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Everything posted by taper

  1. Well I made it home from Florida and the in-laws had us pretty busy( they planned the trip ) but we did get a chance to do a 4 hour fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico and it was great. I n the short time period and we had a few non- fishers in the boat we opted to catch numbers rather than size so we fished very close to shore and caught about 120 to 150 fish in 4 hours with 5 rods in the water. We managed blue fish, squirrel fish, mackerel, silver trout, spotted trout, triple tail, ribbon fish and some fish that had legs like a shrimp underneath and a venom in the tips of its dorsal fin that would act like a bee sting if you grabbed it the wrong way. Here is the mackerel very beautiful fish. We also saw about 30 of these guys including a couple of babies hanging pretty tight to mom’s side. Here is the ribbon fish our captain said they use these for bait for some of the larger species they target but buy them in, he said they are very rare to be caught in the area and was very excited to catch the first one in his boat. Most importantly I wanted my son to catch a something he would remember and this 9 pound triple tail was it. This is the largest fish he has ever caught and had a blast doing it. Back at the dock our captain was displaying his catch from the night before and getting ready to filet it for a big BBQ.
  2. Irishfield, how do you retrieve the money once you retire, and what would happen if you named the wife the beneficiary and then divorced, can the beneficiary be changed.
  3. Thanks guys, the Tornado's were just norht of the Orlando area. Just my luck we are staying in Orlando for the first three days. then over to Tampa.
  4. I can second the ugly stik they are a great all around rod for the price.
  5. Well I only have about 8 hours before the limo picks us up and heads for the airport, then off to Florida for 7 days. We are doing the traditional Disney, Bush Gardens and if all goes as planned we will get out to do a little fishing at least one day. Have a great week every body.
  6. taper


    Gary I was talking to you at the G2G about a lodge you liked, I believe it was on Moon Lake (wollsely river). Do you have any info or contact information for them? Thanks, Mike.
  7. I want to purchase a new rod and reel ( not necessary to be a combo ) to fish 98% of the time for pike and the odd time for musky. I throw a lot of spoons and spinners and troll very little. I currently use a spinning rod and reel combination and it works quite well but would like to go up to a baitcaster for the extra power and strength of the reel. Most of my fishing is from a boat. I was considering the Pete Maina combo at BPS but it only comes one side retrieve ( I think right ) and I use left on my spincast and think I would like the baitcaster to be the same. What would you guys recomend, by the way the baitcaster is a new thing to me so a user friendly model would be good if there is such a thing.
  8. On a Bombardier with a 2 inch paddle track you can accellerate on water.
  9. Where is it GCD I looked and didn't see it, But I'm not real observant.
  10. As Gerrit said last time I checked with expressvu it was download only and upload via dial up, but that could have changed by now. Xplornet has satellite service that is both upload and download via the satellite connection, not as fast as high speed but a lot better than dial up. A little side note, if you run satellite connection and download music from Limewire it will take forever to download one song, it has something to do with a prioritising of users on the connection.
  11. Touhg break Cliff but take joy in the fact that even the best can only Bull for so long. Then your boss is going to have to eat a big slice of humble pie. By the way we never did hook up last year, let me know if you would still like to see the boat and I'll see what we can arrange.
  12. What type of boat are you considering? If it is a side console or full windshield boat I had a 15 foot 78 inch wide with a forty and wouldn't dream of going on Huron with it. My new boat is an 18 foot lond 92 inches wide with a 115 and love it, feel safe but always keep a close eye on the weather. Don't forget the bit more you spend now will make it a lot easier for resale down the road it is very dificult to sell an underpowered boat.
  13. I don't see the spell check area in my firefox tool bar where do I go to find the version I am running.
  14. Rick I agree with Gerrit go with auto radio and a marine enclosure, most of the auto units are better quality than the marine units.Also if you can try to find a deck that has an auxillary input on the front panel, just in case you ever decide to add XM or Sirius radio it makes a really easy plug in that you can take in your house or car. I am installing 2-8 inch marine speakers 2-6 inch marine speakers and an AM/FM/CD player with front aux. input all Pioneer for about $650 this spring when the boat comes out of storage.
  15. Thanks for all the help guys. Gerry my boat is a Polar Kraft 178 TC. I am leaning towards a 9.9 Yamaha long shaft no electric start or tilt.
  16. Do you guys run a basic kicker or do you have electric start and tilt on it.
  17. I have almost the same set up in my century home and now have 2 furnace ducts directly into the crawl space after spray insulating the area no more problems with freeze ups. The electric pipe wraps that Terry mentioned are great for this type of thing. They are a bit pricy. If you plan to go that way send me a PM I think I still have 2 or 3 here, I will check for ya.
  18. What set up do you guys use for your kicker? mounted on jack plate or directly to the transom and do you connect to the main motor for steering. I was told if I go directly on the transom (better option) I should buy a long shaft and that you cant connect to main motor for steering if you use a jack plate. Does this sound correct.
  19. Roy I inquired the other day by email and this is the return I got. Mike, We will have coverage of Lake Nippising in ON, here is the link to all the coverage of this HotMaps Premium Canada chart for 2007, http://www.navionics.com/PremiumLakeList_07.asp?RegionID=5. For further assistance please call our customer line at 1-800-848-5896. Kristina Bacchiocchi Navionics tel: 508-291-6000 toll free: 800-848-5896 fax: 508-291-6006 www.navionics.com
  20. I agree with the lowrance choice. I have the Eagle Fishstrike 2000 and love it. It can be bought for $900 and the 7 inch screen is great.
  21. Classic Rock AC/DC Most underrated Pink Floyd
  22. Terry I know your not a drug dealer.
  23. Thats a cotton tail they stay that colour all year long.
  24. Those floater coats were on a few weeks back for $99.99 and they seem like a great jacket. I was told they were clearing out that particular model.
  25. You are right the Torrent is the same as an Equinox, but they are what GM used to replace the outgoing Aztek line up is what I was getting at. Also at the Detroit auto show GM was just awarded car and truck of the year. I couldn't have said it better myself John Bacon it takes a long time to change public perception. Probably more important do you plan to tow with it and if so how big is the boat you want to tow.
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