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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Has anyone heard from Brian today? do we need to call 911 if your still alive brian, then she's prolonging your death. one way or another you will pay ! hey is that a brand new merecedes suv sitting in your driveway with a sign on the windshield saying "merry christmas to me"
  2. the best part of the story>>>>>>>>> "You hooked it, you bring it in". He WILL remember that day the rest of his life!
  3. What would this board be if it wasnt for guy's like Big Cliff? thats why everyone loves ya Cliff!
  4. now who's going to be the first to try and transport propane tanks across the border? atleast you will make head lines in the news!!!!!!
  5. good report will. to bad the fish would listen to you.
  6. part 1 and part 2 north is in the south but its due west
  7. I believe somebody posted on the OFC that sunoco high test didn't have methanol in it.
  8. it was the big double hut $449.99 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Navigation?hvarSearchString=clam+hut&storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&CMID=TOP_SEARCH_GO&scSearched=true&x=16&y=11
  9. with all the phones on the market these days they need to keep adding new area codes. when they run out of 3 digit area codes then it will be 4 digits. soon the area code will be longer then the phone number.
  10. 13" is the biggest i have caught on simcoe, i believe. but have seen the 15" come out of there.
  11. i will keep my eyes open for you. you can get that tank re-valved but it would probably be just as cheap to get a new one if you can find them.
  12. That is the kind of KARMA we love to hear about!!! if you had of posted that problem on the board here this morning, your street would have looked like the 401 during rush hour!
  13. You are both correct...LOL
  14. My wife gave me a $50 gift card for bass pro for xmas. now I'm all excited cause i want a sled to pull my gear out with that is less bulkyer then the one i built. i go on to there web site and cant find any sleds, now I'm bummed out. this morning she says , lets go and see if you can find something else you might want. ok, so off we go but im not excited cause i really don't need anything else. we get there and start looking, float suits,rods,lures blah blah blah. well there some of those badboyz that everyone talks about, $3-$6 each. i am not spending $50 on lures and that's that....... walk over to look at the portable huts(just to kill time) I'm looking inside the clam base and i hear her say, "are those the sleds you were talking about?" stacks of 4 different size OTTER sleds. she goes over to the monster sled and says, is this big enough? the kind that have a tow bar on the front. $269---NOT then she says , what about this one. its the next size down, ya and how much is that one? $74.99 she says,, say what let me see, hmmmm 64"x29"x11" well that would probably do but its $25 more then my gift card. then she says , if you want it ,get it and i will pay the extra for it I pick one up and start to head for the cashier. but what about those lures you said you liked? i know have the sled and 6 badboyz in my tackle box.........
  15. If we dont hear from brian by 9 pm tonight, somebody better call 911 oh to be a fly on his wall tonight.
  16. Miss Kelly and I will be there again!!!!
  17. the driver was charged with reckless endangerment causing bodily harm,& impaired.
  18. worried? all you need to know is that you can out run your friend... and a can of wasp spray is better then bear repellent, it squirts up to 20' and you can aim it.
  19. My new years prayer is to get rid of this stripe. and pass it on to some one else. any volunteers?? or should i pick some one?
  20. and you know how slick pike snot is, how??
  21. Simon , i always love watching your video's. you do good videos, even if you did loose a few right at the hole.
  22. LOL--- you want the TRUTH???????????????? it depends on who you talk to at the mnr, what time of day it is, and how loud you yell......
  23. i guess Oscar Meyer isnt just for kids..LOL what a heck of a good trip!!!
  24. skeeter


    hey Wayne------
  25. skeeter


    i was just going to post that LOL Toronto maple leafs 5 Ottawa 0 thats zero
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