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Everything posted by spincast

  1. My condolences. Keep her spirit alive with the great memories you have. Cancer has taken many of my closest, including my mother in a slow a painful one. To her grandchildren my Mum she is still a star - only now she twinkles in the sky instead of sharing the twinkle in her eye.
  2. Hmmm, how far can a perch swim in 12 hours? http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2547003
  3. New Car conmig home?

    I may be hitting whitemans on Sunday. Let me know if you want to go.

  4. I'm in Paris.. PM me and we'll see what we can set up
  5. Great cause. Since loosing her grandmother (my mother) to cancer in 05, my daughter has done this twice, all at her own initiative. She heard about it and said whe wanted to do it. This last nine months a ittle neighbourhood boy of 4 has been fighting luekemia. The great news, thanks to programs like this, and the funds they raise he has beat it and looks to have a full life ahead of him As for my daughter - right after her last cut she declared she was going to do it again. donation done. Way to go girls!
  6. Make sure you keep the tracking number from Canada Post and track delivery on line. I sent a Fenwick back for pretty much the same reason - broke while pulling through some weeds. Tracked it on line and a week after I saw they had received it called to see how the process was going. They said they never got it. I had to send them the web tracking page to prove delivery. After that though they sent it right away.
  7. Anyone else going to this from around this part of the world interested in car pooling? PM me.
  8. I got mine as a consignment sale through Proctor marine. Benefit of no dealer prep, no GST, no freight and a marine wtih an interest in keeping a future customer. I searched lots of marines when I was looking and although there weren't a lot of boats in the size I was looking for, I found at least 3, and all in the price range I was looking for. If you haven't already, try googling "Marine, used boat, consignment xxx" where xxx = the area you live, or are willing to drive to. My $0.02
  9. Thanks Shawn; Maybe tomorrow - let me know if you're available and I'll pm you this aft if it all comes together (and the weather is agreeable). Yesterday's sea test, which was what I had been waiting for before closing the deal, was a bit damp and choppy down on the inner bay. Couple of guys were leaving as we put in. They probably thought we were nuts launching just as the worst part of the front blew in - but I had waited almost a month already and arranged to take the afternoon off work and nothing short of serious white caps was stopping me yesterday. Still cannot believe how far down the water is. Kids comments "COOL boat Dad - when are we taking her out?" More addicts in the making.....
  10. seriously jealous... but motivation for when the work day is done ... once and for all. Beauty scenery and lifestyle.
  11. OK - so I never did do the formal intro - that's because I was expecting to get this 3 weeks ago and do it then but weather kept stopping me. My apologies - but perhaps if I explain you will understand.... I admit - I too was a lurker -- and not just here but on many sites. After carefully considering my options, I decided this the site to come clean ..... My name is Rick,,, and I am a hopeless fishing addict. It started in kindergarten with a bamboo pole and a worm, it grew into catfish in warm lakes, and I have to admit now one day when I was 6 I hooked a snapping turtle, kind of accidentally - yes they do like worms but at 6 who admits they dropped it right in front of the turtle off the dock--the addiction grew as I fished for skates and dog fish off Cape Hatteras piers,(and one really tasty crab ), trout in Wva mountain streams... to trout in Ontario, bass, pike, oh damn, must I admit -- any Fish GIVE ME A FISH.. Sorry... I have to try and control that, Any way back to the topic of the post. My new to me starcraft starfire.. Please, rain in the week and raise the water levels, and sun and low winds on the weekends.... I want to use this sucker.... One last thing before I go - thanks to the guys at Proctor Marine. Great service, great help ...... awesome deal on the the 55 lb minkota with the free wireless remote, and a really nice 100 anniversary Starcraft hat to close the deal! OK team 7 - lets get out there...
  12. Kind of hard to tell from the pic, but the most common in this part of the world are sharp shinned and red tails. The red tail is very prominent in flight. If you can see it while gliding you shoudl be able see the red tail if its one - otherwise most liekly going to be a sharp shinned.
  13. Very NICE. Hope to get my new to me one tomorrow - more then if the weather permits
  14. Most couriers will assess a brokerage fee based on the value of the shipment as a declaration needs to be made. Sometimes, this can be as much as the value of the shipment - for instance I once ordered some flyers from the US DOT for a conference and they put a nominal value of $1.00 per info package. I ordered about 200, and the customs fees came to over $100.00. Terry nailed it for GST & HST. For the scoop from CBSA: http://www.canadapost.ca/tools/pg/manual/PGcustoms-e.asp from another all knowing(?) internet source: http://doesitblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/international-shipping-into-canada/ Wonder who many CCRA audit dudes are members........
  15. With Kids - Restoule, Bon Echo or Algonquin. Restoule is quieter ane more off the beaten track. Caught a 4 fooot pike there last year in about a foot of water early one morning. I think you might even be able to rent a tinny from some of the local service providers - I know there were lots of cabin / cottage rentals with boats for rent and a marine right on Restoule lake. I took the kids there last year and they loved it. Great beach, swimming, biking and walking trails. I have taken them to Algonguin - they liked it, but you have to drive lots to do any of the trails and such, we liked Cannisbay; Superior - loved it, but not reallly a lake for swimming unless you are part polar bear- the trout streams are awesome for hiking and the Sand River trail is amazing. Bon Echo is right up there with Restoule. The group camping lake has some nice bass in it, as does Joe Perry lake. The hardwood hills campground offer privacy and lots of bike riding opportunities. Each of these campgrounds have great nature centers and organised outings for the whole family (or all but the fisher ) Bon Echo and Algonguin tend to book up fast. We still have to do Killarney. If you want to go a little further Obatonga has trophy pike - but you will need at least a canoe. Mississaugi (Elliot Lake) is also cool. Not as much as A or BE or even R, but trout streams, pike and bass in the area, trails and some hikes and biking opportunities.
  16. Right on bushart! Those who can do.. those who can't........well need i say more
  17. My favourite bumper sticker said - If you can read this I can flick a booger on your windshield....
  18. http://mainehuntingtoday.com/bbb/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/bonw268.jpeg It isn't always clear what is in season.
  19. welcome to the addiction.
  20. Hey Tightline - just saw your post from the 28th, thanks for the note -Sorry for the delay I'm still learning this site. Yep, I'm in Paris. Fish the grand mostly - although the Nith is actually at the end of the ravine at behind my house. We'll have to get out together soon. I see we share a fishing addiction. Any luck recovering those funds from the jerks yet?

  21. Hope they catch the litle pricks. 14 Days is a long time to hold you hostage for that! I have moved ot using a credit card for evrything and pating it off monthly. Can't skim that as easy, and Visa & MC are pretty good about reversing the unauthorised charges right away.
  22. theres a ft tinny for sale on the Paris / Cambridge Rd just outside Paris - or at least it was there when I went by on Thusday on the way home. Kijijji has lots ( I just somd my 12 ft there). CAS marina had a few but no motore with it in that price range.
  23. hardest thing I ever did - and the best. Smoked 2 packs a day. Swore I would quit when they were a buck a pack (I know, I'm dating myself). I did when a small players light cost 1.10 at Macs Milk. The first month is the hardest, after that it MOSTLY goes away. Haven't had one in 15 years, but every once in a whie, when someone opens a really fresh pack..... OH GOD does that smell good. But I get over it. The good thing is, when I hook a really nice fish, I can enjoy a cigar and not be in withdrawl the next day. Now the fine single malt scotch I have with the cigar -damn if I don't feel like I need another... actually, maybe I'll have one now ...
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