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Everything posted by buick14

  1. Lots of good insight here guys...ill have a look
  2. Shes a 2 stroke... Thanks for the input. Like myself, this motor is affraid of the doctor.
  3. Hey guys, I have a 20hp merc which has lately been giving me issues. When I pull the chord, sometimes it either snaps back, or I go to put some balls into it, and the cord stops me midway, hurting my elbow. I've also noticed the power isn't always all there, although it "seems" to be idling fine. I'm running new gas, with sea foam , and changed the plugs; same issues. The issues are intermittent, but frequent....especially frequent is the lack of power issue... I've heard idling, punks gas and plugs. Tried all except timing, but I don't know how the timing would just go out like this? Any and all help would b great
  4. I love fishing that area. It's a really hard fish , especially in the river itself. There r some bigguns around there...but waking them up can be hard. Nice walleye!
  5. You feeling better since the bees Lew?
  6. Omg that kinda thing seems like the last thing to worry about...sure a bite here qnd there. Man u must have been so scared....im glad ur ok!
  7. She makes for some good forage for certain species thats for sure
  8. 21 feet total front of tongue to back of motors longest point for me.........fits on an angle in a standard 2 car garage. Most 1 car garages are like 20ft long with an ~8ft opening......
  9. Gloucester pool I will Definately agree is a beauty spot for monster "fish"(especially bass).....numbers At island lake are there, but trophy pike....Forage base ain't there for any Consistent bigguns'
  10. I'd be in the lot at two or two and a quarter. Fair number for both of you.
  11. That ensures the freshness stays locked In. You should all know this.
  12. Ya normally I look at the prices at CT and laugh when it comes to fishing stuff.....I have also seen some pretty stellar blowouts on lures also so I always swing by and look when I go. Didnt know about the price match thing though....I guess Im gunna go in with my catalog from le baron and point out all the over priced husky jerks they've got....Still can't believe how cheap huskies are at le baron for the hj12-14
  13. Also not impressed. Sail I like the most out of the mentioned, but I choose lebaron as the best as they almost always have the best price.
  14. its just meh for anything other than ice fishing IMO.
  15. You hit the nail on the head for me! I enjoy every aspect of fishing including lures, gear, scenery to name a few. Sometimes for me half the excitement is trying out new gear, or even organizing my crap for that matter.....there is no reason an avid angler needs to go above say a curado, but I personally don't feel enthusiastic about using an old clunky 5 guide rod with a cement mixer reel....but my dad sure loved it! Lol But damn, it can be a very costly sport/addiction!!!
  16. X2....for the price it's the best rod IMO. I had a champion 684cb also and its an incredible stick.
  17. what a awesome year it looks like you had! good job bud...
  18. Hey guys, I have an appointment with bass pro to install my side/down imaging transducer and unit, only problem is they are backed up for another few weeks.... Anybody have a place they know that does installs? I don't want to do it myself, I'd rather get her done right professionally the first time less holes in transom etc Thanks, and Toronto and surrounding would be a huge plus....
  19. Although borderline mentally challenged............... Ryan is correct!! lol I joke I joke that thing looks like its made of plastic...
  20. Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, Michael Jordan IMO
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