Well i guess its time for the report.
Picked Canadian copper up at 6am.
arrived in port hopeless at 6:30.
there was about 12 guys already there ahead of us.
no problem there's plenty of room, so we pick our spot , get tied up and start fishing.
the conga line keeps growing.
spent an hour there and nobody even gets a hit.
we move around to a different spot.
2 hours there a not a sniff.
decided we would get back in the truck and try another place.
walking back, there was about 40 people there now fishing, and not 1 single fish caught.
get to the next place, people are already there fishing, we fished there for awhile and not even 1 hit for anybody.
we move to the next location, same thing, people fishing and not 1 fish.
we move on to yet another location,stayed there for about an hour and the same as the last 3 locations, no hits, no signs of life under the water.
well i still have my perfect record 0 for 0 for 0 for 0.
Scott's reputation has been flushed down the toilet and his copper is now tarnished!!
on the positive side:
IT'S NOT ME, nobody was getting anything, there's just no damn fish left in the water.