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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. Got up to my Aunt's cottage last week for the last time this year Was a combination work / fishing week of holidays with lots of deck building projects to complete. Got 3 done for her around the cottage with a bit more to complete next spring Moved alot of wood but will make moving around the cottage easier for Aunt as well as much more area to sit and enjoy the views. Dogs supervised our work throughout the week Made plans to meet up with Rich Clemens and his wife Patsy for a day fishing as he was up at Wolseley Bay for the week as well. Plan was to meet up on the Tuesday for some fishing. We left St. Thomas on the Friday night and decided to just stay in Parry Sound for the night rather than arrive sometime in the middle of the night over to the island. Sitting outside the hotel room having a beer that night, lo and behold in pull Rich and Patsy with their dogs Emma and Kia. Went over to introduce ourselves and sat around that night just chatting and relaxing after the long drives. We met up on Saturday Morning for breakfast and then both got on our way to the River. Met up Tuesday morning as planned and did some fishing around our island - we were able (well, actually they were able) to get into a few fish. I, well, umm, was skunked. So much for home water advantage. Rich and Patsy, it was great meeting you (twice) and I had a great time out there fishing with you. Next year, hopefully we can coordinate it and I will swing down to Wolseley when you are there. Sorry too for the bad habit that Harley taught Kia - hope that went away. He is really in withdrawal this week without your dogs and Maggie around. Rest of the week, fishing was very slow. Was great being out on the water but that is the extent of it - lots of skunks, followed by another generous dose of skunk. The last night we were up, finally did get into some fish so all was not lost. Was a good week, good way to end the summer up there. Now just have to wait patiently for next May to arrive to get back up there.
  2. Great story Roger, good way to start the day reading that. Thanks for sharing that with us and great job by you and everyone else there making it a special event for Jacob.
  3. Leaving for a week up there in about 5 hours. Looks like minimal bathing for the week - should be fun cuddling with momma if the weather turns cold.
  4. Congrats Brian, she is a beautiful little girl. Enjoy being a grandpa and teach her early how to use a baitcaster.
  5. I am waiting for the day I get one of Terry's special 50's.
  6. Rest in Peace Gary, you will be missed by all of us.

  7. Rest in Peace Gary, you will be greatly missed by all of us. Deepest condolences to the family, our families thoughts and prayers are with you.
  8. Congratulations Roger, enjoy retirement and the extra time with family, friends and fishing.
  9. Not sure Kirk, my 16 year old kid had the "opportunity" to work this summer flipping burgers to make some money and he took it. With the economy the way it is, not sure of too many teenagers who can be too picky on what they take as summer employment - take the opportunity if it presents itself. Post secondary education isn't cheap and since my money tree forest in the back yard is going to have a lean harvest, I am quite proud of him for giving up his weekends and flipping burgers. At worst, he has learned that "Do you want Fries with that order" is not a career path he should pursue.
  10. Great report RO - thanks for sharing your adventure. Amazing photos and great job with the underwater camera.
  11. Cute little fella Jack. We have 2 of them here and though they are small, they have a ton of personality and keep us hopping. Enjoy.
  12. nancur - we have a gas stove and 16cuft fridge - both white and both working great up for sale - $150 total for both if you want to drive to st. thomas and pick them up. (wife found out how much some of my fishing stuff cost and went out and bought new stainless steel stuff)
  13. Great report Mike. Times like that spent with your daughter are times she will never forget
  14. Our deepest condolences to you and your family Darren.
  15. I was given the Primerica talk a few years ago and decided it wasn't for me. Pachone, not sure how you will do but good luck with it. Let us know in a year how you are doing with it.
  16. Awesome report Mike, thanks. Love reading about and seeing your adventures - very beautiful place your uncle has there.
  17. Great read and wonderful pictures. Sure looks like you packed in a ton of memories for your folks during the visit. And also, maybe I missed an earlier post - but Morning sickness = Future Little Limeyanglers - congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Congrats Mike, fish of a lifetime for you. Absolutely beautiful.
  19. I personally would love to see him traded to the Wings. If only to see Stoty's reaction
  20. Amazing report, beautiful pics. Seeing the pics, I can't wait to get back up there myself in Sept once I pin down some dates. Thanks for the report and glad you had such a wonderful vacation.
  21. Congrats Brian, that is great.
  22. Great report LA, thanks for sharing that.
  23. Mike, congrats to your daughter - beautiful looking fish. Great picture of the 2 of you. Thanks for posting that.
  24. Great report with some amazing pics. Nice job on the fish - looks like a week to remember.
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