ( his name is T-bone)is a fox hound /boxer cross,hes about 10 yrs now,we found him running out on the road 9 yrs ago.He is a therapy dog who visits old folks and emergency rooms in his spare time.He is a true southern gentleman.They are both 85 lbs each. Joe
  9. Lots of people there now. Joe
  10. You may want to ask in the site,internet and computer area on the main page.I'm sure one of the geeks will be by soon enough. Joe
  11. Cool stuff there Bernie.Your gonna have to show me those jigs in action this June. Joe
  12. For the record...Cooper sinks. It was kindly mentioned to me that a two year old should have had his life jacket on before tossing him off the dock. I jest. He has to wear his coat within 20' of the water, I guess I am overprotective as a dad in that sense. Yer killin me bud.. Joe
  13. Ummmm Joey,is it me or do you look a lot like Tybo lately? Joe
  14. Congrats on a good week and first place Jason. Joe
  15. About the smack talking.....I have no idea who is hacking my account and talking that trash....... Joe
  16. A pirate walks into a bar with a tiller sticking out of his pants.Bartender asks whats up with the tiller in his pants...Pirate say "Haarrrr its drivin me nuts"!By the way Spiel and Roy are both pirates of sorts... Joe
  17. I cant believe how bad I am doing here.Good thing this is a long season. Joe
  18. I also have a dog that is a member of the sink like a rock club.He has some boxer in him and has prolly zero body fat with very short hair.He walked into the water and just sank.My other dog in my avatar is a lab standard poodle cross and she swims like a fish.I have a doggie life jacket and it really makes it easy to lift the dog back in the boat cause it ha a handle on the back.I also had a bulldog cross that could not swim. Joe
  19. Wicked shot Dan..you have an eye for that photo stuff Joe
  20. Where is the dwarf..there are a bunch of people waiting for you Roy,even some wimmins! Joe
  21. No,it belonged to the lodge that we stayed at back in 2001.I love the looks of a cedar strip. Joe
  22. This could be an interesting topic.Prolly my favorite picture I have taken up north.Brings back some memories. Joe
  23. I've had about enough of his crap...can we vote him off the island? Joe
  24. Hes got a 50 50 shot at picking Tony.The problem with this fantasy pool is you can wear out your good guys too early in the season so you have to pace yourself.Love the Tony pic but he's been seeing a trainer this year and is prolly in a little bit better shape than that now.. Joe
  25. Dude..you have a wind tunnel at work???Why would you ever go home???There are so many things I would like to test in a wind tunnel.What is the top speed of this tunnel?How soon can I come visit you?Will they let my golf cart over the border without papers?Are chickens considered contraband there?Inquiring minds want to know... Joe
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