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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. If it was my work truck I prolly would but this is my fishing truck and the fishing budget is a little thin right now. Joe
  2. Just pulled it partway intothe garage and tested it again.The light went out when I unplugged the wires on the drivers side top of the transfer case.What now?Can this motor be replaced by mere mortals or am I gonna have to call in some favors from my mechanic buddy? Thanx for the replies,got to love this place! Joe
  3. Its storming out now so I cant check again but the other day I pulled the wires from a black piece on the tcase and the light dimmed.. Joe
  4. I almost Just PM,d Bernie but I know he will see it here and maybe someone has another idea. My 1999 GMC Suburban 4wd fishing truck is having issues.When it sits for a few days the battery goes flat.I tested the battery and charging system,they are OK and I'm sure they are not the problem.I took the positive terminal off of the battery and hooked up a test light between the terminal and cable.I got a pretty bright light.I started removing fuses one at a time and the light went out when I pulled the 50A large fuse marked BATT.I reinstalled the fuse and started on the "sub panel" inside the truck by the door.The light dimmed quite a bit when I pulled the "tcase" fuse.I will say that the check 4wd light has been on for a few months but would go off if I took it in and out of 4wd.Now the light wont go out when I activate the 4wd.I have pulled tha fuse for now and the batteryy is holding a charge.Can I assume the swithch is sticking and causing something to be energized even with the key off?Is this a common problem with these vehicles?Any ideas? Joe
  5. I have had two rentals over the years.Had no problems with the first one and sold it for a good profit.The one I own now is also great.Has been vacant for only one month in 4 years I have had it.I sold some land I subdivided to buy the house outright so the only expense is taxes and insurance.If its vacant for a long time its no biggie,I would rather have it vacant than have bad tennants.I would strongly recommend using a property management company to screen the tennants applications.It will cost you a bit but its well worth the money and it is a write off here in the states.It can be very rewarding to have a good relationship with your tennants.My current ones are a young couple That are just starting out together.Very nice and take great care of the place.He is on his best behavior because he wants to hunt my property this fall.If you approach it like a business and try to make the customer happy and make some money its a great deal for all.Best of luck. Joe
  6. Good job Joey!I'm saving my good guys for thr stretch.Check out the year to date standings,it a much different story.
  7. I dont know what I'll miss the most.The Hosers or the dogs.I was late on deciding to go and work was slow so I decided to wait till later in the year.Now work is kicking butt and I need to tend the shop as it were.I could use the time off and the cash flow is good but I'm gonna take all the work I can so I can take off when it slacks up a bit.I will need lots of dog and fish pics.Cliff,if you run out of hats I can mail one up to you when I place my next order. Joe
  8. Looking forward to the reports and pics.We are gonna miss it this year..too much stuff and too little time.Maybe a fall trip or an ice fishing trip instead.Toast me a shine shot would ya? Joe
  9. Does this mean I have to delete my Spiel account?
  10. Heres a tip for proper storage of squeezins,put the jar in the freezer bud.Make it taste better on them hot days in the summer. Joe
  11. Nice haircut Paul..Court date? Joe
  12. Now thats what I'm talkin 'bout!Nice score guys. Joe
  13. The upper French or the west Arm would be good but its far from undeveloped.May need to catch a plane for that. Joe
  14. Nice report good to see y'all getting together for a trip out in true OFC style.I'd trade a crawfish dinner for that weekend trip for sure. Joe
  15. As you shell them you put the carcass on the newspaper like when you eat crabs.The you roll up the "tablecloth" and take it to the dump.Dont let it sit in the trash can for a few days in the summer heat or you will need a new can. Rich,any time you and yer pups want to come down for some crawfish we are here. Joe
  16. Boiled Crawfish is one of the finer things in life.The garage is the correct place to eat them.I live there by choice Wayne,I let Bex visit sometimes.Chris...I only talk to you cause you have my dog.Any Canadian that shows up here will get a crawfish dinner,some good shine and a bed for the night.Dawg can come too but Art will need some time to get enough crawdads for an expierienced eater like him.I wont tell you how good the etouffe was with the leftovers! Joe
  17. Who in their right mind would use them as bait when they taste better than fish you could catch with them?Throw in some fried okra,boiled corn,shrimp and garlic and you have a feast. Clear a spot out in the garage,invite some friends and family and enjoy!
  18. I so hate you Marty.
  19. If the refs let the boys play tomorrow the Caps will have it.They have killed the Caps to a point that they are afraid to finish a check cause they will be penalized.I love my boys but this is not the year.Next year and the next few after they will be very stout.I do hope the Pens go down in flames cause I so love Marty. Joe
  20. Have a great summer bud.Sorry I am gonna miss you a Lakair in June but you never know..maybe a fall trip to the near nort' may happen.Take care and be safe... Joe
  21. Nice fish Cliff..nice hat ,also. Joe
  22. I have been a Caps fan since before Rod Langway and Lew Franceschetti skated for us.I remember the first few awful seasons in the 70"s.Lost interest the last few years but I am back in the fold.Bruce has put together a team that will be tough for years to come and anything we do this year is just gravy.Its no big deal...just a man crush. Joe
  23. I'm feelin' it allright brudder.You slave for your dinner and I'm right there with ya.Great stuff! Joe
  24. Varney is kickin some butt but has some moments that scare the poop out of me.I have a serious man crush on my bud Boudreau.Go Caps
  25. How bout them Pens? Joe
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