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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. sorry GCD road kill wont do....lol
  2. We are looking for donations for our kids tournament, that my wife ( miss kelly ) and i run. here is a copy of the letter we send out . Dear Sir/Madam FISHING FUN FOR KIDS-JULY 18,2009 On July 18 2009 Dann and Kelly Wight will be hosting the annual childrens fishing tournament at Bailey's Bay Resort with the help of many volunteers. Approximately 175 children between 2-16 years of age participate in this event each year, with each child coming away with a prize. A large prize is awarded to the top "fisher kid's" in the various age groups and a small prize for each of the other children. Our goal is to ensure it is a fun filled day of fishing, socializing and enjoying a barbecue together. The success of this event is largley due to the generous contributions made by companies such as yours. If you are able to contribute to the success of the childrens fishing tournament this coming year, please contact the organizers of the event, Dann and Kelly Wight at [email protected] Sincerely, Dann wight anyone that can help out would be greatly appreciated , thank you.
  3. Are we going to be doing a pot luck on saturday night ??
  4. CALL EASTONS ON THE 35/115 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called every where including uhaul for my 02 pontiac montana and they were the best in price and service by far...... and they installed it and the wiring harness in about 45 minutes http://www.eastontruckcaps.com/ Dann
  5. i have a kirkland from costco in my car. 4 years now and not 1 problem with it.....
  6. princess auto on barton has them too
  7. thanks for the heads up.. i have a triler at baileys bay if its still out there next weekend i will pull it to shore. its only a 15 ' mirrorcraft with an older 20 merc but it should do the trick. hell if its a good piece i just might take it down to baileys bay and use it .....lol
  8. that is one sweet ride lew. congratulations bud. now go and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!! your friend -----SKEETER-------lol
  9. lol--
  10. i have a suggestion: how about we do a roll call ? with names so we know how many are going and TRY to remember the names.. Dann & kelly
  11. GCD i sure hope anyone in your boat is upwind from you...
  12. DouG's famous killer sandwiches with a tim hortons would go down good!!!
  13. Quick trips----lol---lol---lol you better plan on atleast an hour each time you go!!!!
  14. great report gerrit. glad that you both had a good time. where's a fish picture? and no you cant use it for the OFC tournament--lol wheres the 30,000 pictures you took of the girls on the beach ???? come on now gerrit we know ya did............. the wife and i went to puerto plata and i filled both sd cards
  15. WAY TO GO Sydney !!!!!!!!!!! just dont tell your dad your secrets..... we love hearing that you BEAT your dad AGAIN......... sassy & cisco miss you.........
  16. if you want to go to hartley bay here is the link http://www.hartleybaymarina.com/Intro.htm
  17. dont let GCD fool you, he picks up his food onroute. its called ROAD KILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL and if the skins still intact he wears it as a hat!!!! as for takin food with you so you can start your vacation as soon as you get there.......... do you say that before or as your setting up the tent, dining tent,coleman stove,propane tank, lantern,lawn chairs,filling up the air mattresses,unrolling the sleeping bags, unpacking the truck-------- or do you make paul do that joey?---lol see ya up at lake air
  18. but if you tow it with the civic wouldnt you be over the tow rating on the civic??
  19. if i remember right i think it is the depth of the water plus 2 times the lenght of your boat..
  20. but you only painted it this morning----lol couldnt resist
  21. your van will haul that boat no problem at all. just keep it out of overdrive while hauling it. as for the hitch, give eastons a call before you buy your hitch. there on the 35/115 and they are the cheapest i found i also own a 2002 montana and it was cheaper to have them install the hitch and the wiring then it was for me to buy the hitch alone at any other store.
  22. irishfield --- you can start that motor easily. tracker has a 50hp 4 stroke and i showed him how easy it was last summer out in the middle of the lake when his battery pooched.. he also thought like every one else, that it would be impossible. now he knows ........ all he has to do is call me when he needs it started--lol
  23. not hard at all to pull start. 1- make sure the keys turned ON 2- put it on fast idle so when it starts it revs up and doesnt stall. 3 -make sure you have your balance and a good stance. as soon as it fires up there will be no resistance to the pull rope and if your not ready you can can azz over tea kettle--lol ive pull started my 150 merc and my 150 johnson very easily. some times my 9.9 feels harder then the 150's when you first pull it you will feel the resistance and about a foot of rope comes off and thats when it fires up so all the resistance is gone immediatly so make sure you have both feet firmly planted---lol and make sure no one is in the way of the pull rope when it comes off the fly wheel- unless they need a good whipping--lol if your not quite sure then give it a couple of practise pulls while the battey is good, then you will know how easy it is if you ever need to do it..
  24. personaly i use thread from the sewing baskit, if you dont catch anything its just as good---lol i only use non stretch line like spider fusion but since they dont make that anymore i switched to power pro. non stretch line is super sensitive and you feel everything with it. when trolling you can see the rod tip bouncing with the motion of the lure, if a weed gets on the lure the rod stops bouncing, and a quick jerk of the rod will get the weed off.
  25. that is funny i loved it so much so im going to send it to TRACKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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