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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Auction for Cats & Ski's is closed. Lake O salmon & bows is open until Sunday @ 2100 hrs. Current bid is $220. I'll offer the same guarantee as Pete. If we don't hit the targeted species, next trip is on me. Did I mention we'll be hitting the blue zone Be sure to place your bid here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77675
  2. $200 for an all day (sun up to sundown) solo trip?? Steal of a deal. Think someone is sitting in the bushes on this one? Last few minutes should be interesting
  3. This is a steal @ $150. Last year's winning bid: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=74773&hl=%2Bgrand+%2Briver+%2Bcats
  4. Hey G, If you're wanting to place a bid and are having difficulty clicking on the link, you can place your bid here & I will post it to the 'pinned' thread for ya. Here's a quick update: Ski's with Pete/Solo- $200.00 Cat's with Pete/3 person- $150.00 LO with yours truly/2 person- $220.00 Personally, I think the Cat trip with Pete is currently best value. I paid $200 last year for my SIL & I and I think we landed 25 Cats? http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=74773&hl=%2Bgrand+%2Briver+%2Bcats Thanks in advance for supporting FFT, Tight Lines, Slayer
  5. What a Richard!! Was there ever any doubt?

  6. Fishing trips are found in the 'pinned' Fishing for Tyler Post: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77675 Post 17 Musky and Cat (2 trips) wish Fisherpete- bidding ends Friday Feb 20th, 9:00 pm - CLOSED & SOLD Post 30 Salmon & Bows on Lady O with yours truly- bidding ends Sunday Feb 22nd 9:00 pm CURRENT BID AS OF 2/22, 8:00 PM IS $230. One hour to go until closing. ALL BIDS NEED TO BE POSTED ON THE PINNED THREAD (not here) http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77675
  7. I will offer up a trip for 2 on Lake Ontario for Salmon & Bows. July or August. We'll run riggers, wire, lead core & copper on board my 21 ft. Sylvan open bow (note: no portable toilet aboard, just a super deluxe pee bucket In case you were bringing the GF). Launch out of Port Credit 30 minutes prior to sun up. Fish for 6-7 hours all gear provided. Starting bid is $150.00 with minimum $10 bumps. Since this is getting posted late, we'll leave the auction open until Sunday Feb 22nd @ 9:00 pm. Payment to be made via e-transfer within 24 hours of auction close. ps. Day tickets for the Great Ontario Salmon Derby are available this year. $40 pp if you wish to enter.
  8. Hate to say this, but thank goodness for private healthcare (& WCB Alberta). If we had to rely on OHIP for our son's care & recovery, I am pretty certain, no scratch that, I know for fact that Sean would be wasting away in a long term care facility with bare minimum therapy and I would most certainly be in jail.
  9. That pike has a perfects set of teeth LOL.
  10. Everything SC says. Your vessel is not suitable for a kicker on Lady O.
  11. DB, It is a great app & I use it exclusively for other forums. Unfortunately, OFC is not registered.
  12. TapaTalk app is widely used on most other forums. Easy picture downloads without having to use photobucket & real time fishing reports from your smartphone. Maybe TJ, Roy or Art might want to look at this???
  13. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A few should be be kept awake by shame :(

    1. Fisherman


      Snored like a chainsaw.

  14. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A flew should be kept awake with shame :(

  15. Hope most of us sleep with a clear conscious tonight. A few may be kept awake by shame :(

  16. Interesting stat: We had 4 guests (8 corporate seats) cancel this morning. They decided to go to Niagara Casino instead It took more than a few phone calls to fill 2 & 2 went unused. First time in memory this happened outside of legitimate absences. We have so far only 4 guests confirmed for next game vs Phoenix.
  17. I'm guessing Rick was nowhere near that fish?
  18. Seeing as you're in Niagara: http://niagarafishingexpo.com/ice-fishing-series/ Jan 23-25, Niagara Falls NY Check the show website & you will see there are a number of retail vendors there as well. Another member here and myself are attending the LOTSA Salmon School & Marketplace (new & used salmon gear & tackle) on Sat & Sun respectively. Even with the low CA $$, tackle, gear & electronics will still likely be cheaper??
  19. Got 3 more Sunday my friend. Time for a trip to Sturgeon Thx Wallacio. Big fan of JO. Going to try that with fillets from 1/2 the fish. For sure Wayne. Gonna deep fry the other 1/2. Dang!! Their cleaned & frozen but I've learned that baking partially frozen/thawed, results is much better after freezing?? Results to be posted.
  20. Not my biggest pike through the ice but my one & only ling/burbot. And my PB Solo Double Header
  21. Out for more with Troy today Cliff. Got get more than one to bring to Lindsay;)
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