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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. Great report Cliff, thanks for sharing May have to alter our dates we go to the French River next year so I can make it up to the GTG.
  2. That's too bad he would do that. I went out with Norv a couple summers ago on a charter and he was a good guy, did a great job for us and I have recommended him to several people. Competition can do strange things to people and bring out the worst in them.
  3. Great report G - awesome family shots there and memories that the kids and you will always have.
  4. We used the English Style Batter on Sat night - was very good and lighter than the beer batter.
  5. Found Joey's entry here - http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/vote.php?case=v2l2138d&page=3 She is currently in 30th, hopefully she can get moved up.
  6. Great report HD, thanks.
  7. Congrats Dan, hope the baby and momma are doing well. Has he got a fishing pole yet??
  8. Go Leafs Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Rain usually is accompanied by rotten winds most weekends in Long Point and that keeps me off the Bay. Next week though at the French River if it is raining you will still find us out there just in raingear. Winds usually don't get too bad so it is still safe. If there is lightning though, we will be in the cottage waiting it out. I have given up on the Weather Network though, just prefer the eyewitness weather - wake up, witness it and then decide.
  10. May try and get out on Long Point Bay for some pike and perch but most of the weekend will be spent getting ready for our 10 days at the French River starting next Thursday. 8 more sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Gary, so sorry to hear about Amy.
  12. Congratulations on 50 great years and best wishes for many more.
  13. Great report, beautiful spot you have up there. Thanks.
  14. Sorry for your loss Barney, Fraser was a beautiful looking dog. Been through this and it is a very hard time to lose your companion and fishing buddy, hang in there.
  15. Nice job boys, great day on the water. Thanks for the report JB and Sinker
  16. I just found out my mother in law is coming for dinner on the weekend :wacko:
  17. He said Grout Cliff, not Trout
  18. Optimistic the parents will all get along are you Johnny??? Will be trying to get out on Long Point Bay for some pike hopefully Sat morning then having both my Dad and Cindy's Dad up for a Father's Day BBQ on Sat night.
  19. BCD, first congrats on the nice muskie. Good to hear people are catching them up there as we are heading up in 2 weeks. 2nd, you have the worst luck with cameras. I was reading old French River posts today and was reading about your camera troubles last year. You need about 6 cameras per trip and possibly consider hiring a camera boat to follow you around. Congrats all the same, looking forward to hearing about more French River info. Please 2 take pics though for your report.
  20. You ever hear of a sales or mgmt position up that way, PM me lol. Would move up that way in a heartbeat. (Sorry to hijack the thread, just showing a quick lesson about networking)
  21. Ok seriously, not really a thong model. Thankfully for all who have eyesight. I manage a Residential Heating and Cooling company here in St. Thomas. Work for good people, job is enjoyable, meet lots of interesting people. However, if I had a choice, I would love to be in the same industry just further east (Kingston - Perth area) or further up north (Sudbury - North Bay area). Like what I am doing just don't like living in this area. (cough cough - Tinman, know of any openings up your way )
  22. Thong model for Calvin Klein
  23. Saw that he is selling off all the cabins at Casa Blanca. I am assuming he is keeping the main lodge but the cabins are up for sale for $80K each.
  24. Around St. Thomas, Pinafore Pond, Waterworks Pond and Dalewood (across the road from the dam) should hold lots of panfish, catfish and carp to keep you amused for the day. When they are in, Port Bruce off the pier is good for perch.
  25. That looks like something you don't find in the water, it looks like something the ladies buy at the store with Brown paper on the windows.
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