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Everything posted by S.M.05

  1. Have a little free time on my hands so will post a few reports to catch up on my summer and ice fishn. Maybe even resurrect an old favorite.
  2. Thanks for the look back. You sure had some fantastic musky fishing in 2014.
  3. Being a trout nut I would have to say the good old Little Cleo 1/4 or 1/3 oz. I have caught every trout that swims in my neck woods with it plus salmon, bass and pike. Works good under the ice as well.
  4. Nice bow! Love the deep red color. First day on medical EI for me, unfortunately wont be able to fish for at least a couple months. Tight lines
  5. #youaretheman Had to read the first part a second time. Tons of good laughs had. No better way to prep myself for the nerds with knives than getting out with you pro staffing. lol BTW all this talk about hash taggn has made me so hungry I'm hash taggn #hashbrowns
  6. Nice bows Matt. Looks like a good day to hide out in the shanty.
  7. I always buy them new, never had any luck sharpening them. Don't buy the ones made in China only the original made in Sweden.
  8. Nice eye.
  9. THAT'S A HUGE AZZ TROUT! Note to self >Must borrow co-workers work shirt with the name tag Chris on it.
  10. Readers digest version As you've told me in my previous report "Humor is sometimes an acquired taste, of which I apparently have none". Funny how out of the many, many good members on this site I knew you would contribute to this one. As for the 9-1-1 bit, me falling through in water up to my chest, it will merely tuck my man parts up like that of a sumo wrestler. As for my mental state..... quite healthy but not as healthy as my body. New diet has me so trimmed down that I'm able to walk on ice that is only 1 thick. That 5th pic is the shore line I walked back and forth on all morning to get on that ice. Even kneeling down on in order to place the camera for taking that pic. You honestly think that you could tell me the thickness of that wet ice from photo taken on that angle. If so your correct answer would be 4 inches. It actually looks more like water with bits of ice in it to me. lol As for the 6th pic you can clearly see the border of 4 ice and 2.5 ice that I would dangle my rod over but not my feet. BTW I appreciate your comment that you liked the maple planked splake recipe. Post takes a lot longer to put up than it does to critique.
  11. Joeytier its a real easy meal and goes down like candy. Soak plank for a couple hours, then coat the topside of the plank with a bit of cooking oil and set BBQ to 350. Coat splake with maple syrup and sprinkle on some house blend salmon spice. Place the splake on cedar plank skin side down and BBQ for 20mins (give or take a few) with the lid closed. Remove from BBQ, drizzle on a little more maple goodness and serve! Keep an eye on the BBQ for flare ups and have a spray bottle of water handy.
  12. lol. Have to admit the light mist of rain made that clear ice look a lot worse than it was. Grew up ice fishing on a river with current. Walking on still water ice 3/4" shy of the recommended thickness for a snowmobile doesn't spook me. Spud is king!
  13. Lakes........ I have captured your trout! Once proof of ice has been established negotiations and a rescue mission is set forth to find the trout. Once the trout are located a communications tower is set up on 4”s of ice next to the 2” border. Negotiations start by using worms and shiny golden objects, with gold being the ticket this day. Several splake are rescued although there are 2 lost on the worms. With the temperature rising the 4” of ice has become saturated with water and I have to retreat from base camp. But not before one last daring rescue. Once these trout have returned home a welcome back meal is prepared using only the finest cedar. Hope you enjoyed the show. A word on the ice conditions. Crappy and getting worse as the temps and rain set in. To be honest if there had of been snow covering the ice I would have just gone home as I would not have been able to see the 5% of the lake that had thick enough ice. Early season- Tie off , stay shallow and spud your way out! All splake caught in less than 5 feet off water.
  14. Nice to see the pics of the hunt to go along with the story. Looks like you had another great multi species fall. As exhausted as I was, muskie was a blast. Awesome of you to give me first fish! Hopefully get some ice time in with you. Had to dig this up for ya. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/89/89rdiner.phtml
  15. Tons of Beau-T fish! Good to see someone is enjoying the atlantics and doing well them. Keep on em! Lakers on the fly, very cool. Planned to do the same this year but work and projects got in the way. Keep the pics coming.
  16. WOW! .....Trout and salmon haven for sure. Your living the good life up there.
  17. Very nice haul of first ice walleye Simon! Good luck out there this winter!
  18. Great work on the pics those beautiful Nipigon specs! Looking forward to seeing the documentary. Bunk is right about checking out Al's site.
  19. Nice work on the lakers. Reminds me of a gem of a lake I fish spring or fall that has its own natural strain of smaller lakers in it.
  20. Back from three days of rainy troutn and still dripping but this report along with a tall drink have warmed me up. Len's big smile tells the whole story of giant lakers with a side of grayling served up along side of good company. Another great read and pics Drew and Cracking stone looks like some awesome work by mother nature. Imagine guiding on a lake like that and watching others catching trophy fish all week. Good to see you let Red in on some of the laker action. That lake has been on the bucket list for a long time and I hope to scratch it off some time, probably with you.
  21. Awesome solo trip Drew! Lots of big specs, lakers and great shots of gods country. All the right ingredients of a perfect solo trip. Close encounters with bears, new friends and some of the best fishing available with the Nipigon as your backdrop. You will always notice more of the cool little crap around you as well while out on your own. BTW leave the red head for me you've already caught a trophy!
  22. Great pics as usual. That last one of the sturgeon is awesome!
  23. Good read and some very nice musky! Will have to watch that episode.
  24. Awesome report! Just an amazing amount of pike being caught and some big gators at that. Great shots of the northern lights as well. Have been told good things about that fishery and see they are more than true.
  25. A mask while posing with a fish..........who does that! Hahaha Awesome gar with the fly and some real fatties in there. Open mouth shots of those teeth, oh yeah! Looking forward to getting out with you again
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