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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. now that i have yous attention internet posting comes first, then the paper.
  2. great news randy. now wheres the video of you doing "the happy dance" ?
  3. Counseling—Newfie Style Earl and Garge are quietly sitting in a boat fishing, chewing tobacco, and drinking beer when suddenly Garge says, “Think I’m gonna divorce the wife. She ain’t spoke to me in over two months.” Earl spits overboard, takes a long, slow sip of beer, and says, “Better think it over. Women like that are hard to find.”
  4. you need to find out how commited he is to your plan. figure out how much money you need to lay out to get started. hut material & labour. propane tanks, propane, heaters. tip ups, line, hooks, scoops. auger- customers like extra holes. ATV- to move huts. a sleigh to take customers out to huts. helmuts for customers on sleigh. minnows minnow buckets. a place to store huts in the off season. registering a limited company. venders permit. INSURANCE, for equipment & customers. thats just off the top of my head, im sure there is more to add to the list.
  5. i only go out after the hut operators have started. then i follow someone else's trail. like terry said " if the trail ends STOP, and turn back"
  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family. from the Wight house!
  7. ok so which episode is the linder family going to be on?? it is only fitting, isnt it?
  8. i thank you for posting that... but my wife doesnt---LOL im looking at the pelican 45 that they have on sale for $24.99 2 of them is $50, then i would have a lid or hook both them up in line then i would have 91"x20x8. 91"long would give lots of room.
  9. amazing how much talent some people have!! 6 thumbs up on that one.
  10. 28334
  11. I disagree with you TJ. it is still fall, winter starts december 21st.LOL well if they close the schools, why would the buses still run? Mercman:".But as a Montrealer,i must say that Torontonians are a bit wimpy though." now i can go make my latte.. solopaddler, you hit the nail right on the head. 1 snow flake falls from the sky and the morons slam the brakes on. a few years back we had a good dumping of snow, followed by freezing rain. what usually takes me an hour to drive to scarborough from mississauga took 4 1/2 hours.
  12. thats why we love ya Roy!!!!
  13. that is an awesome picture of him. his colors really show in that piture.
  14. well you are a river fisherman..... "Drifter"
  15. but if he falls off the roof he will land in a big pile of snow.....
  16. its all coppers fault. see i have people on my side ... thanks twocoda
  17. Wayne,,, they are limited to 1 vote per email address, per day.
  18. does that mean you want to try your LUCK (or lack of ) with me tomorrow?
  19. 24536 and climbing
  20. done,done and done 3 from me
  21. YES I DID!!!! i got an XL, L and another XL coffee's
  22. i knew you would say that, that is why i made sure i said that there was people ALREADY there!!!!!!!
  23. when the ice hut operators put their huts out is when tracker and i go out. but every year we have the same argument: you first, no you first, no i insist you first. LOL
  24. Well i guess its time for the report. Picked Canadian copper up at 6am. arrived in port hopeless at 6:30. there was about 12 guys already there ahead of us. no problem there's plenty of room, so we pick our spot , get tied up and start fishing. the conga line keeps growing. spent an hour there and nobody even gets a hit. we move around to a different spot. 2 hours there a not a sniff. decided we would get back in the truck and try another place. walking back, there was about 40 people there now fishing, and not 1 single fish caught. get to the next place, people are already there fishing, we fished there for awhile and not even 1 hit for anybody. we move to the next location, same thing, people fishing and not 1 fish. we move on to yet another location,stayed there for about an hour and the same as the last 3 locations, no hits, no signs of life under the water. well i still have my perfect record 0 for 0 for 0 for 0. Scott's reputation has been flushed down the toilet and his copper is now tarnished!! on the positive side: IT'S NOT ME, nobody was getting anything, there's just no damn fish left in the water.
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