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Everything posted by sleepjigging

  1. Have fun down south. There is joy and tranquility in stealthily pitching the Mangroves from Hobbie Mirage Drive Kayaks.
  2. Good stuff. 80% of fishermen know about them Channel Cats 20% can catch them Only the select few, like Pete, can do it right NOW. I am still waiting to catch a big kitty.
  3. Walleye chop, Bomber Long A, casted twice in the direction of something surfacing. Hook set, and it went crazy, including aerials. 36"
  4. Thanks for teaching us the ropes : "You can't go to Amsterdam and not visit a brothel."
  5. You guys are being shy. Besides red lights and hash bars, you are keeping very quiet about your adventures over there. Just saying:)
  6. It's work related. I get to go over there, check out the "District", go to the museums, and fish; all before the "conference". Anything you want to share is welcome So far, I have figure out the VISPAS link and the fishing allowed map App. Zander=walleye. They have pike, perch. Pickperch=pickerel. Bicycle rentals 5Eu/day so I can get to some spots.
  7. Saw one today, Lake O tribe.
  8. Superman's fortress of solitude has been found.
  9. I might be able to come up on Friday. Saturday has been booked by the Family. CKewley is hitting the rivers on Friday. I have to ask the EIGHT BALL where to go. Bain
  10. Killbear PP is packed full of people in August. It is one of the best PP in Ontario, and I have gone there for many July 1st weekends. End of August, the park is full to the brim. Campsites are pretty close together compared to a park like Arrowhead. I have caught some bass from shore in the vicinity of the park, but almost nothing from the kayak. I have heard that there are some pike in the area. There are also trout/whitefish too in the surrounding area.
  11. The sunshine can play tricks.
  12. Part II. Upgrade to 25" Cold front, wind changed direction, sunny, calmer water, no rain. I was luck with this one. Hands were close to frozen after a few minutes trying to reset the line after.
  13. I read that Lake Simcoe whitefish are special subspecies. They are prized by some anglers. Are they prized because they are bigger than usual?
  14. It was a cold and windy day. Water was choppy and muddy. They are still sluggish from Lake Ontario. Hungry for trout roe. Released.
  15. Eyes open, thirsty for a drink... Beautiful.
  16. That is too funny. Chris you are a good sport.
  17. Awesome pics. Hey Chevy, I noticed you were from the Ottawa area, and you said "mid season". Here in Toronto, the melt has started. Plus temps all week. I am coming to downtown Ottawa this weekend with kids. Is there still some good ice on the river? Any dangerous ice that I should stay away from? Thanks.
  18. Waking up on Friday morning by the alarm, and seeing the sun already up gave me a "panic attack." Damn! The phone was on airplane mode. I slept too late and woke late. We should be on the lake already if it is daylight. Why did I forget to set the alarm correctly?! Chris probably tried to call to get me to wake up, but the phone was not going to ring. He might have been waiting for me for a couple of hours already. Then I woke up a little more. crap, it's only Friday. I still have to go to work. I could feel a cold coming. Sinus was starting to congest. Head was building pressure. But Saturday trip to Lake Joe was going to make it all better. -8C going up to 0C. It was going to be beautiful. Meeting up at 5am on a Saturday morning is tough. Woke up at 3am and forced myself back to bed. 2 hours on the road stopping briefly for Tim's. We walked in at the rest stop, and it was deserted. I ordered a coffee and all of a sudden the line up at Tim's is 10 guys deep. I turn around and counted in jest "Lake Simcoe", "Lake Simcoe", "Lake Simcoe", "Lake Simcoe"... A couple of the guys smiled and nodded their heads. We walked out at Lake Joe and was greeted by a hazy sun. This is the primary reason I go fishing. Being there: PRICELESS. Chris told me to listen: the birds were chirping. A woodpecker was knocking for bugs. Peace and tranquility awaited. We went to a spot that I thought would produce. I had poured through many forum postings, and studied the depth charts, and discussed the spot with knowledgeable people. On the way there, the navionics went on the fritz. We were kinda there but not exactly on the spot. Close enough. It was a good spot. Later in the day, a large group of people came and fished the area. They had been coming to the lake for 10 years. It was hilarious watching them. One guy with the red hat hooks into 3 fish and loses them ALL. The last one was pulled out of the hole by someone sacrificing his arm into the 2 foot hole. Nice size. Probably 20-25". There were a dozen guys, and only 1 guy at one hole catches fish. I caught 5 and Chris, 20 feet from me could not buy a bite. He did help me pull up one of them when I was busy unhooking one. We were both using minnows. We were at 87' to 92FOW. When the bite turned off, we moved. Then I pulled up one more, and Chris lost 3. Nothing big, but it was a great day out. six inch hole. Antifreeze: Today, my older son and I fried up the 2 keepers with bread crumbs and butter for lunch. Nice recipe Chris! It was another fine moment: teaching my son how to fillet and de-bone the fish. The temperatures this week will be all above freezing. Looks like the season is coming to an end. I am happy that I have gotten 10 lakers this year, my first year targeting them. Bain
  19. My smitty had 2x4 risers. Wished that I had used 2x6. One time the skiis iced up (insufficient wax) and it was nasty pulling by hand. I have a pelican now, and it is hard on powder. It's on powder and slush that the smitty sled shines.
  20. I would like to hear her side of the story. Let's see that speech of hers.
  21. I was living up to my moniker this trip. Fell asleep a couple of times on the bucket. But Chris kept waking me up with "Bain, Fish!" I even tried sleeping lying down snow angel style. It was good under the sun. I swear the ones that got off my hooks went right over to Chris' hole. He would bring them up once I had donated my minnows as appetizers. Sleepjigging
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