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Everything posted by sleepjigging

  1. Thanks for sharing. I am inspired by it, to go give Nip a try.
  2. Looks like an awesome trip.
  3. Apparently banana can be used as a weapon. It causes bad luck on the water for everyone else. I have been able to avoid the skunk this year so far by having bananas every trip out. Not so lucky for my fishing buddies. Try it during your next fishing tournaments.
  4. The best gift we can give is love and hope. Well wishes.
  5. BassMaster4, Read posts by Chris (there are at least 3 of them). Old Ironmaker, Windshield washer fluid is not good for the drink. Use bottled water instead.
  6. How are you doing? Did you get some good news from the doctors?
  7. Loved the whole day. Great bunch of guys. Thanks for a wonderful trip. I am in for another trek.
  8. I am in for Saturday.
  9. Huzzsaba, I commend you for wanting to get healthier. I will share what I teach my clients who want to loose weight: There are 3 parts to detox: 1. Pre-detox - getting ready by getting rid of the junk around you. Not just what you ingest. Everything that you think is bad can go. 2. Detox. There should be only good stuff in and around you. Maintain for 3 weeks. 3. MOST IMPORTANT: What is the permanent state that you want to achieve after detox? Don't go back to the bad ways. Try to form new good habits. After detox you will be ready to have a cleaner way of living. Go with your new found tastes. The Canada food guide has caused a lot of weight problems because 1. It was designed for another era. 2. People don't know how to use the guide properly. There is a lot of good advice out there. It all boils down to eating less bad stuff (processed), and more good stuff (fruits/veggies). As long as you are honest to yourself about what is good and bad, you will get healthier. Bain TLS Weight Loss Coach
  10. Spat my coffee hilarious.
  11. The red in the middle of the bucktail is blood? Hope you had the good bolt cutters for muskies so the hook can be pushed out through the point.
  12. The Aim of the Atlantic program is habitat rehabilitation. Until that happens, there is no chance for them and most species. Let the habitats come back and then talk about stocking. Unfortunately, without the stocking program, there is no money for habitat restoration. (Funding catch 22.) We have to wait. Success is not going to happen overnight.
  13. I though you were part sea lion Mike, with that "AR AR" call before porpoising into the water again. That was a gem.
  14. Braid freezes after it gets wet. Useless for ice fishing - unless you thaw it out with heat - like in a hot hut. I go with 8lb fluoro as the only line all winter especially in deep water. No stretch = more sensitive.
  15. Patriots fan. Lived in Boston for 10 years. The Patriots play as a TEAM. The guy I admire the most is coach Bill Belichick. He took a lot of outcast players (including 6th round pick Tom Brady) and made a dynasty out of them. Don't forget the other superbowl rings he has with the Giants as a D-fence coordinator, at the expense of the Bills.
  16. I am a weight loss coach. I love to fish. Let's go fishing and talk. PM me. I help people change their lives. I fish as you see in my posts. I eat out all the time, and have methods to keep from getting fat. I can teach you proven, effective ways to lose weight without being dependent on pills. So if you are willing to take me fishing, I may be able to help you. Sleepjigging
  17. Had a day off work on a Sunny Friday. Fished Thursday night and woke up late Friday morning. Didn't get my kayak in until 11am. 10km/h winds on Scugog. Trolled along and found a couple of LMBass and a Muskie. By 3pm I was exhausted. 17.5" LMB. I swear by white spinnerbaits trolled behind a kayak or canoe. He felt like a lot of weight at first, then I knew it was Muskie when he jumped and I can see by the length, it wasn't LMB. He jump right by the boat a couple of times, and I was hoping that he would not jump into the boat and take a chunk out of my legs. 31". I found my hands shaking after the Muskie revival and release. What a rush.
  18. Envious. I wish I could do that trip too.
  19. You were in the right place & right time Chris. Should invest in the OLG.
  20. Mosquitos and flies.
  21. Learn to mend nets.
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