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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. Thanks for the tip Nancur - joined up and was able to get 2 tix this morning for the Jan 9 show - Section B4 on the Floor - think we will be 8 rows back from where you are in Nov so let me know how the seats are. Picked them up as an anniversary present for the wife (12 years on Sunday). She hasn't shot me yet so she deserves something good
  2. G, hang in there today and relive all the wonderful, albeit far far too short, times you had with him. Thanks too for the reminder that life is far too short and far to precious to waste.
  3. I would have 32 posts if we installed this here
  4. Nice job Solo. Looks like a great day out there. You kinda raised the bar on your last report though and I was expecting more
  5. Nice job Glen, good haul of fish for you. How was the feed??? 74 degrees - you better keep the skunk toque handy incase it gets any colder down there. Thanks for the report.
  6. A couple of years ago, my neighbour across the street took down a bull moose and brought it home. The carcass in the bed of his truck and the head tied to the roof. He was quite proud of it and drove around for a couple of days with it up there. Didn't bother me, I congratulated him on his success. Not sure how others felt although my wife asked me one night "Why is Bill driving around with a moose head on his truck". Just told her it was a guy thing and she never said another word. Then again G, we live in St. Thomas
  7. Hope the surgery goes well Shawn and the recovery is quick. Take Care and get back on the water soon.
  8. Might just as well call it a day now after reading that report Mike. Probably won't get any better than that. Thanks for sharing that with us, looks like a trip of a lifetime.
  9. Sorry about the loss of Rocky Beans, hopefully people will take heed of your notice.
  10. Jan 1 2008 Capital One Bowl Michigan 41 Florida 35
  11. Congrat to Andy on that bass, what a beaut. Thanks for the report Justin, great as always. Your dad did a nice job too on the casting deck.
  12. Great report GCD, glad you had a good time up here in Canada. Love the hat too.
  13. Congrats Bly, that is one big honkin salmon.
  14. Time for a poll soon I think
  15. Those are great words of inspiration right there Great report TJ, looks like another amazing Jiggy Jiggy adventure.
  16. Nice bass there Minnow, congrats.
  17. Great report Joey.
  18. Nice job Mike, sorry your fishing was tough but looks like Glenn had some good luck and congrats to your son on his new PB. Maybe the fishing gods are just teasing you and going to reward you with a great trip to Quinte in Nov.
  19. Sorry to hear about Red HF. Good report - neat idea on the omellette - will have to try that out.
  20. Rich, glad you and Patsy made it home safely. Was wonderful hooking up with you guys for a day fishing, I had a blast and glad we could get Patsy onto some fish up our way. Wish too we could have gotten a pic of the big pike she had that self released, was a beauty. Sorry the fishing was tough for the rest of your vacation, was the common theme all over up there for the time we were there, took us until the last night to get into one pickerel but it still was worth it. Harley was a little lost last week without all his girlfriends around, it think he was in some type of Shih Tzu Utopia with all the female pups running about. We ended up getting a bunch of the decking done but still have some more to go next trip up. Was almost happy to be home and back in my office to get some rest. Was great meeting you, Patsy, Emma and Kia - can't wait til next trip up and hopefully we can hook up where you are staying next year. PS- Thanks for not showing the end result of my cleaning - hope the fish fry turned out OK.
  21. Nice job boys, some good looking bass there.
  22. Camillj - it is not necessarily an "industry wide" sales tool - but it is prevelant enough to be sceptucal. Especially when the service tech says "not available" or "too expensive". As said in previous post, let me know the details and I will see what I can do for you Dan.
  23. Dan PM me with the details of the furnace - Manufacturer / Brand, Model Number and Serial Number. It is likely the Heat Exchanger that is cracked and I can look into getting you one under warranty (most if not all have a 20 year or lifetime warranty). You would have to pay someone to install it (usually 2 or 3 hours labour) - there are some brands that have gone boobs up but I would hazard a very good educated guess that you can still get the parts.
  24. My hand is still cramped from screwing in all those deck boards. Between the 3 of there building the decks, I don't think any of us want to see any more PT wood for a long time. Now going up to just inspect it is an interesting idea, been thinking about it, just not sure what is up yet for Thanksgiving.
  25. Nice looking pup G, hope you guys have many great years with Hunter.
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