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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. mmm pike bait.. yum..
  2. lol so basically every tim hortons with a parkinglot in and around highway 7 is your patrol route.. couselling: go home, you little punks are loitering. crowd control: saturday night at a tim hortons. traffic management: tim hortons parking lot. peace keeper: when the growin up gotti vs the jersey shore at tim hortons. baby sitter: when they are out of control and need to be calmed down. parking attendant: towing their asses out and ticketing them while they do burn outs in parking spots.. LOL! i spend way to much time north of steeles..
  3. i dont have kids but my baby cousins have had rods in their hands since they were 3 (7 now). they love their video games but if cousin alex says "bass?" the controllers get thrown to the ground as they scurry to grab their gear. lol
  4. i like kickingfrog use vests. just fill one with the things im gonna use, and away i go.
  5. lol if that was a left handed reel i woulda grabbed it from you in a second pete..
  6. i recently met up with pete to get a few things out of his tackle purge. he's an awesome guy, even met up not far from home cause he was in the area. the people on this site are just great. never have i come across a bunch of stand up individuals on the internet or anywhere for that matter..
  7. love the pattern on that smallie.
  8. nice lew. you have a wonderful looking property btw.
  9. i can honestly say i've never run into a bad pitbull. i've run into bad owners, that mistreat/train their animals but every pitty i've been in contact with has always been affectionate. i wish they would change that law back.. whats next? banning cocker spaniels? lol
  10. LOL! i accidentally knocked one out with my rod casting at night. poor little thing, i grabbed it outta the water and let it rest up on shore. lol you know if your brother in law comes by, and the bat re-appears you guys could re-enact the bat scene from "the great outdoors" lol
  11. that sounds like one of those days you wish you could take back.. had a few of those.. hope your finger heals up
  12. you guys keep posting about smoking, and eating smoked foods.. i'll find you, then your fish and other smoked foods are mine!
  13. dan i know all to well about vettes and their off road capabilities lol. i was with my cousin when he tapped a curb in his Z06.. lost a wheel, and some suspension, a bumper, and a skirt.
  14. i've had them smack jointed raps when they broke the surface right infront of me at night..
  15. if its the same as my portable 160 (wall plug with led) i once drained the battery on it completely. the red also means your very low on juice. i know when i plugged mine it, it was red after that, i left it for a few hours and it turned from orange/yellow, to green on the charger. "just set it and forget it"
  16. he was satisfied.. didn't get to finish his roll tho.. LOL! thats pretty much the explanation i expect she gave them..
  17. thats the same thing i said when i walked over! hahahaha
  18. we do this at my cousins house once every few weeks. one of my fav things about summer!
  19. so my dad comes home from work, and feels like goin to tims across the road for a tims chili. he's sitting inside and this lands 5 feet away from him. i dont know how you gain enough speed to do that in this drive way.. but she did.. everyones ok, i believe an older gent has some scrapes, my dad was covered in glass but oddly enough no cuts, talk about thick skin..
  20. awesome steve. you're a bass catching machine.
  21. way to go pete! your on fire bro! i hope i get a chance to get out with you one of these days. teach me the ways of the ski.
  22. the guy who hit me was drunk as hell and he served no jail time. my neck was fractured.
  23. that is just an awesome vid! lol i got some cigar tubes at home im about to convert into top water baits! not just for holding random assorted hooks anymore!
  24. bahahhahahaha! thats good enough to be in my signature as a qoute!
  25. OW! that had to smart!
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