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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Web based email all the way.You can change isp's and not lose a single message or address.I've had Hotmail since 1997 and have never had a problem even though MSN bought them out.I also have a gmail account that works perfectly.My isp has changed its name and my email addy 2 times in the last 5 years so my email addy was also changed.Since I dont use that account much it was no loss. Joe
  2. I do hunt here and the deer population is out of control here.I'm surprised that y'all have such and early and short season but I guess that is how they manage the herd.Congradulations of your score,gonna get some fine venison from that. Joe
  3. Is the season over there?It starts here on October 1st and continues in one form or another until March 31st.We need more deer dead here. Here is a link to the regs,I live in Loudoun county.http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/hunting/regulations/deer.asp
  4. Very cool,nice buck ,it pays to put your time in. Joe
  5. Sorry about your loss Brian,I had to put my old boy down right after the Lakair trip.Still dont talk about it.. Joe
  6. http://www.sixsix8.com/2011/09/minimalist-nhl-teams/ Joe
  7. Too funny Dan.I like the OP pic.Big happy dude holding a good sized fish,thats what its all about,right? For the record,the fish in my avatar was pulled from my parents aquarium and held real close to the camera.
  8. How are your Pens doing without Crysby?
  9. The annual beginning of the hockey season prediction thread of who will win Lord Stanley's cup?I'm with hockey news prediction that the caps will not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and pull it off this year.What say you?
  10. The dude fought off pancreatic cancer for many years.Thats in itself is a feat.Was one of the few true innovators in this world.I have no problem with real rich guys,they contribute disproportionally to the economy (read..jobs created)and taxes in this country where over 50% pay no taxes at all.Must be different up there but this about Steve and its a big loss. Joe
  11. Nothing wrong with the fuel.Must be the driver. Joe
  12. I suspect a gun control group made this and posting this is exactly what they were looking for.Its only funny untill they take away your guns. Joe
  13. It did look like that ,good thing I missed it.Wait a minute,that looks like my cabin.
  14. Great idea,it would prolly look like this. I would attend for sure,unless it looked like this. I would not want any part of that. Joe
  15. Amazon has lots to digitaly download.Found some old albums I thought were gone forever.
  16. There should be a switch to set the t stat for the type of heat you have.Used to have to calculate the low voltage load and set the anticipator accordingly.
  17. You got it now.I sort of thought thats what they did.You could unhook the other wire on the red at the furnace and just use red at the stat.Set the heat anticipator to the gas furnace setting and you good to go.
  18. I wondering why they would have a RC from to the stat then unless they jumpered it in the furnace.There should be a circuit board in the furnace.Take a pic of the lowvoltage(t stat wires) and I may be able to muddle thru it.Its not a lennox is it?
  19. How old is the house/unit.Most of the new stuff 1985 on up should be single tranformer stuff.If its a two trans system you will have to lose the rc trans and rewire for a 4 wire stat.Its not hard but I first need to know if its a one or two trans system.
  20. Dead fish tell no tails.
  21. That was a rerun.No wonder it wasn't on down here.We are waiting on season three down here. Joe
  22. Its not on tonite unless I'm missing something. Joe
  23. Congrats,the only way you will ever smoke again is if you light one up.You got this beat,cause I dont think anyone else will do that to you.Good job. Joe
  24. I think you missed the point.I suspect you are missing it on purpose for some reason.I'll try again,read this slowly maybe it will make sense.The best way to get a fair deal with contractors is to build a network of friends and business relationships where there is accountability for actions.In your case if your plumber was a brother of a buddy of yours you would be able to have a non confrontational discourse about your billing dispute.The plumber would have to justify his billing not only to you(a person who will likely never call him again)but also his best buddy,your brother.Thats a totally different dynamic now and you would likely get a break on the job and he would likely get more business from you as well as future recomendations by you to people in your network.Does this make sense to you? BTW,there are quite a few people at my church who have had busted pipes fixed at a fair price from a plumber they met at church.They have recommended me to their neighbors and one has an exellent bass pond that my brother and I enjoy fishing a lot. Joe
  25. This will insure you pay top dollar every time.The way to get the best deal is to have a relationship with your tradesman,someone you have met thru social events or church or freinds.Dont just look for the cheapest guy in the phone book.Once you have that guy you can trust,let the man do his job.I give very few quotes,most of my jobs are less than $600 dollars.I'm not going to drive to a house for a $600 job that I may not get when I could run a service call and leave the house with a check.If someone pushes me for a quote I figure the job as if everything will go wrong the price reflects that.I alsp tell the customer it will prolly be cheaper to just let me get to work and trust me to bill fairly.On very large or new construction jobs quotes are fine because the scope of the job is a known quantity. Joe
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