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Everything posted by skeeter
hey greencoachdog: i will go but you have to promise that there wont be any skeeter killings that weekend!!!!
you are leaving at a good time. traffic is always light on friday mornings. as for the 407 DONT take .... they will charge you for your car AND for the boat trailer, thats double $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
hey greencoachdog thats not nice what did i do??? lol........
i invited our TEAM EXTREME up to my trailer for a G2G but only CCMT and Bly could make it up that day. to bad cause you guy's missed out on a great day. and GREAT company. CCMT & Bly are great people to know, we had a blast with them . if they are the example of the kind of people that are members on this board then im going to show up at a lot more OFC G2G's and for the rest of the the OFC members , you guy's should come out to the G2G's they have, and meet up with the others that are there. Tracker and I went to the g2g last fall in quinte and it to was a great time. all in all our g2g went good, especialy for bly and i, we kicked ccmt & trackers butts fishing----LOL-- ps: keeping the crappies was Bly's idea. thats my story and im sticking to it!!!! Tracker and i both have told you that the invite back up to our places is an open invitation!!!!
july 19th my buddy Shane came up to my trailer on chemong to do a little fishing. we went out at 7am and trolled for a couple of hours. we were getting some little ones hitting the lures but nothing to brag about. then i had a light hit, figuring it was a small bass i just gave the rod a jerk to set the hook. then bam, the rod bends right over ,yank yank yank. i said to Shane, i think i got a pickeral. first comes the head shakes--oh ya its a pickeral!!!! then the line starts ripping out of my reel---damn its not a pickeral, its a muskie i said. a few more hard pulls then it starts to come in like a pickeral-- now were both confused its staying down deep so we cant see it. im waiting for it to see the boat, if it takes off running then we know its a muskie. instead it comes up to the surface. HOLY CRAP its a pickeral. Shane quick get the net, as i said it i turned toward him and he already has it in hand. poof-- in goes the net and up comes the pickeral all in one motion what a way to break in the new net!!!! thanks shane.. its nice to know i have a couple of good fishing buddy's i can count on. 25" 5lb 3oz if you look at the tail you can see why were confused. somebody else wanted him for his own dinner- mr muskie. ( Tracker was still sleeping ) when you comming back up shane?? CCMT you can add this to our TEAM EXTREME total if you dont mind.. www.ontarioanglerawards.com/user.cfm?UID=10047
Cliff: that is the best post on the board. way to go! amazing job! but i can say something no one else has yet------- THATS OUR TEAM EXTREME CAPTAIN
i liked when buddy line breaks on he gets his rod in the face
Gerritt that was hilarious. what made it even funnier was watching Your avatar up in the corner showing him what he was suppose to be doing............. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dann
disc brakes are really easy to do, including replacing the rotors. you could also have them turned by a repair shop but for the price i would replace them. yes you have to replace the pads aswell or they will start chewing up the new rotors in the same pattern as the old ones go to walmart or ctc and get the repair manual for your truck and just follow it. its a lot easier then you think. and the repair manual will help you out with any other problems you might have in the future. there about $40- $50 but the first brake job you do will pay for itself. Dann
when you tie on your lure. hit the release button and let the lure hit the ground. when it touches the ground your spool is suppose to stop spinning by itself. if it doesnt adjust the magnetic drag so it does.
Happy Birthday Doug!!!!!! hope it was a good one for ya and many more to come. Dann
heres the reason that your draw bar rattles when you put it into the receiver on the van. they use to be a lot tighter fit but the problem was that they would rust , and then you couldnt take the draw bar out of the receiver. now they make them a little smaller to stop it from seizing in . there were to many mishaps with guys chaining it onto a tree to try and pull them out, either with the tree or the hitch being ripped out of the frame on the tow vehicle. this was told to me by the guy's that installed my hitch, and Tracker was told the same thing by the guy's that installed his hitch. Dann
Just got back from getting a reel spooled...
skeeter replied to Wendel's topic in General Discussion
WENDEL: did you atleast get your reel respooled or did you forget???? LOL Dann -
no bernie you go into a chat room and every one can talk there. and you can view everyones cam too Dann
heres my thought: why dont we have a section on here for web cam chat so you can put a face to the people your talking to? this way when you see them out on the water you know who they are !
oh and by the way heres the you tube link to trackers and my catch last saturday. TRACKERS A MOVIE STAR NOW. LOL---YOUR WELCOME BUDDY its out of the bag now--lol http://youtube.com/watch?v=YQ1ngaoZ4PI
hey TRACKER:::: I BELIEVE BY THE LOOKS OF THIS YOUR SKUNK HAS BEEN KILLED!!! THE TOP LEFT PERCH WAS 15.5 INCHES the rest are pretty close to that one too. caught last saturday march 22 2008 nice catch buddy
they are great and i just bought a set from princess auto for $13
lol thats a classic its now in my favorites list. now i can play it in the summer just to drive the wife crazy!!!!!
ok heres my 2 cents worth on this issue!!!!! for the amount of time it takes you to post you could have registered your hut.. put the numbers on a piece of board just large enough to fit them, throw it into your hut . Dann
any where seems to be a better place to be then the GTA. way to much crap going on here now. Dann
love that shelter clamp-it--lol as long as it works. at least you were catching- right. thanks for the report. Dann
i too agree with everyone else. sam is a great guy and has a very good store. thanks sam. Dann
i love my ultra lites when i get my first ice walleye i will post and let you's know if it held up--lol Dann