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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. ANTHRAX they first started mailing it. now there testing it with crop dusters and putting it the water system. next test will be in the big mac's,alcohol and coffee. all testing will be completed by 2012.
  2. so let me see if i read this right. you fell into the water you pulled yourself out. you took emil's rod to get your bucket back. the thing im missing is, what was emil doing the whole time???? glad you made it out alright chuck!!!!!
  3. thats it, thats it, you must have seen me do that before!
  4. Thanks for the replies guy's. now maybe you guy's can help me out? my wife's birthday is jan 16th, I'm taking her to mother tuckers for her birthday dinner. what i really need help with , is what to get her for her birthday. do i get her a new toaster or a bass pro gift card????
  5. Canada didnt lose. They won silver the only thing they lost was the game. russia out played them, or it wouldnt have been 5-3. there is nothing wrong with silver!!!!! if silver is not good then why is the stanley cup silver? hold your head high canadian players, you guys did great....
  6. Innisfil Bait & tackle right on the s/w corner of 89 & yonge street open at 6am /7 days a week $5 a scoop (average 60-70 minnows) keith gives a good scoop of minnows too! when you leave there go south to the first street ( gilford rd) and turn left. watch where you park in gilford south side of rd ONLY
  7. that curse is coming to an end REAL soon, i have a new fish finder that has an audible alert.
  8. Craig_Ritchie: fyi- lebarons has caddis neoprene stocking foots on for $65. it was there spring special but they still have some. i bought a pair in nov.
  9. pikeslayer, i got equipment coming out the ying yang and a skidoo to take you out to my hut. i need to get the hut out and set up first. when every thing is done and ready i will give you a shout ! Dann
  10. also reach up under the back of the ignition and wiggle the wires there. and like aplumma said replace the fuses that even look good , i have been down that road-LOL
  11. nice fish but i had to turn the music off cause it was giving me a headache and now i think i have a brain tumor
  12. i always buy the sport license even though i cant catch any fish
  13. glad i asked before doing!!!!!! thanks Terry. like i always say: what is the worst 4 letter word in the english language?
  14. here's a good example: the boating safety kit. the one in the orange container. i saw it a few years ago at bass pro for $24.99 i informed the manager of the fishing dept that the exact same kit was $11.99 at ctc and $9.99 at walmart. she said she couldn't do anything about the price because head office sets the price. she said she would let them know. 1 year later I'm in bass pro and its still $24.99 the next year its still the same. i forgot about it when i was in there the other day to check and see if they woke up yet.
  15. since im not computer savy. can i make a copy of my 2009 hot maps premium card? if i screw it up while playing with my gps i dont want to have to buy another one.
  16. Here's my goals that i have set for this year. 1- have fun fishing with my son. 2- to get rid of this white stripe. 3- catch fish, to get rid of the stripe. 4-put my newly remodeled hut out on a good spot. 5-to remember the camera to prove the stripe is gone. 6-to do the happy dance when i catch each and every fish. play safe and have fun. think before you sink!
  17. Damn, i was waiting for them to round a corner and find the rest of the road plowed and salted.. now that would have been funny.
  18. It's finally here!!!! Mercman sent me a package back in december via purolator, and it just arrived. and to my surprise there was more in the box then he told me. along with it, is a baseball cap and a screw driver/ tire valve tool. Thank you Mercman!! merci beaucoup gotta love the members on this board
  19. As long as you make sure it is secure, you should be ok. but the problem i can think of is, how will it hold up against rocks flying up and hitting it like they do with your windshield? a box trailer that it would fit in would better protect it. just my opinion!
  20. can you say " reverse psychology "
  21. I renewed my license online jan 1st. it took about 5 minutes to do including printing it off. now im good to go!
  22. nope... the one end on the right wont screw into the tank.
  23. wow those trail cams really get good pictures! thanks for posting.
  24. way to go headhunter! what no pictures? how am i suppose to know what a perch looks like if i cant see them? maybe i will have to be like mike, and get physical with you, it worked for him on geoff
  25. i realize that but wasp spray is cheaper
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