My wife gave me a $50 gift card for bass pro for xmas.
now I'm all excited cause i want a sled to pull my gear out with that is less bulkyer then the one i built.
i go on to there web site and cant find any sleds, now I'm bummed out.
this morning she says , lets go and see if you can find something else you might want.
ok, so off we go but im not excited cause i really don't need anything else.
we get there and start looking, float suits,rods,lures blah blah blah.
well there some of those badboyz that everyone talks about, $3-$6 each.
i am not spending $50 on lures and that's that.......
walk over to look at the portable huts(just to kill time)
I'm looking inside the clam base and i hear her say, "are those the sleds you were talking about?"
stacks of 4 different size OTTER sleds.
she goes over to the monster sled and says, is this big enough?
the kind that have a tow bar on the front. $269---NOT
then she says , what about this one.
its the next size down, ya and how much is that one?
$74.99 she says,, say what
let me see, hmmmm
well that would probably do but its $25 more then my gift card.
then she says , if you want it ,get it and i will pay the extra for it
I pick one up and start to head for the cashier.
but what about those lures you said you liked?
i know have the sled and 6 badboyz in my tackle box.........