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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. DAMNIT! these smoked meals are killing me! i gotta go buy one.. either that or i need everyone with a smokers address and time for dinner! LOL that looked great geoff.
  2. sorry it took so long, i have lazy friends. heres a few new + release pics
  3. great report. awesome pics looks like you had a truly relaxing and peaceful week.
  4. lol TJ dont you know its against the law to use sport fish as bait?
  5. maybe they can give this std to the asian carp.. lol
  6. D'OH!
  7. could be, but it looks more like a barred musky to me. im no pro on the subject tho. maybe if we had a clear shot of the tail, the paired fins look like they are more pointed rather than round.. cant really tell tho.
  8. 6 meters huh? id call fisherpete and let him have a go at it with one of his secret lures. either that or put a crank bait lip on a stick of dynamite and when it strikes squeeze the detonator lol.
  9. that was a very interesting vid, watched the whole thing. cruisin the site now.
  10. lol pete dont do it man! wait until the bite dies down, if it does die down for you.. or if the kid catches a 50 before you, then go ahead and take up bassing for a bit.. but dont take him with you cause if he catches a nickle before you, your gonna start running out of fish LOL!
  11. i'll be in the area on saturday, got i'll make sure to pack an ice pack lol. but i was pretty much right on cept for the brake pedal.
  12. pete wow! looks like you got optimus prime i mean the net working great lol! thats a fantastic day out on the water and a great report! your mother in law will be in my prayers. and also you got an amazing wife to be tossing you out of the house and on to the water lol. she got any sisters?
  13. lol if it sticks i'll take the shot for ya cliff.
  14. only 3 places for parking brake releases cliff. 1. central engage/release 2. driver side floor pedal/hand pull release 3. driver side floor pedal engage/pressure release sometimes the pedal will say "press to release" if your totally unsure check the owners manual. im pretty sure its pressure release.
  15. try pressing on the pedal harder to release?some parking brakes pressure release.
  16. yeah those are the ones.
  17. think they've been on sale for a while. was there a few times and thought i saw them. its the bin right infront of the big bait section right?
  18. lol cuds, those little lake pike are just nuts. i shoulda thought of that place of all being one where you could catch a pike at night. nut job hammer handles in that place.
  19. i think little lake (barrie) has camping and boat rentals.. not 100% sure but i could swear i saw tents mixed in with the trailer park.
  20. i've caught pike just as the sun was comin up, or goin down, never past dark tho. don't think i've even ever seen one get pulled out at night.
  21. geoff at 28 years old im kinda in the same boat. i went to school and graduated as an automotive technician, i then decided to tackle a different trade and opened a contracting company. a few years ago i had my life sidelined by a drunk driver who put me in the hospital and turned my life upside down by breaking my neck. im now recovering, i am able to look for work but cannot go back to my trades as my back wont handle it. thus far i have not found anything. im gonna end up going back to school at trying my hands at some type of office enviroment/sales training. as humans we are very resourceful. when one door closes another opens. you say you like building things? well why not give carpentry a try? there are unions out there that do some major training and job placements. or how about finding something you are great at building and getting a market for it? a friend of mine is incredible at building desks, and chairs. he's now got a business that sells to a higher end market doing great for himself. im sure in the end your determination and smarts alone will net you something that you will enjoy. cheers.
  22. or we could wave the war flag and toss sticks of dynamite at them
  23. lol nice.. i think i might catch up pretty soon LOL!
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