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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. I used to live there in the early 80's and worked part time on a boat.You can expect Barracuda,groupers,sea bass,shark..ect.The reefs are very close in but deep water is just outside of the reefs so big fish can be had.Sometimes tourists would keep their catch anh have the hotel prepare it for them.Most would leave the fish for the crew,who would sell them to the hotels.This might have changed in the last 25 yrs or so.Good luck. Joe
  2. Its up to 31.The school is a very popular college,Virginia Tech.Not a whole lot of details out just yet.Really scary for the parents whose kids are there. Joe
  3. Tape or a p-touch or just write it on the spool with a sharpie.Just remember to write the date and type of line on the spool.Good question. Joe
  4. Nie looking channel,throw that Bullhead away I hate them.Good to see you here again. Joe
  5. We were just talking about you in chat,Joyce.Drop by if you have a minute Joe
  6. I hereby invite anyone from OFC who is in the Washinton DC area out for a fishing trip complete with beer and tackle.Seriously,if any of y'all find yourself travelling thru the area let Art or me know,we have plenty of room and if you have time we can get you out on the river. Joe
  7. He may still be asleep.I snapped these two pics before they set sail.
  8. Nice place Eddy,I can see an OFC GTG there one day when you least suspect it!! Joe
  9. Good stuff Tom,dont you have any real fish up there?Musky,Pike ,Bass? Joe
  10. Driving Art down to Maryland to get his boat today.He and a bud have to drive the boat 160 miles down the Chesapeake and up the Potomac river to its new docking site at Occuquan Marina.I'm sure he will have pics. Joe
  11. Shoal Carp.....my favorite mmmmmm.I have found the best bait for them is a 10 of 12 inch walleye fished under a bobber over a weed bed adjacent to deep water. Joe
  12. That sorta crossed my mind Bill but most guys here "get it" and I wouldn't expect too much shameless plugging of other fishing type websites.I just want to see what other good websites that people here visit. Joe
  13. Turned out pretty good.Some baby spinach and asparagrass on the side,and little wine..mmmm.some good old fashioned redneck dinner. Joe
  14. Heard about this one today on the news.Why do people have to be like that? Joe
  15. Just wondering what your top 3 sites are after OFC? Here are mine: http://haha.nu/index.php http://www.capitalweather.com/index.php http://www.johnnybenson.com/index.shtml There are ton of other sites I visit daily but these are a must check every day.What are yours? Joe
  16. Yup too cold and windy to fish tonight so I'm gonna bake them over grown minnows. Joe
  17. Perfect,just what I was looking for,thanx Roy. Joe
  18. I have 3 butterfly rainbow trout fillets marinating in a lemon butter dill marinade and want to cook them indoors cause my grill is out of gas.How long and what temp?Should I cover them in a baking dish or broil them?Any ideas? I usually wrap them in foil and grill them for a bit. Joe
  19. In fisherman here,a good general fishing magazine with lots of tips.A good book to read would be Muskies on the Shield by Dick Peterson if you are inclined to go after the elusive Shoal Carp. Joe
  20. Here we go again.....I say Tiller! Joe Master, you "get it" about this place and kudos to the person who PM'd you to give you a heads up instead of attacking you in public.
  21. Get your team set before the deadline.No stinkin COT and a cookie cutter track.The usual suspects on these tracks will do..coug cough hendricks cough cough gibbs cough cough.Good luck Joe
  22. Happy to ya Doogles and best fishes.I had to say that cause you cant say that to yourself. Joe
  23. Thats the one Roy,thanx. Joe
  24. The origional tutu pic.The subject came up during chat tonight ... Joe
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