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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. Great looking rig Tony, congrats and enjoy.
  2. Great stuff here guys, thanks.
  3. We just returned from Rideau Ferry on Wed and the bass fishing was good up there last weekend. Went for a boat ride down to Murphy's Point one night and had dinner on the boat there - lots of boats out fishing and the water was about 74 degrees - nice for a post dinner dip!! Whereever you go, have a great time and look forward to a report from there.
  4. My son broke his St. Croix last year, I went to their website, emailed them and explained that he bought it at the fishing show and did not have the receipt, told them how it broke and they shipped out a new section to me within 1 week.
  5. Great pics. Was out fishing on Sunday in Rideau Ferry when the Kawartha Voyageur went by. Saw lots of the trawler style boats up that way too, very popular it seems on the lakes that way.
  6. Great report corvette, thanks. Looks like you had a great week, nice looking fish.
  7. Like HH said, I will keep an ear on the traffic as I approach Toronto and if it is bad on the 401, I will be heading up the 407. Decided to leave at 3:30, hope it is not too bad and just take things as they come. Should be a nice quiet drive though as everyone will be asleep about 10 minutes in
  8. Good luck Mike, have a fun safe trip and look forward to your report when you get back.
  9. We left on the Thursday night a couple of years ago Cliff and it was the worst drive up there as it was bumper to bumper forever. Think you are right as alot of people will be heading out tonight. Earlier I get up and leave, the earlier I am fishing so doesn't bother me too much what time we go.
  10. Think then I will set the alarm for 3 and be on the road at 3:30. Cindy will be so overjoyed
  11. Heading out tomorrow morning to my brother's place in Rideau Ferry for a few days of relaxing, beer, bbq and bass fishing. Taking the boat up there for the first time and I want to avoid as much 401 traffic as possible through Toronto. What time of the morning does it start to build and get ugly going thru Toronto. Was figuring on leaving home around 4am which puts me at the airport around 6am - is this a good time or should I leave a little earlier? I don't really feel like heading up the 407 either, would rather leave a little earlier and just stay on the 401. Thanks.
  12. Thanks for the report Justin, great as always.
  13. Nice looking dog Gary. Hope you and Dixie have many great adventures together.
  14. Experienced one a few years ago on a Cruise - nothing quite like the sinking feeling you get when you see it headed towards you and there is nowhere to go. Luckily it never got too close but still scared the beejeesus out of me.
  15. You are up there. BiteMe's guy is kinda creepy and so is the fella who used to have his toes as his avatar (Mikeysomething I think) I do miss the days of Dano's dancing girl though, she won hands down for best avatar, I could read his posts all day
  16. Great report Jer, thanks. Glad all turned out well with Bear and his swimming adventures too.
  17. Great news Lew. Enjoy your time away and best wishes to Diane for a speedy recovery.
  18. Nice job Shawn, congrats on the beauty. Great pics, looks beautiful up there.
  19. Have a great trip guys, can't wait for the report. Safe travels.
  20. I did that a couple weeks ago, just reeled us over to the tree and sent my son onto shore and up the tree to rescue my lure.
  21. Mine is leaking too but I just ignore it. I like the smell but I am not allowed to bring the tackle bag in the house anymore
  22. Happy Birthday a day late Roy, glad to hear it was a great day for you.
  23. geez that is one big honking perch, nice catch Monique
  24. at3amyoushouldnotdrinkredbullandpostmessagesontheinternetwithouttakingabreathbutgladyougotloggedbackinallthesame
  25. Cliff, if you are going to go after the bigger fish you will need to upgrade to the Dora the Explorer combo. Nice pic, thx for the laugh
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