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Everything posted by spincast

  1. nice report and some beauty shots. LSPP is one of the most spectacular pieces of scenery in Ontario. Amazing waters, and canoe in campsites. Brings back some great memories
  2. looks like a great time. How'd those no-see-ums like you this time Chad?
  3. or a small closed box trailer. You can buy a lot of toys for the difference between your current wheels and that beast in your sights ( although it sure would be nice, and then you would have the power to pull a nice 16 or 18 footer with the truck. Just sayin'........ )
  4. did he look like this at ya as he took that swipe? I get lots of hits from the side, often the fish will even make a run holding the spoon in its mouth, then when you try to set the hook or the fish figures out it aint too tasty and pfhft out she goes
  5. Nicest weekend of the year and I'm recovering from surgery :(

    1. misfish


      Just leave the keys in the boat Rick. I,ll come by and wash it for you. Friends dont lets friends boat sit dry dock. Crap forgot,I dont have a hitch receiver.LOL

      Speedy recovery bud.

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Bummer. Hope recovery is short!

    3. spincast


      thanks guys - Brian - I might be able to work something out, if you aint afraid of setting up for me. :) - don't forget the sunscreen. That sun can do some serious hurt.

  6. from the guy who can walk to the end of the yard and catch wallyes and pikes the like of which most of us are willing to drive 3 hours + to find 3 hours from your place must put you in serious PB territory Simon 3.5 for a single day for me.
  7. that makes for a good day on the water - keep working those dipseys - they take a while to zone in, but once you get them figured out they are very productive
  8. looks like a great time; it's years like this that make us truly appreciate fishing; I suspect in a few years you'll be sitting around with the gang, having a beer saying "Do you remember '14? Fished like all get out and all I managed was ......." Your "small " catch beats my one and only Muskie by a mere 11 inches
  9. you've been busy! nice job. So did you have a supper of fresh specs and chantrelles?
  10. Yup. If you are running more than two dispeys, turns will need to be very slow - watch the outside line track behind the boat and if it is behind you instead of off to the side your turning too tight. You could get away with that if you had one on each side set to 3, but if you had three, you would likely have a cluster by the time you straightened back out again. Can get pretty challenging in an area with a lot of traffic all doing the same thing. If you have one, a lead core setup down the chute with a dipsey either side is one of my favourite set ups; the bows have a habit of hitting the core half way through the turn.
  11. he was one of the funniest, most talented of a generation, and its unlikely we will see someone with his range of talents again. Thanks for the laughs Robin and may you find peace at last.
  12. beauty day and spot anyway. tomorrow's another day
  13. Nice going MoS; what a great way to pay it forward.
  14. Reports like this you can almost feel the thrill of the fishing, the disappointment of the cold front, the concerns of the smoke. Great stuff, some absolute beasty lakers there.
  15. Aglia #5. Various retrieves and speeds, aiming for the edges and holes or burning across the top at dawn and dusk. 4 inch spoons, perch pattern, or red and white; ditto, also jigging. Jawbreaker weedless, and Rapala weedless spoon in frog and perch patterns, both with pause retrieve, letting flutter down random periods.
  16. and rod holders - I'll bet it purrs along at perfect walleye speed. I'll take 2
  17. beauty fish, and well earned that's a long days hunt.
  18. G's best friend has only been fishing in a boat once, and rarely fished at all. We had talked for a while about another outing together (took him on lake O once and he caught a nice little Coho). Today we decided to introduce him to Lake E. Second rod wasn't even set up before he had his first gold shortly after that we ran into a bit of a rough spell as I tried to set up six lines and the boys were more interested in chatting and checking out wally-in-the-well. Cost us a cluster and a rod by the time we were done . Worse things can happen. We moved on and tried some water that didn't want to play. I really should listen to that inner voice more. It kept saying 65 FOW but I figured the pack of boats in 58 was on to something - and some were. But our Karma needed 65. After a few hours of watching others bag them here and there I said 'nuf. Packed her up and headed out to 65. 15 minutes and we're into a goodie. About 20 minutes later a first for me - the wire dipsey set up screams out and a few minutes later, Helloooooo big boy all three were nice and clean, healthy fish. The we heard a crack of thunder, and being about 1/2 hour out of port decided better safe than sorry and headed in. G's friend had (can you believe it?) never eaten fresh fish before? So he was invited to supper and found out the pleasures of fishing go beyond a few hours in the boat. I hope we gave him some memories to start his own angling explorations when he is old enough Well , that's E & O for the long weekend, E, eye, E eye O.
  19. A very unusual year for G and me. Lake O has not been her normal self and still isn't. But I didn't get out all of July, and even the possibility of traffic from you know where wasn't gonna stop me wetting the lines today. Hit the water at 6:15 and G was feeling the pain. He climbed under the cover and went to sleep. While he was sleeping I had two break offs - not like me at all. Must be rusty. Then it slowed down. Marks were few and far between, and those that were looked mostly to be lakers. So after a few hours we relented and put the SWR down to the bottom. They weren't what were were looking for, but they sure beat a skunk. Trying out the new Go Pro. Got a ways to go before I have something usable like Simon or Terry. Chad - this laker's for you
  20. Rich, If I was you I'd run up to Niagara or even St Catherines tonight. Then get up at 4:00 or so and blow through the before the poop hits the fan tomorrow. The delays this type of thing causes brings out the very best in drivers Regardless of what you do, hope it works out for the best and good luck on the trip.
  21. Time to try the big O again, and then some Eyes on E if the weather agrees. Getting home from O may be a bit of a challenge with the skyway bridge out tho...... back roads I guess
  22. Oh, this is going to make things fun this long weekend. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/large-crash--involving-dump-truck-shuts-down-burlington-skyway/33103/
  23. Congrats on the 50+ - been watching your efforts for 3 years now, you put in a lot of time and effort to find it, and certainly deserved it. What a beauty way to reach that goal!
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