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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Thanks Wayne Now I'm really missing my annual float plane ride
  2. It's alright by me After all one of our brightest stars come from the Toronto area...Joey Votto
  3. Sorry to hear about your misfortune It's good to see you out and at em though Good Luck
  4. Fine looking young man and even better yet you two have good taste in ballcaps/baseball team. Fantastic report, looks like a great outing Quality time fishing with your son is priceless Thanks for sharing
  5. Congrats to the both of you I hope you enjoy many years together
  6. Can't really think of a more deserving person to have this happen too, Jim you earned it
  7. Good story TG I'm surprised 15" kept you "pinned" anywhere. Dan I have spent three openers until this last season with Connie and have sat and listened to many stories of his trips to the promise land and never tire hearing them. TG is definitely tuned in to what goes on. Sorry to have missed this last opener while you were up there, don't think for one minute I've forgotten the helping hand you lent me a few years back and hopefully one day I can repay you somehow. Connie I hope all goes well for you next week
  8. I don't get either one of them down here unless they air them on Versus I still have a bitter taste in my crawl after EA took a three year membership fee from me and never sent me a a refund or even a letter as to why they felt the need to take my money and close down shop
  9. TG I was lucky enough to watch him play for the local A team the Dayton Dragons along with a few others on the team. He keeps getting better
  10. Good report Thanks for sharing
  11. Drunk PIB is located on South Bass Island and is party central on any given weekend during the season, they pack the harbor big time. Actually the islands are a pretty neat place to visit if you ever get the chance but to answer your question on depth to the east of Kelly's Island 40 foot isn't uncommon, between Kelly's and South Bass 30-35 foot, west of South Bass over towards the shipping channel at Toledo is were it get's shallow some reefs top out at 3-5 foot but there's plenty 25-30' of water and a few holes that may get deeper. To find deeper water north of the islands we'll see 40-50 foot depths Besides the spring time when the lake fish are on the reefs we fish water that is anywhere between 25-40 foot most of the time Any other info about the area that you would like to know I'll be more than happy top share
  12. Jen good to see you had a decent outing on our side of the border Not trying to split hairs here but your title is a little misleading, Southwest End of Lake Erie usually means the Port Clinton/Island/Toledo areas of Lake Erie also known as the Western Basin. Cleveland is more Central. You think you were fishing shallow water where you were well it gets shallower the farther west you go, I think I read somewhere that the means depth on the Western Basin is 26 feet. No need for downriggers on our end lol The water looks very flat and with the temps yesterday I'll bet it felt warm. Congrats for getting out on the Big Pond!
  13. Joey your picture taking skills get better with each post excellent job Good to see you and Paul enjoying yourselves
  14. No worries John, like I said it was a fun day
  15. :lol: Excuse me! Hey I recognize this picture, it was a fun day Good report Joey
  16. I happen to see a teaser If the full report follows suit it's going to be stellar and there is no doubt in mind that it will
  17. Stuff like this happens at least once a year on Lake Erie. About three or four years ago a guy had a brand new 32' Tiara cabin cruiser that he had on autopilot and beached it on Mouse Island running at night with six people onboard. Ran that bad boy about twenty yards up onto the bank, four people were hurt and the boat was a total loss. Boggles my mind
  18. You've been gone???? I hadn't noticed Well I hate to hear how much you been working but I'm glad to have heard where you are at. I've been on a few of those float planes in the past, it's a beautiful area that is for sure. I hear you had a visitor awhile back just before turning in for the night, at least it was late so you probably didn't get to hear to much or get a good look at him I would really like to see the Red Lake Area during the summer in full foliage, I've have the honor of seeing it while it's waking from it's winter sleep and that is pretty cool in my book. Take Care Phil PS You haven't lost any of your photo taking skills that's for sure, NICE PICS!
  19. Congrats to Connie and Norma You got me by twenty years TG, there a lot to be said for separate vacations
  20. Sorry I missed it, who made the pasta this year? The last three years one wouldn't even of thought about going shirtless Glad to hear you had a good trip besides the shoulder.
  21. Thanks Flag was put out on Friday and won't come down until Tuesday
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